Saturday, July 27, 2024


India's foreign relations

Following Narendra Modi’s historic visit, shall the US implement its South Asia policy through India?

By aligning with India, the United States can address common challenges, such as countering China's influence, promoting regional stability, combating terrorism, and expanding economic cooperation.

Necklace of diamonds vs string of pearls : India-China standoff

"Necklace of Diamonds" strategy a phrase first used by India's former foreign secretary Lalit Mansingh while speaking at a think tank in August 2011. Basically India's "necklace of diamonds" strategy is a counter to China's "String of pearls" so at the core of understanding what is necklace of diamonds strategy we first have to understand China's string of pearls strategy.

India’s balancing act: Improved foreign relations in India’s interest is visible

India has slowly but surely managed to bring Nepal, Sri Lanka and Maldives to behave after short lived and unsuccessful attempts to play off India against China. India has enough levers in Nepal and Bhutan to keep China's influence under check.

‘Soft power’ is the key

The rise of India’s soft power has been tremendous. Its political values have earned it a lot of appreciation and respect across the globe.

Pakistan’s dossier debacle

The specter of Pakistan splintering into smaller entities is too real now to be ignored in the new normal. The truth is that it will no longer be business as usual for its deep state, and it’s terminal ailment could hasten the end of an entity we know as Pakistan.

Expectations from upcoming India- US 2+2 dialogue

the latest 3rd round of India US 2+2 dialogue which is expected to be held on October 26-27 is of great significance and concrete outcomes are expected.

International Friendship Day – A glimpse on how the face of Indian Diplomacy changed globally?

There used to be a time when USA openly supported Pakistan against India but the scenario has changed. In recent times, USA became the biggest piece in the piechart of India's export list.

US – China Trade War: What’s in it for India?

Is rupee value going to further degrade? Check out here.

This is how Prime Minister Modi’s approach is a perfect balance of security and development

Out of the four key instruments of national power -DIME (Diplomacy, Information, Military, Economy), Diplomacy and Economy power have become more dominating than others.

Trust Narendra Modi: For new and prosperous India

A pertinent letter for all Modi critics and Modi followers.

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