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Post Pulwama Attack: All things that matter

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At the time this article was written, it already had been 7 days since the terror-attack occurred in the Pulwama district of Jammu and Kashmir, India. Hence, the incidents and facts are only latest as before 21th February 2019.

Almost a week after the death of 44 CRPF (Central Reserve Police Force) men, as the unfortunate event took place, it has left the whole Republic of India in a condition of grief. Yet, the nation shows undeniable unity and rage toward the terrorism and their de-facto sponsor Islamic Republic of Pakistan. As a descriptive article, first, we will put light on the terror incident.

As per the intelligence sources, at about 3:10pm a van filled with about 350Kg of RDX and similar components smashed into the convoy bus of the CRFP, the detonation of the suicide bomb, which was carried by member of Jaish-e-Mohammad, a radical terror based group of Pakistan along with bus turned into pieces with nothing but leftovers of the bus and our martyred soldiers, the suicide bomber had joined JeM last year and was hidden in Tral, a district near border in Kashmir itself. Sources have also confirmed that the noise of the blast was heard within the radius of about 15Km which also left, the Kashmir nervous too. Meanwhile the last 6 days have seen many sides of the story unfold but some things such as the in-denial attitude of Pakistan and the unbreakable morale of Indian people and their army remain same.

As of today, it’s not about where Kashmir belongs, that boat sailed away more than 70 years ago, the state belongs to India, even if you talk about Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir, either hook or by crook, by war or peace. The actual question is how there could be such violent attack? and how are we going to handle Pakistan? along with their military responses.

From JeM’s taking responsibility of this attack to Imran Khan responding reservedly after 5 days of it, so many things have taken place, it might be hard to track of them here, so we shall move with anti-chronological order.

Escalation of diplomatic pressure on Pakistan by India

The well-known Indus-water treaty between both countries is also an example of settled peace since 1960 but now, the Indian Government has decided to “use” the river flow, redirect it away from Pakistan, since according to the treaty, India can use unaccounted water flow as per its own convenience. We don’t know the magnitude of effect it will put on Pakistan but it’ll not be minute. Also, the increase in VAT to 200% over trade is substantial enough to pressurize Pakistan, expensive goods and basic needs will jerk normalcy there. Yet China’s reaction is still pending. Since it has a huge amount of money invested in CPEC, they will not stay silent for long. In fact, China already asked both countries “to solve it diplomatically”.

India will have to look after China’s interest and how to manage it before it becomes more tense.

Boycotting their artists, PSL matches, Visas and removal of the MFN nation have also given confidence to the Indian public and a global message that severe and cumulative actions will be taken against the ill-wishers. Another peace symbol, Delhi-Lahore bus services have been suspended and their future doesn’t look bright either.

Meanwhile, Pakistan stated that certain measures against terror and Hafiz Saeed are already been taken, ban on Jamat-ud-Dawa (JuD) and Falah-e-Insaniat Foundation (FIF) may look pleasing on paper, their actual results are yet to be accounted.

Draft of Foreign minister and response by Railway minister of Pakistan

on 19th February, as the Prime Minister of Pakistan shared his views on Pulwama attack, a couple of hours later their Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi addressed to UN secretary-General by letter to draw their attention about the ‘growing threat’ of the Indian security force to the state of Pakistan. On one hand where Imran Khan asked India for ‘proof’ of attacks and warned the state that military action will get military response, it seemed like that de-facto in power, General Bajwa and their men are afraid of something, their letter to UN, in fact after the bilateral agreement of Shimla (1971) and perhaps only few diplomatic isolation by MEA India, Pakistan has started to feel the fear inside them.

While, the hypocrisy and confliction of their own statements are part of their basic traits, not to forget, the Railway minister has ‘warned’ India, for not to take any action. Now, both the professionalism of their Government and functionality comes into question.

One side their Foreign minister is asking UN to intervene in something very bilateral and internal matter, on the other side, their Railway minister managed to publish a video and threaten their neighbor nuclear state, to whom they have already lost 4 wars.

