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HomeOpinionsRahul Gandhi and Mani Shankar Iyer are two sides of the same coin –...

Rahul Gandhi and Mani Shankar Iyer are two sides of the same coin – Know how

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The recent revelation of the Gotra of Rahul Gandhi through a priest to highlight that Rahul Gandhi is a Brahmin by birth conveys nothing but he and Mani Shankar Iyer are just two sides of the same coin. Mani Shankar Iyer called PM Modi Neech by referring to the caste of Narendra Modi and such expression was like abuse of all those belong to backward community.

Mani Shankar Iyer dared to call the Prime Minister of India neech may be because of his superior thinking that he belongs to the community – Brahmin Iyer. The statement of Mani Shankar Iyer was very Brahmnical in nature. Today the dynast is also doing the same but in a subtle way. He is promoting the politics of his Brahmnical origin, his Gotra etc., may be to show his superiority over Narendra Modi by caste and his dynasty as well. This perception only people of India are deriving from the on-going melodrama of dynast proving that he belongs to Brahmin caste and his gotra is ‘Dattatreya’.

The above political display looks like an attempt to tell people of India indirectly that the dynast belongs to Brahmin community, therefore he has the first right to rule the country whereas Narendra Modii is not a Brahmin. Honesty, commitment, vision etc., are the necessary qualifications of a leader and not Brahmin identity or Dattatreya Gotra.

The caste of Narendra Modi is sab ka vikas, his religion is development of India and his Gotra is Indian ethos.

It is so disgusting that a century old political party has reduced itself to the level of invoking Brahmin origin of its dynast, his gotra and create unnecessary rift in the society to display the superiority of certain castes and caste aspersion in the society. PM Modi on the other hand fights the election based on nationalism, agenda of development, sab ka vikas and not on caste or religion.

PM Modi proposes the idea of one India mainly to achieve total development of the country where India develops culturally as well as economically because Indian culture is based on relation centric and not power or materialistic in composition.

The development agenda of PM Modi is aimed to bring both responsibility and development of people in all frontiers of life as well as nation building. Political, social, ethical, family, moral and economic domains are given equal value in the agenda of development initiated by Narendra Modi. Modiji always invokes a casteless society, a society that is defined by the sacred Hindu culture, the spirit of spiritualism and values rooted in Indian ethos. He never entertains appeasement politics or politics of caste and religion or seeking endorsement from Church or ask to ensure 90% Muslim vote culture of dynast whereas the dynast is playing Brahmin identity card by stooping Indian politics to a shameful level.

Indians should recognize the dangerous politics being played by the dynast and must respect the importance of development and sab ka vikas agenda of the Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The efforts and initiatives taken by PM Modi in the last 4 years should not be wasted by electing an unstable government composed of selfish, greedy, corrupt political forces. India needs Narendra Modi in 2019 and beyond to make India a super power politically, socially, culturally and in economic frontier.

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