Wednesday, January 15, 2025
3 Articles by

Chandni Sengupta

Dr. Chandni Sengupta is a Historian, Writer, and Political Commentator. Author of "Reclaiming Hindu Temples: Episodes from an Oppressive Era" published by Garuda Prakashan (2021).

The Canada immigration racket and its human impact

There is no such thing as a “PR Visa”. Permanent residence cards are issued by Canadian government authorities only after two years of residence in the country, and the “PR Visa” that these consultants promise to secure for their clients is merely the acceptance of application through the Express Entry pool.

Amir Khusrau: The “secular cultural icon” who spewed venom against the Hindus

A reading of Khazainul Futuh makes Khusrau’s antagonism towards the Hindus so apparent that it cannot go unnoticed.

It’s high time we stop blaming the government for rapes

The opposition going ballistic over the government’s inability to “control” rapes sounds childish.

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