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HomeOpinionsCongress government in Punjab has endangered Prime Minister and also the entire nation

Congress government in Punjab has endangered Prime Minister and also the entire nation

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State Executive Committee Member, State Media Panelist , State In-Charge for Policy & Research ,Mahila Morcha BJP Andhra Pradesh

“Divide & Rule” policy of Colonial East India Company continues to be the main strategy of Congress even in present day. Post independence congress party has been working for the interests one of family only and not for the nation. Congress party did not give due respects to non-dynast, non-Gandhi Prime Ministers of Congress party like Sri. Lal Bahadur Shastri & Sri. P. V. Narasimha Rao. Even the death of former PM Sri. Lal Bahadur Shastri is alleged to be a conspiracy. Congress can go to any extent to grab power. Ambush that happened in Punjab during visit of PM Narendra Modi is not a lapse of security, but a well-planned conspiracy executed deliberately with a malicious intent to harm Prime Minister of world’s biggest democracy. Congress government has colluded with protestors.

Punjab congress government was in collusion with the protesters in the pre-planned conspiracy

-SPG clearly provided intel input to Punjab state police on January 1 & 2, 2 to 3 days before visit of PM to Ferozepur. State police were provided information about protesters and possibility of road blockade by SPG. Intel notes clearly mentioned threat to PM from Pakistan based Islamic outfits, Khalistani groups & terror organizations. It was clearly mentioned that Pakistan based outfits wanted to revive militancy in election bound Punjab and were procuring militant hardware. It was clearly mentioned that PM visit on January 5th in Ferozepur could be blocked.

-Special Protection Group (SPG) clearly conveyed to state police about two options of travel from Bhatinda airport to proposed area of visit in Ferozepur. If climate conditions permit PM will reach site by helicopter. It was clearly intimated to state police that climatic conditions in that place are unpredictable and land route will be taken if climatic conditions do not permit.

-PM Modi was supposed to go by helicopter which was cancelled due to weather conditions and road route was taken. Information about the change of route was conveyed to state police. Congress govt alleged that plan to take road route was sudden. If it was suddenly changed how did the information leak to protesters?

-UPA denoted Maoist outfit Bharatheeya Kisaan Union E – Kranthikari (BKU) in Punjab was allegedly tipped off. BKU leader on camera told that state police informed them of PM’s schedule & path of journey.

-PM land route was informed to DGP.PM started after clearance from DGP. There was an estimated time gap of 145 minutes before PM reached the site.12 times there were phone calls between SPG and State police. Crowd gathered in this time. Why was SPG not informed about gathering of protesters? PM was allowed to travel on the proposed route only after clearance from state government. What was state police doing all this time?

-PM’s convoy was stuck for 15-20 minutes. During this time only SPG was protecting PM. State Police were not there.

-It was a known fact that the area is a sensitive border zone just 15 – 20 kms within artillery zone of Pakistan. State government knew this fact.

-Pro Khalistan outfit,Sikhs for Justice (SFJ)leader released a video threatening PM Modi. He clearly said PM Modi life will be endangered if he comes to Punjab.

-A video was released almost a year back by alleged protesters which had striking similarities in the way blockade happened over flyover. The video showed protestors blocking flyover using tractors & heavy vehicles, isolating PM Modi and surrounding him later.

-Gurupatwant Singh Pannu, Founder of “Sikhs for Justice (SFJ) released a video threatening Prime Minister. He went on to say that Khalisthan supporters showed their strength,humiliated PM & will continue to do in future.

-The Punjab government allowed protesters to gather. Congress spokesperson said that there were 10000 police personnel on duty during visit of PM. But, hardly few hundred police men were seen actually. The reality was only SPG was protecting PM when he was stuck on fly over. There were hardly few police men of Punjab on the fly over.

-As per section 14 of blue book of SPG the safety in the proximity of PM is the responsibility of SPG. State Police is responsible for security away from vicinity of PM, security along the route of PM, avoiding blockade along the route and sanitization of area of visit of PM.

-Punjab CM himself told that on January 5 early morning several protesters blocked the way from 3 AM to 6 AM near Ferozepur. Police cleared the route later. Punjab government very well knew about protesters and the site of block. Later, Punjab government allowed protesters to block the site.This clearly shows that it was planned and deliberate attempt by Punjab government to allow protesters to gather at the site and cause blockade.

-PM name was not mentioned in FIR. Trivial charges punishable up to fine of just Rs200 were levied on the protesters. Why put such trivial charges over a serious offence?

-CM of Punjab updated about security lapse to Priyanka Vadra. Why should Chief Minister of Punjab report to Party General Secretary?

-Supreme court lawyers received death threats from Khalistan terror outfits.

-A video showed police on duty revealing the details about role of Punjab government. Police himself told that Punjab congress government specifically instructed police not to take action against protesters and police were asked to tell details to protesters about route of Prime minister. Police informed the state government about the possibility of road blockade. State government specifically asked police not to clear the road blockade.

Conspiracy was against Prime Minister of nation and nation itself

The above facts clearly show that it was not just a breach in security, but a well pre planned conspiracy of Punjab government. Congress government with the intent to harm PM has harmed security of nation actually. It has emboldened the Khalistan separatists and encouraged terror outfits. The actions of congress government may also create Hindu-Sikh divide in Punjab. Punjab shares border with Pakistan. Pakistan based terror outfits are already encouraging Khalistan terror outfits in Punjab. Pakistan has used drones near Punjab border. Punjab police arrested SFJ leader recently in Ludhiana court blast case. Under such circumstances Punjab congress government has deliberately blocked PM Modi in such a precarious area just 15 km from Pakistan risking life of PM.SPG protected PM and took him safely back to airport.

Real situation in Punjab will be depicted by words of PM which he said to Police of Punjab while leaving Punjab “Say thanks to your chief minister that I could return alive till Bhatinda airport”.

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State Executive Committee Member, State Media Panelist , State In-Charge for Policy & Research ,Mahila Morcha BJP Andhra Pradesh
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