Saturday, July 27, 2024



The history of India – a story of distortion by marxists

By interpreting history only on the basis of economic monopoly can not eradicate the wrongdoings which were done based on religion.

Left, not so left

Historically the left- liberals or communists maintained aloofness form religion, but as there is always an Indian touch to everything this is not the case in India.

Time to slay the Nepalese buff

Nepal has not just divorced India politically but has made India its enemy. The entwined relationship has been trampled for sovereignty which Nepal never had in the past and will not have in the future.

Why only certain lives matter?

An opinion piece calling out the hypocrisy of anti-establishment propaganda-driven leftist politics targeting the silent majority in India and US by means of violence and false narrative

Is proselytization a tool of radicalization?

Interesting war amongst converts with non-converts and with newly converts!

भारत में प्रमाणपत्रवाद (सर्टीफिकेशनलिज़्म) का सफर

भारत में आप को भक्त, संघी, चड्डी, अन सेक्युलर के प्रमाणपत्र राह चलते मिल जाएँगे. सिर्फ़ आपको आपके स्पष्ट विचार रखने हैं।

COVID-19 urges to end apocalypse of communist regime!

A narrative that deciphers some blunders caused by Communist Regimes and their efforts to befool the world.

साम्यवाद – लोकतंत्र और राष्ट्रीय अखंडता के लिए खतरा

साम्यवाद में प्रतिएक मानव को संदेह की दृष्टि से देखने की प्रवृत्ति के कारण राजकीय तंत्र (सरकारी अफसर, प्रशाशन, सेना) सकती से काम करे यह भी जरूरी हो गया जिस कारण इन्हें भी सरकारी जोर के अंतर गत कार्य करवाना जरूरी था।

डियर कॉमरेड,

वैसे तो साम्यवाद को भारत में वीजा ऑन अराइवल मिल गया था लेकिन फॉर्म भरते टाइम धर्म वाला कॉलम मिस हो गयाI सच बोलूं तो धर्म-लेस इंडिया वाला कॉन्सेप्ट यहां कुछ जमा नहींI हालांकि साम्यवाद का थोड़ा भारतीयकरण हो जाता तो सामाजिक स्वीकृति थोड़ी ज्यादा होती शायदI

Pulling Babul Supriyo by hair through the side of a so-called intellectual student wing is nothing but a mere juvenile act, which is a...

People have rejected Mamata’s hatred politics in the general elections of 2019, and will surely show her mirror in the upcoming assembly elections. 

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