Saturday, July 27, 2024


Media against Narendra Modi

I am a big fan of Barkha Dutt: PM Modi

In a shocking revelation, PM Modi admits of being inspired by Barkha Dutt.

गांधी के बंदर और रविश का अवतार

मोदी कभी गांधी नहीं हो सकता है, तो उसके बहकावे में ना आओ पहले तो ये जान लो की मोदी महिला विरोधी है, हर जगह अकेले ही चल देता है, मै तो अपने टाइम में ईज्जतघर भी बिना चार पाँच महिलाओं के बिना नहीं जाता था।

Self-styled custodian of freedom needs to look within

French media watchdog Reporters Sans Frontieres (RSF) aka Reporters Without Borders recently named India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi as a ‘predator of press freedom’,...

टीवी पत्रकार अतुल अग्रवाल पर इतना बवाल क्यों मचा? जानिए मीडिया की दुनिया के परदे के पीछे का घिनौना सच?

टीवी पत्रकार अतुल अग्रवाल की लूट की पोस्ट की सच्चाई अब यूपी पुलिस ने सामने ला दी है। पुलिस ने पूरे मामले का गंभीरतापूर्वक संज्ञान लिया और पूरे मामले की जांच की, तो पाया कि अतुल अग्रवाल ने निजी कारणों के चलते लूट की घटना की झूठी कहानी रची थी।

Hatred against PM Modi is what Amish Kapoor’s the Guardian article is all about

The Amish Kapoor and Left thinkers' ignorance have been buried long back. It is time to make India stronger and safer. This is what the Central Vista Project represents.

Is India Today becoming openly partisan?Their Bengal election analysis seems so

Written by Romita Dutta, Associate Editor, her article on the Bengal election results, look far from seeming like an insightful analysis of the elections, the piece reads like a rabid anti-BJP activist’s polemical rant

Crisis-hit India needs advisers with clean image and expertise

Ramchandra Guha blames PM Modi not listening to the expert unlike Congress Prime Ministers. Lets see what would have been different had Nehru and Indira Gandhi would really have listened to the experts.

The oldest trick in the Left’s playbook!

One of the most peculiar things about the ‘Left Liberal Political Ecosystem (hereafter mentioned as LeLis)’ is the fact that this entity is not bound by national or regional borders.

Demonizing Modi: An aggressive self-serving narrative by anti-India forces and woke Indian institutions

Many defunct institutions and anti-nationals of this country have suddenly become woke to preach India's central government, and Modi specifically, lessons of leadership and efficiency.

Looks like MSM is about to surrender to Tom-Dick-Harish

When MSM behaves as irresponsibly as SM, boycotting them is the way out!

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