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Do schools inject Corona virus?

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Rajesh Raj
Rajesh Raj
A writer, researcher and teacher of English Literature from Hazaribag, Jharkhand. He has authored his first book "Flowers in Search of Fragrance" in the year 2019. His latest novel, "Blood Heaven" has been published from Ukiyoto Publishing, Canada. His work has been featured in multiple known newspapers, magazines and social platforms. He's been always working on his La Vistas Project called Life and Literature. He's always inquisitive about educating the budding minds. He's a little more reserved for deprived children and imparting them a standard sense of lifestyle through skill and prudence.

Promise became procrastination

It’s been almost a year since the students began making peace with virtual classes, etiquettes and, of course, their dreams as well. It all started with a decent suggestion made way back on March 24, 2020– “If India doesn’t manage the lockdown for these 21 days then India will be pushed back by 21 years.” Needless to say, the Indian students doubt if the void of their academic loss would be filled at earliest, or whether the void is going to be there longer like an everlasting damage in their scholastic career. Nothing could be ascertained as of now especially in such a time when education seems to succumb to both procrastinations and fake priorities.

Just Because School is Neither Temple nor Mosque!

Those sitting in rolling chairs easily underestimate that a student’s first pilgrimage is his school and not their political shrines. A student’s first religion is education, his deities teachers, and his books scriptures. They fail to acknowledge that a school’s door also leads to the same god as their temples and mosques do, but only through many non-mythical check points.

Relevantly, it’s been around three months since religious places are open for the public with some showy and loose safety measures. Forget that, even the administrative bodies witnessed huge gatherings in every nook and corner of Hindustan during the stone laying ceremony in Ajodhya. Nonetheless, they didn’t dare to put it on any “nation wants to know” channel sincerely. Because the nation wanted to know, but they never wanted to explain anything apart from an overwhelming actor’s suicide.

Just because political rallies are vaccinated

One season is perennial in India: the season of politics. The season which showers political rallies like cats and dogs all over our country, sometimes even outdoing the annual monsoon, which eventually yields prosperity, perhaps huge prosperity, but unluckily for only a bunch of cunning people, backed up by crores of half-stomached children of Mother India.

We view one-like-many political clowns entertaining the paid public in their paid gatherings now and then, even these days when educational institutions, the brain of India, are locked to empty and dusty class rooms so as to minimize the corona cases.

Although we seldom discover these street clowns on any news channel playing with their self-made Covid-19 safety rules, we can quite easily catch them displaying their magic in their vaccinated rallies on some unsponsored internet platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

Educational Institutions may Inject Corona?

Nowadays, when public markets, malls, transports, religious places, and other such crowd-calling places are open with no administrative check-up of the safety measures being followed strictly; schools, where there’s probably more scope of fighting any battle in a civilized and well-channelized manner, are struggling to keep up with darkening future of their children and the higher authorities’ orders via online classes, which acts like a winking cat in the race of knowledge.

That being said, a few over-sensitive parents always protest the re-opening of schools in a fully-fledged manner. Logically, we simply can’t put the national progress on hold for these parents over-fearing a few cases of some mishaps being reported in some states owing to re-opening of schools.

These are, shocking to say, the same parents who violate their own ideals while taking their children to restaurants, malls, markets, religious places, parks, and playgrounds, and to all such places where the international disease is hanging over their little hearts’ heads. Nevertheless they, along with our administrative bodies, still believe school is the only place where their children can be injected with Corona.

Corona Days or National Holidays?

Brain and ideas are essential to keep up with each other for a healthy life. Similarly, teachers and students come together on the forefront to redirect the course a nation’s future. However, only those fortunate teachers who serve the nation in the eyes of government, are proudly called the nation builders, while a lot many remain unintroduced out of the government’s focus.

There are lakhs of private street teachers whose determination for the nation building are destined to remain unregistered. Even though they don’t give a damn to it. They are generally not those who sleep peacefully on the first day of every month being asuured of their salary being deposited in their account.

These street-teachers are rather proudly those who wake up every day with a sense of grit in their blood, to glorify the journey of a legend from being no one to someone in the colleges, coaching centers, schools, and tuitions, which they own or work in, either.

These unsung private teachers are not sure sometimes if they would be able to fetch their own children’s books on time. Ironically, their own educational institutions’ doors and windows are awaiting half-opened, allowing only a few students to walk in, with cautious steps and steal the beads of knowledge lest the khakhee giants patrolling in the streets outside would arrest their masters and impose any official disaster management act on them. In short, the law would re-cage the masters in their own institutions, where they’ve been already suffocating for the last one year.

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Rajesh Raj
Rajesh Raj
A writer, researcher and teacher of English Literature from Hazaribag, Jharkhand. He has authored his first book "Flowers in Search of Fragrance" in the year 2019. His latest novel, "Blood Heaven" has been published from Ukiyoto Publishing, Canada. His work has been featured in multiple known newspapers, magazines and social platforms. He's been always working on his La Vistas Project called Life and Literature. He's always inquisitive about educating the budding minds. He's a little more reserved for deprived children and imparting them a standard sense of lifestyle through skill and prudence.
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