Saturday, July 27, 2024



The ‘Unfiltered’ Prime Minister

To fight a menace like Hitler, Britain needed a Churchill. To fight the menace of serial scams and break-India forces, India needed a Modi. 

Musings from a republic day morning: A post-Pulwama retrospection

What use is such secularism that teaches us to be blind to the genocidal activities of certain groups, and demands that we condone the same?

Do you think The Chinese Army is brave? Think again

China may have tons of shiny toys but it's never about those shiny toys, it's all about the person who plays with them. Indian Army for sure knows how to play with them.

Once again… China shows its true colors

Once again, China stood rock solid behind its (Jaish-e-) Mohabbat. Once again, diplomacy failed to mobilize China support, whatever may be the reason.

India-Pakistan: Surgical Strikes, Air Strikes and beyond

Pakistan Military doctrine is an extensive document focused solely on India and Islam, mentioning two important terms which spills out their strategy- "Ghazwa-e-Hind" and "bleed India with a thousand cuts".

One war India must continue to pursue despite WC Abhinandan’s return

War against Pakistan though is something India never initiated. Never. So, how can it pursue that?

What everyone is missing about Pakistan’s sudden ‘Gesture of Peace’?

Indian Govt had made it clear this afternoon that there won't be any deals or negotiations with Pakistan to get the WC back.

What am I ashamed of as an Indian!

Pakistan released a statement stating his return owing to heavy diplomatic pressure built by India and its clear intimidation to Pakistan. It is no “gesture of peace”. It is no goodwill on the part of Pakistan. It is no gracious gift from Pakistan.

Abhinandan, my hero

An Indian dedicates a poem to the truest hero of the country: Wing Commander Abhinanadan Varthaman. We all are eagerly waiting for you to come back.

Pulwama, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and 20 billion Dollars

Should India give a second thought before trusting countries like Saudi and USA, that have the history of playing double standards?

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