Saturday, July 27, 2024


Chinese Economy

China Taiwan conflict: More important than being thought of

A scenario where China takes control over Taiwan by any method should be prevented as it could harm the financial state of the world and also world peace and prosperity.

Policy on birth rate – to boost or to dwindle

The subject is a matter of concern to somebody, anybody, or nobody, but as a layman, I am in a catch-22 situation, whether to stand with the policy encouraging the increase in birth rate or back the policy of population control. Worth pondering, isn’t it?

कोरोना के पीछे चीनी कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी का हाथ?

जिस तरीके से दिन प्रतिदिन हालत भयावह होती जा रही है यह सवाल उठना लाज़मी है कि आखिर चीनी हुक्मरानों पर इसकी जवाबदेही तय क्यों नहीं होनी चाहिए।

Water-ways to water-wars: The Chinese weaponization of water

The global community cannot allow Communist China headed by Xi-Jinping to toil around with the environment anymore. It is time the world comes together to pressurize them before the damage is irrevocable.

The international disorder

It has the characteristics of a Nazi state - Han Chinese militant nationalism, territorial expansionism, surveillance, concentration camps, etc.

India must alarm as China is plotting insurgency and bolstering infra in the North-East

ndia needs to make herself strong economically as once its economy remains stable then it would enhance India’s political, diplomatic and military capabilities.

How can India overtake China economically?

The reason china is an economic giant today, is because of of it's manufacturing hub. India's Industry sector contributes 23% to the GDP, while in China it is 40%.

Why is China so ahead of India even when both started from same league?

From the beginning of 1980’s China saw double digit growth rate for the following 15 years and it was the time when it over took India.

How can connecting rural India with online marketplace can help in improving rural economy?: Understanding from Chinese company Alibaba’s case study

Understanding how connecting rural India with urban India with a common market place can turn into a massive opportunity for millions of lives- by a Chinese case studey!

Why Tiktok ban is much more than just an app ban

The Chinese have been crawling their way back to dominance after the ‘century of humiliation’.

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