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HomeOpinionsSoros, Jairam Ramesh and his ‘Nehruvian Legacy’- Part-1

Soros, Jairam Ramesh and his ‘Nehruvian Legacy’- Part-1

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When rabid anti-Hindu/anti-India George Soros made the big mistake of gloating over how his hidden hand is inside Congress glove about Adani issue all along and how all of it is ultimately along the familiar lines called ‘Regime Change Ops’, it put Congress in a bind.

To get out of a soup about proof of their collusion with anti-national forces (by the way, no-one from LeLis can play victim card anymore since Open Society Foundation’s VP walked side-by-side prince-pappu on his ‘Bharat Todo yatra’, incited anti-Hindu CAA riots and leftist/khalistani capital siege of Delhi for a whole goddamn year… because George Soros, unlike most traitorous anti-India LeLis and Islamists, wears his ‘anti-nationalism’ on his sleeves.

And very proudly so. In fact, he’s the epitome of anti-nationalism across the globe. So much so that he’s willing to bet 1 billion dollars to poison youngsters mind against their national identities.), Jairam Ramesh put out a hastily composed tweet saying:

Source: Jairam ramesh twitter timeline

Many media outlets are hell-bent on portraying it as some sort of rare moment when BJP and congress are on the same page.

But I’m telling you: This was a weird statement to make.

If congress wanted to slam foreign players interfering in our domestic politics, the best legacy it has to rely on, is not Nehru but his daughter, Indira Gandhi. Her constant ‘foreign hand’ invocations to keep voters on their toes is so well-famous that Barkha Dutt, famed for Neera Radia tapes and the tales of giving away Indian soldiers’ movements to Pakistan during Kargil War, even she had to come out and say that BJP sticking it to BBC is like history coming full circle.

Infact, it was under Indira Gandhi government, when the bane of foreign NGOs called “FCRA laws” were 1st enacted.

And if its argued that perhaps it’d not be very wise to mention “Indira Gandhi”, “Determining election outcomes” and “Democratic Revival” in the same sentence given the events of 1975-77, it becomes weirder still – because what does anybody’s legacy has to do with “determining election outcomes” fairly?

Why did Jairam Ramesh had to invoke “Nehruvian Legacy” to assert independence of election outcomes in India when it comes to foreign NGOs from LeLi and Abrahmic disposition?

And it’s not about he and his ilk suddenly beginning to respect Indian institutions like Supreme Court or Election Commission either. Because their dynasty prince and other snakes slithering beside him have long fanned the baseless conspiracy theories that all of it’s been captured by RSS. When even ‘EVM-hack’ is still fashionable for election-denial in India, how can you ask prominent khangressis to trust in anything except Sharia judgements perhaps. (by the way, no-one from anti-Hindu LeLi west has ever, ever hauled the Indian opposition over coals for their extremely dangerous constant election-denial conspiracy theories like they did to Republicans after 2020 in USA. That tells you all you need to know about their commitment to ‘shared democratic values across the world.’)

So it’s not about that.

In reality, it’s about what BJP people call ‘Not a Sanyog but a Prayog’. (Not a ‘Coincidence’ but ‘Deliberate Causality’)

So what is this so called “Nehruvian Legacy”, when it comes to behemoth western NGOs’ shady operations in India targeting government functions and functionaries?

It’s inviting them to do whatever the hell they want with India and Hindus, without any govt. oversight or checks-and-balances.

Why do I say this?

Because it was chachajaan Nehru, who had ‘invited’ Ford Foundation to India in 1952. And gave them a free run to subvert Indian democracy even after Indira introduced FCRA laws in 1973.

They openly corrupted Indian government officials using ‘grants’ and ‘scholarships’.

An article from The New Indian Express details here, how, Ford Foundation and Rockfeller Foundation had deeply infiltrated Indian government from top to bottom.

Chachajaan Nehru lied – let me repeat lied to Indian public that he’d not given approval for any such anti-national activities by American Deep State NGOs but was left red-faced when a note was shown to him, proving the exact opposite.

Another detailed look at khangress favorite Ford Foundation’s shady activities can be found here, by the ever vigilant The Hawk Eye.

So what kind of treacherous snake is Ford Foundation?

The kind that provides large, vicious fangs to the hatemongers like Teesta Setalvad who wanted to poison our current PM to death.

It was 2015, when Ford Foundation’s nefarious activities 1st caught the public eye, when it was forced out of shadows under amended FCRA laws, led by its staunch refusal to comply with Indian laws, based on that memorandum of agreement signed all the way back in 1952.

Source: The Wak Eye Twitter

(by the way, this is why it’s absolutely necessary to know right now what was in the MoU signed by Chinese Communist Party and Con-gress back in 2008)

It was also then, when it became news that Teesta Setalvad was given 3,00,000 dollars back in 2004-06, for alleged ‘civil society work’, in contravention of FCRA laws. (and we all know how that old hag loves to lead a luxurious life, at the literal expense of donation money intended for riot victims, don’t we?).

Indian government though, under a new nationalist disposition, dug its heels and Ford Foundation was put under the watch list of FCRA.

Which meant, Ford Foundation ultimately had to shed its veneer of ‘independence’ and call in the favors from American Deep State and its highest echelons who were their real masters all along.

How, we’ll see in next part.

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