Wednesday, September 11, 2024
13 Articles by


Born as an Indian, turned into Bhartiya (If you know what it means.) Against Political correctness and Politics. I support Uniform Civil Code and Gender neutral laws. I don't understand the purpose of feminism and ultra-left ideology that is being pushed on everyone. Freedom of speech is a right and should be used in right way. My articles etc are "My" opinions.

Are we ready to know our roots?

A powerful country is truly powerful only if it's citizens are aware of their roots and are driven by motivation to make the world a safer place.

India’s fascination with ‘Bhaands’

In order to look cool and woke, Indians will rally behind their Bhaand of choice and amplify whatever dumb idea or ideology makes them "cool".

Random thoughts on consumerism or capitalism

The economic idea of "Consumerism" or "Capitalism" are just modern versions of "hunting gathering" way of civilization.

A dilemma- should we take religion with us if we can go to Mars?

My entire point of writing such an opening is to warm you up for a question that I have been pondering upon since the time चंद्रयान went up. I have been thinking about this a lot what if we are actually able to land on some planet and if it's possible should we take religion with us?

Our history, opportunity and Covid-19

he country was hit by an epidemic about a century ago and killed a chunk of Bombay's population however our textbooks just give fleeting reference to this disaster and the teachers just tell you what is written in the Government sanctioned Textbooks.

Going global; staying local- A thought experiment, protecting success

We might need a new parameter, like metric system to define economic development and all the terms associated with it, which can be understood by anyone.

Going local; staying global

After a tsunami of "Aatamnirbhar" memes I think it's really important to take a deeper look into the subject and see how it is going to play out in the current Global crisis.

The clock goes tick-tock

Would banning Tik-Tok stop the spread of hatred? Simple answer is NO. Because you have to control the influencers instead of the medium.

The left eco system across the world becoming more powerful, and that is what every country should be worried about

There is a nexus between corrupt in both private and public sector across the globe in almost all line of businesses operating in finance, land and media.

Modi-Shah, tough or not?

When is Modi-Shah going to be ruthless, against domestic Terrorists?

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