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HomeOpinionsUnderstanding the Political Ecosystem and how to create it

Understanding the Political Ecosystem and how to create it

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Akesh Soni
Akesh Soni
Just a curious one ... follow me on twitter @akeshsoni

Friends, This is my second article on OpIndia. In my last article I tried expressing my thoughts on what we should try to do for the Core of Right Wing and that was a very vague article. I will try to input all those points in detail and especially Education in articles to follow soon. Today, I want to express my opinion on “ecosystem”. Before I start, I would like to state a fact that I have limited knowledge I could be right or wrong but ready to learn more.

So, we keep hearing about so many things; like its BJP govt, still media is propagating something wrong, NGOs are lobbying, Naxals have support, JNU, some random officers creating mess etc etc .. so how is this possible that such absolute majority govt and strong PM are not able to hold it completely or take control of the situation. This is what 50+ years of ruling of Congress did, created an “ecosystem” where even if they are not in power their elements are doing their best to serve them. This cannot be undone in 5 years of govt, yes it can be weakened and I can only hope NDA is onto it.

Okay so what is this “ecosystem” technically? Imagine it being a sphere where Human well being is at center and surrounded/supported by Goods available, services provided, ethical values, law, education system, infrastructure etc. It constitutes “ecosystem” and in this age every country’s ecosystem is enabled by external drivers of change.

Leftists understood the value of this ecosystem so early that they started creating it to suit them since we got independence. This took real meaning for them when they literally took education as a weapon in early 70s and started using whole country’s infra to serve their needs. Now check out one example how they worked.

Saiyid Nurul Hasan , 1971 Education Minister literally geared education system to complete left. Founded ICHR to alter history officially, just look at the list of chairmen till date and read out objectives to clear my point. I have no idea if NDA 1 even tried to counter this or NDA 2 is even understanding this. Then they created ICSSR, a bigger control Unit. This is a composition of 27 research institutes, it almost covered every aspect of social life. It does major cultural exchange with Russia, China and France. Such love for red lobby, countries they did not cover under culture exchange program are Australia, Japan, Israel, Taiwan, Lanka etc. Same Saiyid Nurul Hasan became governor of Bengal and then founded Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Institute of Asian studies in Calcutta in 1993. This institute was devoted to area studies, and that was “Islam”, funded by govt of India. 🙂

I read NCERT books like many others, I used to believe that Babar was a great warrior, a hero for us Indians. Rana Sanga was a coward and he was mentioned like an enemy for our hero Babar. Good that I grew up and got to know it was opposite. But this is how left worked, controlled thoughts through education first. Then they controlled graduation, research, history and social/economical and political sciences. They have their brainwashed mob sitting everywhere, in media houses, institutions, diplomat circles, officer lobbies everywhere.

I mentioned in my last article, Education is the biggest weapon we can have. Let’s work towards it, lets start destroying WRONG history, WRONG social practices and everything which is WRONG. Let’s present the correct version of history to our kids, lets teach them ethical practices of social sciences, social lives, lets be a better Nation. Lets put our nation INDIA FIRST.

Can we not do that ?? We have options, strategy, ACTION PLAN, govt in place …. we just need to get together and work for it. Are we together and ready?

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Akesh Soni
Akesh Soni
Just a curious one ... follow me on twitter @akeshsoni
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