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DMK got caught in its own anit-Hindu bait, super star repartee of super star Rajni to DMK

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It looks like DMK under its dynast leader has caught into a whirlpool of stupidity and political immaturity by unnecessarily raking up a controversy over the saffron colour and Hindu origin of Tiruvalluvar. Beyond Tiruvalluvar, attempts were also being made continuously to portray the Super Star Rajnikanth as symbol of saffron ideology and indirect supporter of BJP in order to isolate him from other communities, especially from the minority. DMK always used to engage in negative politics and politics of hatred and lies.

Rajnikanth is a God loving, spiritual person who wants to develop TN with its full potential by re-inventing and re-tracing the great Bhakti tradition of Tamil Nadu so that people prosper totally and not just materialistically alone.

The recent statement of Super Star has shown DMK its place. Super Star urged DMK indirectly to focus on development centric politics of the state instead of engaging in silly politics of minority appeasement and divisiveness.

PM Modi always engage in development of India, one India and sab ka vikas.

Another statement of Super Star also assumes greater significance in Tamil Nadu politics.  No effort of those who oppose Super Star to package and portray Super Star in saffron colour or part of saffron ideology is going to win. Immediately when Super Star made such statement, VCK, congress party etc., welcomed it and expressed their happiness.

People of Tamil Nadu must read such reciprocation of VCK, Congress with different political intelligence than as a mere political gesture or conventionalism. By praising Rajnikanth, both these parties are sending an indirect message that they do not mind joining with Rajnikanth if they are not duly respected by DMK in the coming assembly election. While being with DMK, it appears VCK and Congress party wants to tell the DMK that without their support, Stalin cannot win election and therefore next assembly election must be fought by all alliance partners of DMK as equals by having equal number of seats allocated to them as well.

Coming assembly is the last chance to galvanize some political space and recognition to MDMK, VCK and Congress party in Tamil Nadu. DMK has gone headless roach and the party is being controlled by the family and not its leaders of cadres. The leadership charisma of Stalin is very low and people do not respect him the way they respect DMK, for that matter. Therefore all alliance parties must demand huge share for them otherwise they would dumb DMK. DMK is in desperate need of alliance parties so the ball in well much in the court of the alliance parties.

The tone and tenure of Super Star looks like he is ready to fight the next election. If Super star enters the scene, then the fight shall be between EPS and Super Star where Stalin may be pushed to last but one position if DMK become an orphan without the support of VCK, MDMK and Congress party. For the alliance parties, they have clear choice that they can either support Super Star or can come back to the fold of AIADMK. For DMK it is going to be a do or die battle and if it loses, that would draw curtain to the politics of lies, negativity, anti-God, anti-Hindu posters in Tamil Nadu.

By attempting to portray Super Star as saffron ideology by several political forces, DMK was also compelled to take a position. But today Super Star has thrashed it literally and proved that super star is the real hope of New Tamil Nadu and not DMK.

All alliance parties also must realize the truth that they cannot remain as mere catalyst or cart pullers of DMK anymore to make Stalin as Chief Minister of the state and fulfill the desire of his family to see him as Chief Minister of the state. A strong DMK is going to weaken not the AIADMK but VCK, MDMK and Congress party. Further such situation also would make these alliance parties to work eternally as subordinate force and have a drop of milk to drink at the mercy of DMK.

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