Sunday, September 8, 2024



The design behind this phenomenon gets aptly described by the term Marxists’ ‘Marks Jihad’

The term ‘Marks Jihad’ is harsh as it has been in use in the past to fan up emotions but it aptly describes this phenomenon with probably the communists behind the conspiracy this time.

वामपंथ: “अ” से लेकर “ज्ञ” तक (दूसरा भाग)

आज बात करेंगे कि "साम्यवाद" और "वामपंथ" आखिर किस तरह काम करते हैं, किस तरह भारत देश की व्यवस्था में ये लोग सेंधमारी कर चुके हैं और इनका "नक्सलियों" से क्या संबंध है?

Jordan Peterson and the radical left

I am appalled by the hate which has been heaped upon Dr Jordon Peterson by the radical left. At this moment professor is recovering...

लाल सलाम से लाल कोरोना तक! और कितनी जानें लोगे वामपंथियों?

तानाशाही व्यवस्था वाले चीन से यूँ तो ज़्यादा खबरें बाहर नहीं आतीं, परन्तु इस बार कुछ अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मीडिया में ये खबरें छपी है के कोरोना वायरस का निर्माण चीन की प्रयोगशालाओं में पूरी तरह एक ख़ास रणनीति के तहत किया गया था।

Open letter to Sagarika’s plea that protesters are not urban Naxals

When protests are engineered with a diabolical motive to exploit the ignorance and sensitive mindsets of religious minorities to spread hate and violence, it ceases to be a protest of dissent and becomes a protest of deceit aimed to defile the national unity.

Modi Government is digging out the buried truths which everyone should know for our country, religion and culture

Someone forwarded me few videos of the journalist Pushpendra Kulshreshtra a few days back. Being a newbie right winger and someone who is still trying...

How did Hindutva become dangerous?

They're are afraid because they could successfully wipe out all other civilisations and cultures without any problem but Hindutva survived the onslaught of torture, rapes and even mass murders for a thousand years

2019 elections – The clash of ideologies

This election is a clash between the views that "India was born in 1947" while on the other side we have the view that "India is a 5000 old civilization that got self-rule in 1947".

Congress vs RSS/VHP and minorities’ appeasement

Christians are controlled by missionaries and western countries. Muslims are controlled by Masjid and Saudi Arabia. Only Hindus are being controlled by the constitution.

“You have lost a supporter” – An open letter to the #LGBQT+ community of India

Some of your recent movements show how deeply leftist propagandist voices have entered in your community which has made you hate Hinduism with a great intensity.

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