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China is expanding its way in South Asia

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Rohit Dhyani
Rohit Dhyani
Media maven, creative thinker, traveler, foodie, independent-minded person, non-conformist, free-spirited. Observer, Explorer, Senior Correspondent, Writer, Nature Lover.

Veteran centurion Bobby Fisher once said, “If you are playing a game you play to win, but if you lose the game then it was because you lifted your eyes off the pawns, so you have to lose Were worth.” Is India being isolated from its neighbors? Countries like Nepal, Maldives, Pakistan and Sri Lanka have come closer to China.

China’s growing interference in the world is not hidden from anyone. The country has implemented all policies at several levels to establish its dominance. Apart from foreign policy and diplomacy, the country is now spreading culture and Chinese values too. China wants to make many new international routes at a cost of $ 900 billion. Beijing will do all this under the campaign called ‘One Belt, One Road’.

Chinese presence in Sri Lanka is no hidden thing. Between 2005-17, Beijing has invested $ 15 billion in projects in Sri Lanka over a period of 12 years. At the same time, an ambassador of China has given a clear message to India, who sees the Chinese presence in Sri Lanka as infiltration in its area of influence. Ambassador, while giving a clear reply to India, said “no negative force can weaken the cooperation between Sri Lanka and China.”

For India, it is going to bother. Indian foreign policy relies heavily on the relationship between the test of time, but Sri Lankan people have had impatience expectations, on which India failed to pay attention and respond and China succeeded.

Sri Lankan people can often be heard saying that they are dissatisfied and unhappy with Chinese presence, which are quite harsh and arrogant. It can be understood as embracing a danger, but when a desire for a prosperous future in their mind and brain emerges, they find this opportunity very attractive.

On the other hand, India is going to be isolated from all sides. There is hostility to Pakistan. The Maldives is unstable. The position of Nepal is almost full of confusion and Sri Lanka is trapped in a clear lucrative delusion. India is actually facing the most serious security challenge so far this time. If India has to work together, then it needs not only imagination but speed and efficiency, so that the promises made to Sri Lanka’s future can be fulfilled.

The growing influence of China in the past decade has reached the Maldives. China has invested extensively in the Maldives. China has now been expert in making ports and infrastructure. Many countries want to use this capability China’s services are cheap compared to the West. Due to these services, China also gets access to other countries’ markets. China with the export-oriented economy is hungry for new markets all the time.

The political crisis of Maldives, the island nation of the Indian Ocean, is currently engaging in India and China. Maldivian President Abdulla Yameen has signed to join Beijing’s One Belt, One Road Project.

China announced the economic project of 41 billion euros with Pakistan. China wants to increase its influence in Pakistan with the Economic Corridor. It also wants to reduce the impact of America and India. This economic corridor will link Pakistan’s Gwadar Port in the Arabian Sea to the western Xinjiang region of China. There is also a plan to construct rail, road and oil pipelines in the corridor.

But besides the local communities and tribal groups of China Pakistan Economic Corridor, leaders of smaller provinces are also opposing those who say that the big Punjab province will take all the benefits using their land and resources. From Gilgit Baltistan in the north to Balochistan in the west and Sindh province in the south, the signs of controversy have started to emerge between Islamabad Government and local groups.

The Corridor project on Gilgit-Baltistan will have a negative impact, especially on the environment there. Pakistan will have economic benefits from Chinese investment, but this will increase its dependence on China. Pakistan will have to pay the price of this project. Pakistan will have to take all decisions to keep the interests of China in mind. This will strengthen China’s friendship in Pakistan. Many people even say that Pakistan will be colonized in China.

The biggest problem is that through this China is trying to take a strategic and political advantage in Pakistan. Due to this project, defense and security cooperation between the two countries will also increase. In this case, it is feared that these cooperation can go ahead with trade and economic cooperation. This is the biggest concern of policy makers of India. The Corridor Gilgit will also come from the disputed areas of Baltistan, which is not far from India-administered Kashmir.

Pakistan’s deteriorating relationship with India and Afghanistan can prove to be a barrier to this project. Its success will depend on regional stability, security and the rule of law. If security is not guaranteed, then Chinese companies will hesitate to invest beyond the existing agreement in Pakistan. Pakistan realizes this and that’s why he has taken several steps to protect the project.

On the other hand, India has failed to divide its economic prosperity with neighboring countries. Even in the case of engineering and research and development, India has been far less backward than China.

The issue of security makes these equations more complicated. By making big ports in countries like Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Djibouti, China has taken up its business and military interests. India is still confused within itself. A clear example of this is that in 1947, India had a much larger rail network than China. But after 70 years, China has gone very far ahead of India. He has a world-class train network, the largest port, has hundreds of airports. In engineering, it is only ahead.

But this advantage has been used by China to suppress more than protecting its strategic interests. Beijing’s stance is destroying the neighboring country of India, Japan and ASEAN. After heavy investments in Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and Myanmar, China has now deepened its penetration even in the Indian Ocean. Indian defense experts believe that China is surrounded by both sides of land and water. In response to this, India is trying to stop China’s expansion in collaboration with Vietnam, Japan, Australia and the United States. Countries such as the Maldives, are just the footprints of this chess, but the time may come when the king is in danger.

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Rohit Dhyani
Rohit Dhyani
Media maven, creative thinker, traveler, foodie, independent-minded person, non-conformist, free-spirited. Observer, Explorer, Senior Correspondent, Writer, Nature Lover.
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