Saturday, July 27, 2024



What opponents of RSS need to understand

Left liberals have always put RSS under a dark lens ignoring its greatest contribution in India's independence movement.

How communists persecute the RSS in Kerala

The institutionalized violence in Kerala has gone unabated for many decades.

Did Arvind Kejriwal’s immature election strategy drown AAP in MCD elections?

AAP loosing MCD election is not the case of absence of love towards AAP, it is the case of abomination towards AAP.

From JNU to Ramjas: What we need to understand

Why Communists are moving hand in hand with Afghanistan in Indian universities, who were once at the loggerhead.

Is there a JNU scam? The question nobody asks

Someone at JNU needs to go behind bars, but not for celebrity crimes like sedition. Perhaps someone at JNU needs to go behind bars for corruption.

Open Letter to Indian Communists

Indian communists are not real communists they are just fooling people on the name of Marx and revolution.

Stand up and question leftist cultural hegemony

We have to ask why a radically anti-democratic and mass murdering ideology like Communism is not being stigmatised in popular culture.

How Election Commission repeatedly changed the rules to save the Communists

This week the EC changed the rules for defining National Parties. This is the second time the EC has changed rules to save the Communists.

कन्हैय्या और जश्न-ए-जिहादी

कन्हैया छाती ठोक कर आतंकवादी जिहाद को समर्थन दे रहा है। हम अपना भविष्य और अपने आने वाली पीढ़ी का भविष्य बचा पाएँगे या नहीं? ये एक बड़ा प्रश्न है।

Indian elite liberals have declared a Cultural Jihad against people they don’t like

A response to Kanti Bajpai’s editorial Blog in The Times of India dated 27th Feb 2016

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