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HomeOpinionsWhen defeat fails to defeat dynasty in Congress

When defeat fails to defeat dynasty in Congress

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The great theatrics seen in congress party after the historic defeat gifted by people of India, starting from the dynast to many others making their offer to quit knowing fully well that they alone have to approve such offers and as expected, all such offers getting rejected speaks volumes and volumes about the truth that congress party cannot save itself from the culture of dynasty and one family.

It is so unfortunate that the century old party still has to hangs onto one family and survive on entitlement of one family to rescue the party and India. In personal equation, a lion if decides to accept the leadership of a lamb because it cannot accept the leadership of tiger is fine but in party politics the lamb can at best bleat loudly and continuously but cannot save the pride of lion. Further the lamb through its bleat only would make its bankruptcy and helplessness loud and eloquent and cannot offer any smart strategy to its followers to be successful.

Beauty of the entire drama in congress party is that Rahul Gandhi submits his resignation offer to himself and then he himself rejects the offer of his resignation because no one is there in congress to lead the party. The biggest joke is that his sister comes to his support the dynast to persuade him not to resign.

When a heard of sheep decides to remain as sheep and looking for the shepherd to lead them, can only behave with sheep or herd mentality. Irrespective of the behaviour of the shepherd whether he culls one sheep or sell, still the remaining flock would continue to follow him.

The unfortunate and the most disgusting part of the story is that even the defeat can’t fail the dynasty in congress party and dynasty culture shall continue forever in congress party despite its poll debacle or success. The reason being, congress party is a family establishment and hence the owner of the establishment shall always be the family members and the employees only are accountable or would suffer sacking for poor performance. In brief, the congress workers, congress party men and those congress men contest various elections must work and make the dynast win and the dynast doesn’t have any role or responsibility to make the party win. When the party wins, the credit naturally goes to the dynast and when the party fails, naturally the blame goes to cadres and the respective leaders and that is how all family establishments would function.

Whereas BJP is a cadre and merit driven party and therefore the culture of entitlement no one can enjoy in BJP. Performance alone counts in BJP and not sycophancy and punkah coolies.

The massive mandate given to Modi in 2019 by people of India is only due to the performance, corruption and scam free governance, governance that was devoted for sab ka vikas, India’s pride and national security. Development was the only focus of Modi and not nepotism or culture of entitlement and sycophancy which are being promoted in congress party.

The question is how congress party is going to survive in Indian politics with the dynast as its leader is a big question mark.

People oppose the dynast because all he knows only to bleat like a goat, accuse and allege Modi without any facts and merit, call the honest Modi chor etc.

Even the TIME magazine has described the dynast as ‘the most un-teachable’ person in Indian politics. When such leader lead his flocks with lie, ignorance, allegations which are farcical, politics of negativity, hatred and divisiveness, how can such leader resurrect the century old party and make it victorious in future.

Indian electorates are becoming wiser, well informed and smart. Can the dynast treat Indians like congress men who always praise the dynast and fall at his feet and would say – Lord, you alone can save congress party and India.

When Indians have a best leader, a leader who is an embodiment of truth, honesty, dedication, development agenda, sab ka vikas, national pride and national security, how the Indian would accept the dynast if remains so adamant with ignorance and wish to go ‘un-teachable.

If the dynast accept Modi as great leader and apologise for his third rate remarks on Modi publicly and support Modi to make India win, certainly the dynast would get some blessings of Modi.  Through such practice, the dynast also can learn some leadership traits from the spill over leadership traits of Modi.

Need of the hour is an invisible Rahul Gandhi, visibly a follower of Modi, silent, calm and restraint than noisy and bleating.

Congress party also must realize the truth that as long as regional parties are strong, congress cannot grow and therefore congress must resurrect its national face by defeating and dismantling the regional parties and not by supporting them. For example, the DMK should not be allowed to form government without congress party ensuring key berths for itself in TN if in distant future, DMK wins.

Respect the sentiments of Indians and respect Modi. Praise Modi and do not abuse Modi. Tries to be honest and never make false allegations upon the honesty of Modi. Be a fresher in politics, forgo entitlement politics, respect the dignity of Prime Ministers post, never inject dirty politics in several institutions to malign India, never engage in appeasement politics, infuse confidence in minority and never divide them against Hindus are the piece of words Indians have for they dynast.

Instead of aspiring for power and foment regional parties, aspire to win the respect of Indians, save the congress first and then desire to become Prime Minister of India.

S Ranganathan

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