Sunday, February 16, 2025
4 Articles by

Pandit Nehru

What should be India’s stand-in Myanmar issue?

As of now, India should definitely come forward and talk with Myanmar Military and ask them to stop brutality on their own citizens. Here's why.

Explained: Why govt is not concerned about rising fuel prices in India

In recent Union budget of 2020-21 everyone expected Central Government would impose tax on Middle Class to generate revenue but it turns out that Government didn't impose tax. As of now Government is in need for Money and that money is now being generated from tax on Petrol and Diesel.

What’s the solution for Kashmir?

Kashmir issue is not something which can be resolved with peace and moreover establishing peace with Islamic countries is near to impossible. That's is why BJP is not at all interested in dialogues with Pakistan.

Why is China so ahead of India even when both started from same league?

From the beginning of 1980’s China saw double digit growth rate for the following 15 years and it was the time when it over took India.

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