PM Imran’s view on Pulwama attack

The controversial statement of PM has left both India and the world with some kind of puzzle to solve. Starting with his statement itself, Khan has asked India for ‘proof’, assuming the fact that according to him: the responsible terror based group of Pakistan ‘JeM’ isn’t enough, or the fact that one more Pakistani terrorist was gunned down in Pulwama hours later. Pakistan playing the victim card and acting like nothing has happened is old as much their nation is, they didn’t even know about Osama Bin-Laden, they have kept the mastermind Ghazi safe in their Army Base hospital, they don’t have any hand in Kashmir situation, just some good innocent people minding their own business, killing innocents in Baluchistan and looking at their failing economy, while asking Saudi prince for money and China for over-head protection.

This is the same Imran Khan who used to say, “Decide fate of Kashmir in Sharjah by playing cricket”, same Imran Khan who couldn’t condemn the terrorist attack, same ‘elected’ Prime minister of Pakistan by their beloved citizens and when they ask for Kashmir, there is just one statement to reply “Shakal dekhi hai apni?“. The idea of peace and ‘walk the talk’ by Imran already shows that Pakistan is way more afraid than India thought.

JeM encounter in Pulwama post the attack

Within the 100 hours terror attack, the joint-force operation of Indian Army, CRPF and J&K Police were able to kill the commander-in-chief of JeM and three more of its members, while unfortunately eight of Indian forces were killed in action. GOC held a conference shortly after the operation, the briefing included some major points by the GOC Lt. Gen. KJS Dhillon of Indian Army, also addressing all the radical thinkers and terrorists, “Whoever picks up gun will get killed” asking the mothers of valley to ask their sons to surrender and come back into mainstream. Also stating that JeM is being commanded by Pakistan army and ISI, Lt. General has also stated that India will keep “option opens if these type of attacks reoccur”.

Although the force is still performing operations in the valley, the killing of JeM terrorist didn’t turn much viable, wife of Major Dhoundiyal, Mrs. Nikita Koul showed inspirational courage at his last rites. This is a lesson for anyone who had been questioning India’s capability and doubting ‘revenge’ with a nuclear state like Pakistan. Those who have supported such opinions shall also consider the opinions of martyr’s wives and mothers.

Such large and independent state like India can’t be afraid of full-front war or threats of Pakistan, else it would aid to their confidence.

Sympathizing Pakistan within 42 hours of attacks and Netizens strategy advisors.

What is hurtful to the nation is not Khan’s indifferent statement on Pulwama attack but the fact that for many in India, Pakistan and their citizens are a bigger priority than anything. Perhaps, they are more afraid for the sentiments of innocent citizens in Pakistan but nevertheless don’t have time to condemn their terrorist aid, attacks, and endorsements.

Some have said that the suicide bomber did it out of humiliation by Indian forces, while some have compared deaths from depression and hunger with death of a soldier, other college-activists like Shehla Rashid were found guilty of creating fake news about Kashmiri students getting harassed all over the country, CRPF informed the public about such news were made by miscreants and aren’t true, spread over the internet.

After all this, some have come over to solve the Kashmir issue, without even knowing the full form of LoC or anything about ‘Instrument of Accession’, all they did was forwarding posts on Facebook and Instagram and came across with their ‘best’ way to solve with Pakistan. Quoting Lt. Gen. Syed Ata Hasnain(retd) words “It is partly because of social media where everyone has an opinion and everyone is a strategic advisor”.

The best possible thing for everyone is to show unconditional support to the forces and observe the course of action, rather than making opinions online.

India’s pending reply to Pakistan and situation in Kashmir

While PM Narendra Modi has promised the Republic of India to take befitting avenge with Pakistan, the question stands still, which action is best-suited. It’s a fact that only diplomatic pressure will not suppress Pakistan but another Surgical strike isn’t possible since Pakistan is already ready for any on-ground attack.

Leaving them with Aerial solutions, UAV and missiles or even collaborating them. But, whatever action the forces take, Pakistan will act back and we have to be stay alert of it. Calculating risk factors and loss of causalities, every step has to be precise.

The talkers of peace already broke ceasefire in Nowshera sector on the same date their Prime Minister opened up about Pulwama. Our condolences are with the family of the martyrs, it’s true we as civilians can never relate to their loss and their lives are the cost of our freedom and we are indebted to excel for this nation.

Recruitment drive for Indian Army has started in Baramulla sector, which witnessed a huge amount of turn up by Kashmiris for being selected in the armed forces, proving that the people of Kashmir still look up to India for their development and show trust in us. The unrest in Kashmir will turn normal within due course of time, for the time being we expect the Valleys to be green and peaceful as before.

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