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Accurate data capture reason and Global Hunger India (GHI), stop politics and support the development initiatives of PM Modi

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The recent Global Hunger India (GHI) has shown that India needs to do much more to alleviate poverty and malnourishment as the problem is growing due to growing population.

Ever since Narendra Modi came to power, most of the government institutions have started to function with greater autonomy, responsibility and accountability. But the situation was not the same before 2014.

India was down with shame and global humiliation due to several corruption and scam allegations against UPA1 and UPA2 and among those scams, 2G ranks the top.

PM Modi won an absolute majority both in 2014 and again in 2019 because he promised transparent, sab ka vikas centric, development oriented government. As promised, PM Modi governed India for the first time since independence where the governance was free of corruption and scam. Modi’s government is the first and only government not tainted by any allegations of corruption or nepotism or dynastic political interferences. Merit, good governance, honesty and development of all were the goals and objectives of the government.

The GHI is evaluated based on the data generated in India on various aspects like how many children below, say 1 year are fed with nourished food, infant mortality, malnourishment etc.  Most of the data are generated by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Ever since Modi came to power, data collection has become very robust and accurate whereas most of the government departments were functioning only symbolically during congress period (before 2014) and the data generated during those years might not be accurate or could have been fudged and falsified. But Modi demands data accuracy and truth because only when the data is accurate and the officials share facts the way they are with utmost honesty, government can initiate several focused programmes to address the problems that our country face.

But before 2014, India was governed by dynastic forces which were interested only politics of minority appeasement, nepotism, corruption and kickbacks and fooling the people thorough political rhetoric. But PM Modi always go for ground facts, analyse them threadbare, understand its origin, consult the experts and then brings out a solution. PM Modi attempts to solve the problem forever and would never try to fix the problem for the time being like congress party. The best examples are abrogation of article 370, Triple talaqu, anti-terrorism bill etc.

The opposition parties take enormous pleasure in comparing India with Pakistan to demean India. How much fudging of the data would have happed while sharing the details for calculating GHI by Pakistan, do we need to ascertain at all? Pakistan even denies bluntly its role in funding and training cross boarder terrorism so how can we believe the data provided by such country called Pakistan for calculating the GHI ranking?

There is no doubt; Modi has to do lot more to India because after independence i.e., from 1947 till 2014 virtually no governance or transformation has happened in India except looting money from public exchequer. Therefore Modi has to take India to the present day and only then India can be taken to the new level of growth.

Only from the year 2014 onwards, millions and millions of poor people have started to get cooking gas connection, toilet facility, drinking water facility, bank account, proper house etc. Before 2014, the poor people could only dream of all those basic amenities otherwise the congress government has kept all those basic amenities as luxury items for poor people.

Modi being born in a poor family and him worked as tea seller in his early days, he could sense the pain and agony of poor people and hence did all round transformation in India. Due to political diversity and division due to several tukde tukde regional forces, central government finds it difficult to implement several of its schemes. The best example is how Mamata Banerjee has stopped the health insurance programme of Modi in West Bengal due to petty politics that people may support Modi instead of TMC if such programme were implemented in the state. People’s welfare and wealth is the goal of Modi but most of the opposition parties are playing dirty politics by neglecting the interest of the state and its people who elected them to power.

All the supporters of Narendra Modi are happy with the fact that the government has to work hard to address the problem of hunger on war footing. Whenever a problem that plagues the nation is taken to the attention of Modi, it is certain that the problem would be addressed instantaneously. Therefore Indians should be happy to note that by next year, Indian will be excluded from the list of countries that ranks high in GHI.    

The big question before our nation is will the same opposition parties and the so called intellectuals show grace and magnanimity to praise Modi next year when India addresses the problem of hunger and malnourishment effectively.

Every patriot and missionary of good and corruption free governance of Modi must educate people in the society about the meaning and context of GHI and how the transparent and honest governance has brought such data and how important is such data for Modi to address the problem from its root. Modi supporters should not yield even an iota of space for the all those negative forces to confuse innocent people in the society and attract them towards all those negative forces. More than the work done during election period, Modi supporters must work these days continuously to create awareness in the society so that people are always with Modi and not with the negative forces.

Honest government by a noble leader need no opposition. God and divinity to exist, we don’t need ghost and devil because God comes only to destroy all the evil forces. Support Modi to make India a great country.

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