Wednesday, September 11, 2024
HomeOpinionsIndia's fascination with 'Bhaands'

India’s fascination with ‘Bhaands’

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Born as an Indian, turned into Bhartiya (If you know what it means.) Against Political correctness and Politics. I support Uniform Civil Code and Gender neutral laws. I don't understand the purpose of feminism and ultra-left ideology that is being pushed on everyone. Freedom of speech is a right and should be used in right way. My articles etc are "My" opinions.

*All the opinions mentioned here are mine, so if you disagree I don’t care, go jump*

I can just stop after writing the title, but then you might think that it’s just an outcry, therefore I’m gonna tell exactly what I think of India, Indians and their impact on Bharat. And if you don’t know the difference between Bharatwaasi and Indian, you don’t belong here.

I saw what Rihana did and I also saw the stupidity of a lot of “Indians” who went nuts over a tweet from a “Bhaand” from West. This is not the first time that it has happened, everytime there is something newsworthy these Bhaands will raise their opinions as if they are equally qualified to make an assessment. These Bhaands will give their opinions on everything and Indians will lap it up like a dog. By the way these Bhaands bear no responsibility towards Bharat or Bharatwaasi, they are only milking Indians for their Mollah and the Indians are happy giving up their intelligence to think logically. Current situation is that If a Bhaands twitter account or any other social media accounts endorsed something bizzare there is a 100% chance that Indians will fall for it hook, line and sinker.

We have a society which is obsessed with Bollywood movies because it gives them a escape. The escape becomes a habit and then addiction to follow your diva or dude on SM platforms. In order to look cool and woke, Indians will rally behind their Bhaand of choice and amplify whatever dumb idea or ideology makes them “cool”.

The Bhaand will not be impacted, Bhaand has economic security and fall back plans, what do they represent? Answer in comment section

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Born as an Indian, turned into Bhartiya (If you know what it means.) Against Political correctness and Politics. I support Uniform Civil Code and Gender neutral laws. I don't understand the purpose of feminism and ultra-left ideology that is being pushed on everyone. Freedom of speech is a right and should be used in right way. My articles etc are "My" opinions.
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