Social Media Outrage
The power of social media: Unleashing connection, engagement, and influence
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By leveraging SM's power wisely, we can foster meaningful connections, drive engagement on important issues, and ultimately shape a more connected and inclusive global community.
Nupur Sharma issue: The aspects of social media and national security
It is necessary to get the right message across, to the right audience, at the right time and in the right way, through the right agency. It is the means, not the end.
‘The shoot & scoot’: Social media menace
The social media has a lot of importance in today’s world, one can’t deny that it’s one of the most influential mediums to put out things and express your opinion.
क्या ‘पश्चिम केन्द्रित’ सोशल मीडिया तय करेगा सही-गलत की परिभाषा?
सोशल मिडिया, ऊपर से भारत जैसा युवा वाला देश सोशल मिडिया उपयोग कर्ता की भरमार, सस्ता इन्टरनेट, खूब मनोरंजन और ऊपर से राजनैतिक चर्चाये आज बात सोशल मिडिया की खूबियों की नही बात होगी इस पर पश्चिम के अधिपत्य की।
Facebook’s problem with Australia
Recently the social media company Facebook decided to remove Australians from the news websites and also the rest of the world from accessing Australian news.
India’s fascination with ‘Bhaands’
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In order to look cool and woke, Indians will rally behind their Bhaand of choice and amplify whatever dumb idea or ideology makes them "cool".
Why discourage contrarian views, online?
A social media savvy recounts his appalling experience with some news organisation’s wariness of the readers’ comments on stories shared on their Facebook page, ironically for the sake of the same readers.
Looks like MSM is about to surrender to Tom-Dick-Harish
When MSM behaves as irresponsibly as SM, boycotting them is the way out!
Social media campaigns – A new ground of Hindu hatred
India's opposition parties spread hatred and venom against Hinduism during election season is nothing new. They're continuing this practice by spreading fake news on social media!
SOS calls and the great Indian tragedy
Indian social media is highly affected by politics and has become a tool spread SOS (Selective Outrage Syndrome).