Saturday, July 27, 2024
5 Articles by


Interested in politics, Law and love to write Opinions on issue

PM’s security lapse: The biggest concern

What Congress leaders stooped to and trivializing one of the biggest breach was more shocking, they were actually enjoying and making fun of what happened in Punjab. They were so low in their comments; they didn’t realize that they were trivializing such a grave situation.

Tale of donations: Unending saga of blind hate

One may say that there’s lot of unemployment, but there is a good news for everyone. There is a new job in the Twitter market, some Crusaders who have found themselves unemployed have probably employed by a fantastic idea of collecting money for filing RTIs!!

Bomb of allegations in Maharashtra: An unending saga

In this series of ‘BOMB OF ALLEGATIONS’, only thing which has been going on is the press conference and seems unending.

Freedom of speech: Too much double speak

EMERGENCY was imposed on June 25th 1975 which lasted till March 1977 which was the biggest attack on press freedom and civil liberties.

‘The shoot & scoot’: Social media menace

The social media has a lot of importance in today’s world, one can’t deny that it’s one of the most influential mediums to put out things and express your opinion.

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