Thursday, January 23, 2025
HomeOpinionsBlame not BJP plug leaks in your vessel, dear dynast of the congress

Blame not BJP plug leaks in your vessel, dear dynast of the congress

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The so called Indian intellectuals and liberals, the self-appointed custodians of democracy and secularism and the sole protectors of constitution are instead imparting some sense and wisdom to congress party to liberate itself from the dynastic culture, finds amusement in blaming BJP for the mass exodus of legislatures of congress party in different states who join BJP.

The question of anti-defection comes into place only when politics is being played out for power but when BJP offers good governance, governance free of corruption, nepotism, development focused, sab ka vikas centric and positive and people of India started to appreciate such good governance offered by BJP in different states, it is quite natural for those legislatures in opposition parties, especially the congress party to leave the parent party and join BJP to be a part of good governance and development.

When congress legislatures joins the BJP with such noble intent and purpose, how can we caricature those acts are defection, betrayal of the mandate etc., instead the intellectuals also must join BJP to build New India as envisaged by the PM Modi. But still some self-defined intellectuals and liberals find pleasure to be in the company of sycophants and punkah coolie of the dynast and criticize BJP and PM Modi.

We should not define an action as bad or good without looking into the true intent. A surgeon takes knife, it is meant to save the life and not to kill. Similarly parents put their wards in play school or kindergarten school even when the children refuse to go to school; we never call such act as cruel or merciless towards children. Always we must see the larger picture and overall benefit of all such actions in long run.

Today the congress party has been proven to be a party of a few gentlemen of leisure, lack relevance, vision, mission, support but still its soul is considered to be corrupt and bad, it is natural that all those in congress party who want to serve the nation has to leave congress party. After leaving congress party, the question is where else they would go? Most of the other political parties are as corrupt as congress, as dynastic as congress and also enjoys people’s rejection and refusal. When those legislatures of congress party aspire to serve the nation and people, the only political party available to all those aspiring legislatures is BJP and the inspiring leadership of BJP-Modi.

When they defect congress party, in fact people of India welcomes it and not see as betrayal of people’s mandate. People of India want India to be one nation, one tax, one election, one defining culture – Hinduism, and finally one political party and one leader Narendra Modi.

India has been destroyed by both congress as well as by several tukde tukde regional parties since 1947. Dirty politics and murder of democracy by imposing president’s rule in several states governed by opposition parties as well as imposing emergency were only India had witnessed when congress was in power.

Thanks the sublime beauty of good governance and transformation of India offered by Narendra Modi, people across the board are getting attracted towards PM Modi and BJP. When they realize the people’s aspiration is also BJP, it is democratically correct on the part of all those legislatures who want to serve India has to join BJP.

During Ramayana war, Vibhishana joined Ram because the negative governance and evil mind of Ravana was too much to bear even for Ravans’s own brother Vibishana. So was Sugriva when his brother Vali became too bad to contain or counsel. We never call Vibishana or Sugriva as traitor or betrayed truth and justice. Instead people see Ravan and Vali only as evil forces.

Today congress party is doing the same old politics of negativity, fear mongering among minority communities, abusing Narendra Modi etc. When congress behaves so adamant to remain the same, functions the same cynical way, definitely those legislatures of congress party are bound to introspect and question their continuance in congress when they aspire to do something good to the nation. Therefore they are quitting the congress party and joining BJP.

Everyone who want to do some good to the nation, who wants to remain incorrupt, want to support PM Modi to develop India, how BJP can shut its doors to such legislatures? A responsible political party like BJP therefore is duty bound to accept and embrace them to its fold.

The focus of PM Modi and BJP is development of India and sab ka vikas and governance free of corruption, nepotism and dynastic politics and hence all those noble legislatures from congress party are joining BJP. BJP offers ministerial berth to some just to show that BJP always recognize the good intentions of people to develop India and for the above purpose, BJP will not dig the past but set the agenda for future.

Hope the so called hyper-intellectuals and neo-liberals would understand the true intent of BJP. They also should join BJP to develop India.

S Ranganathan

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