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HomeOpinionsOpen LettersOpen letter to Swara Bhaskar and other empty vessels

Open letter to Swara Bhaskar and other empty vessels

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I am recently retired technocrat , who has taken interest in to National politics since 2013 as a participant in support Modi  mass movement . I write  counter blogs mainly to  pick holes in the malicious campaigns by   the notorious anti modi  lobby .

Dear Sawaraji

It would have been easier for many of us to ignore your interview with Karan thapar where you have expressed your dismay at the prevalent hate atmosphere and holding the Modi govt responsible for it. However considering that your unschooled views on politics and governance can mislead the impressionable minds of your cine fan club in to subscribing to wrong notions, it is considered worth the while to expose you to some crucial aspects concerning the political developments that have escaped your narrow vision.

Let us get to the genesis of this so called hate atmosphere by evaluating Modi govt’s influence on three key elements that is encompassed in this hate domain. We can individuality evaluate these three elements the Opposition, the Media and the General public as to what implications Modi’s arrival had on them.

The opposition parties –

The decline of congress in the last few decades paved way for coalition govt. Many regional and small parties fancied themselves as king makers. Two consecutive terms for Congress led UPA despite NDA headed by BJP giving good account of themselves led the coalition in to reckless indulgence in corrupt practices.

The emergence of an honest leader from Gujarat changed everything. The congress led UPA lost badly as the traditional approach of vote splitting tactics on communal basis and caste basis became infructuous. Modi’s honesty, Nationalism, hard work and above all his very humble background made him so popular that it was going to be an onerous task to dislodge his popular image from the minds of his growing support group. Left as it was there was every possibility that he would successfully seek yet another term because people like Modi come as a very rare breed in politics, incorruptible, good administrator, highly nationalistic, man from the bottom most rung of the society and above all a good administrator with good political acumen.

It was a question of survival for many parties. All the false narrative and myth that they had spun around BJP would get busted eventually if BJP continued to remain in power for long. As a matter of fact many leaders in the opposition could find themselves behind the bar under corruption charges. They had every reason to hate him. They crossed all limits in name calling Modi. All their frustrations and angst at being usurped from power were directed at Modi.

We leave it to you to comprehend how much the opposition must be hating Modi and why. For a JNU alumni like you it should not be a difficult task. With so much of hate spewed at him it would be puerile to even assume that there would not be any response from Modi or his party or his supporters.


The media world over is always opposed to the strong individuals and strong establishments. Many hold on to wrong notion that Media is pro Congress party. If the congress party was to emerge as the strongest party as it used to be few decades back, we can be sure of Media targeting the party to malign it.

When Indira Gandhi became the all powerful leader she had lot of critics in the media, the acrimonious duel between Ramnath Goenka, the Indian express owner, and Indira Gandhi was very famous. The fact that strong leaders have at most faith in themselves makes media feel intimidated and ignored. The media was after Modi when he was Gujarat CM and of course continues to go after him now because he is a strong PM who arrived in Delhi despite the Media mechanisation to stop him. Therefore the media obsession with Modi can be easily understood.

Such was the urge to inflict insult and humiliate Modi that the anti Modi journos would scavenge for the negative news about him 24×7 and push it quickly without even waiting to get the fact check done. The isolated but all the same undesirable incidences of mob lynching were zealously covered by Media which was furtively rejoicing the opportunity the lynching provided to get at Modi govt than get really outraged at the incidents. As a matter of fact many incidents were stage managed fake incidences, where the perpetrators of the crime made sure that they were precisely captured in the video cameras.

I very much doubt if you would be aware of some instances I will draw your attention to here, because the media hardly covered it as zestfully as it did to highlight the mob lynching attributed to Hindu vigilantism. In 2010 professor TN Joshep of Kerala had his hands chopped by a Muslim front for the professor had set a wrongly worded question to his students that dishonoured the Prophet Mohammed. In Kairana UP in 2014 there was a mass exodus of Hindus perpetrated by the Muslims and the same was corroborated by NHRC report on this. In Dhulagarh West Bengal the Muslims do not allow Durga Pooja celebration since last 5 years. Indrajit Dutta, a Bengali youth, was brutally murdered by Muslim boys because he refused to give donations for Moharam festival in Hooghly district of WB. Journalist Rohit Sardana receives death threats because he asked a valid  question in his tweet as to why Hindu goddess are prefixed by word sexy while the same is not used for Ayesha, Fatima or for Mary. There are lots of such hate expressions which do not get covered by the Media.

Does it not occur odd to you that a famous Media journalist like Karan thapar chooses to interview you on National politics, when more talented, more knowledgeable, top notch celebrities can be accessed easily? The reason is that through your tweets you have more than once expressed your antipathy to the present regime and thus they pounced on you. The so called hate atmosphere that you talk about has been orchestrated mendaciously by the guileful media


Thanks to advent of smart phones and an active social media a common man does not feel as frustrated as before to vent his outrage. The nationwide attention garnered by Anna Hazare agitation in Delhi galvanised the otherwise apathetic common man of India. He has also been a silent sufferer at the hands of Machiavellian media. Suddenly he witnesses the arrival of an honest leader and a govt that can dispense with minority appeasement. He grows over possessive about this govt and its leader in defending it from the left liberals and the traditional baiters in the media. The so called Bhakts or trolls are the same old silent majority which few years back lived with utter frustrations under a callous regime.

Thus no sooner a celebrity or a journalist disturbs the hornet nest with their negative comments or observations, the social media thrashes them and tears them apart. Amir Khan and his family, Sabhana Azmi, Nasserudin Shaw, Urmila Martondkar have been at the receiving end for their personal observations which few years ago would not have invited such outrage because of lack of avenue for public expression. People who over look this major aspect of social media as an avenue for common man’s voice, allow themselves to be surprised by this intense intimidation from public.

We would like to emphasise our point through following brief illustration. In a village a huge pond on which every house hold was dependent, went neglected for long years as the village administration could not care less since they had other priorities and alternatives to the pond. Then one day a team arrives there and decides to restore the pond, massive churning and cleaning operation is put in to motion. Some of the inhabitants were put off by the foul smell emanating and complained that it never used to be so smelly before. However there were many who understood the inevitability of this outcome and welcomed it for a better future.

The Indian politics and media is undergoing deep churning and cleansing. The media too has realigned itself in to pro nationalist channels and anti right wing channels. People like you need to ponder why so much of hate is being directed at Modi. Can you come up with one leader in the entire country who is a match to him? Media journalist Madhu Kishwar took sabbatical leave and went on a quest to get to the bottom of this hate Modi propaganda and she emerged as a true Modi votary.

You need not undertake such arduous tasks. There are so many books written by ex bureaucrats in the congress regime, there are so many articles available both by Indian as well as foreign authors who have highlighted the danger posed by inimical forces setting agenda through mercenary media. Why don’t you read them just to acquaint yourself with other side of the story? In your own  profession you have senior people like Anupam Kher, the most versatile Vivek Agnihotri, Ajay devagan, Ashok Pandit, Akshay Kumar etc who have altogether different opinion than yours about Modi. Why don’t you seek interaction with them at least to get some different perspective. This would help you to emerge wiser in making your own judgement than get influenced by what you come across in dubious media or what impressions you inherited in your JNU days.

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I am recently retired technocrat , who has taken interest in to National politics since 2013 as a participant in support Modi  mass movement . I write  counter blogs mainly to  pick holes in the malicious campaigns by   the notorious anti modi  lobby .
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