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HomePoliticsCongress vs RSS/VHP and minorities' appeasement

Congress vs RSS/VHP and minorities’ appeasement

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Ravindra Maurya is a political science and public administration major , Interact daily with number of people with diffrent approach on effecting social and political life. He writes blog on current affairs with depth analysis of what these incident has to offer in future.

Hindu Rashtra doesn’t mean there’s no place for Muslims. The day it becomes so, it won’t be Hindutva. Hindutva talks about one world family. These are the words of RSS head Shri Mohan Bhagwat jee.

Indian people recognised RSS as Savior of Hindutva from long time and was hoping that RSS will always work for betterment of Hindus world wide but sudden change in RSS ideology makes us think now who is going to be there with Hindus.

Is the RSS going same way as Congress and all other political parties? Even BJP once known as Hindu party is busy doing minority appeasement.

Does it mean that there is a change in country’s environment? Are Muslims going to accept RSS’ new ideology? Are they going to support Ram Mandir construction?

Many of us believe its never going to happen. Every political party is going against Hindus. Christians are controlled by missionaries and western countries. Muslims are controlled by Masjid and Saudi Arabia. Only Hindus are being controlled by the constitution.

All Mandirs’ income in India is questioned by the legal authority but in case of church and Masjid, its not. Why different rules for different religion? Why is there no uniformed laws for all?

People of India should look forward for another outfits who will have more concerns for Hindus. Every religion has its organisation who only thinks and works for its people. Hindus had only RSS but they have also started working like other political parties.

BJP was brought to power by Hindus. Still they working for minority appeasement.

From last 60 years congress and Muslim leaders are playing with Muslims’ emotions for their pitty political gains. But BJP that won election by Hindus’ vote is not working for their expectations and concerns.

What options are there now for Hindus? Who will be standing for them and what would be their future?

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Ravindra Maurya is a political science and public administration major , Interact daily with number of people with diffrent approach on effecting social and political life. He writes blog on current affairs with depth analysis of what these incident has to offer in future.
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