Saturday, September 7, 2024



The elite can’t tolerate the “dirty unwashed masses”, and thus the intolerance is rising

The intellectuals could not digest the fact that their fortress had been breached by people who they believed were incapable of forming opinions

There have been acts of intolerance, but the average Indian is as tolerant as earlier

Commentators on the left and right both are linking acts of few to the entire community.

The Intolerant Elite: How Distorted Narrative is Hurting India

India is hands down one of the most tolerant countries in the world, and I say this not just as a hunch, but also...

How the political and intellectual class have made the Hindu-Muslim relations complex

Hindu-Muslim chemistry in India is a complex affair, largely because of the mess created by our political and intellectual class.

And Aamir Khan lost a wonderful opportunity…

Aamir could have used this situation to send a strong message of inclusiveness in India.

​​The convoluted case of intolerance; the one crying intolerance are the most intolerant!

Who is the class of 'the tolerant' and 'the intolerant' is writing on the wall. Read this article to find out.

Bihar : from being “Land of Lalu” to being “Land of Lau” again

A Bihari shares his anguish over the recent results of Bihar assembly elections.

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