Friday, June 28, 2024



नाथूराम गोड़से- देशभक्त या हत्यारा

सिर्फ़ भारत का विभाजन करने के लिए गाँधीजी की हत्या नहीं की गयी थी, बात उससे भी काफ़ी आगे बढ़ने वाली थी जो की हमारा अस्तित्व मिटा देती!

Open letter to Swara Bhaskar and other empty vessels

Dear Swara Bhaskar, you say you are ashamed of being a Hindu, I, as a common Indian say, with all heavy heart, we are ashamed of calling you an Indian.

नाकारा पुलिस, निर्लज्ज सरकार और प्रगतिशील मीडिया का मुखर मौन

क्या अलवर जिले के थानागाजी क्षेत्र में दलित महिला के लिए साथ हुई सामूहिक दुष्कर्म की घटना ने राज्य के राजनैतिक तंत्र के माथे पर हल्की भी सिकन पैदा नहीं की? अगर होती तो अशोक गहलोत चुनाव प्रचार पर जाने से पहले पीड़िता का दर्द बांटने और उसे न्याय दिलाने का आश्वासन देने अब तक थानागाजी पहुंच चुके होते।

It is good Sadhvi Pragya apologised

Sadhvi Pragya calling Godse a patriot: he was, is and will remain as a patriot and Kamal Hassan (actor, politician and head of a political party) calling Godse, a Hindu terrorist - both are reprehensible.

A teenager’s view on the ongoing general elections

As a teenager, looking onto how politicians have stooped to a new level of low, especially recent incidence of violence in West Bengal, to find their own way and gain votes is plainly horrifying.

Are You Afraid of Hindu Nationalism?

Nationalism in Hinduism is not scary. Because Hinduism is fundamentally about pluralism.

Understanding Hindutva: From Savarkar’s, Gandhi’s and RSS’ perspective

Unlike the Abrahamic religions which define religion exclusively, and mix politics and religion; Hindutva is a continuation of the religious and cultural trend from ancient India which has seen many developments.

Key stats you need to know before phase 6 of the General Election starts

Across the 59 constituencies, a total of 979 candidates are vying for votes of which we have both candidates with criminal records and candidates who are millionaires.

Ever-changing politics changes politicians

It is a bizarre action as it sets even witty politicians at a distance from the ever-changing political condition. Power does not always stay in one hand.

SOS calls and the great Indian tragedy

Indian social media is highly affected by politics and has become a tool spread SOS (Selective Outrage Syndrome).

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