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HomeOpinionsBusinessmen vs capitalists: Yogi Ramdev

Businessmen vs capitalists: Yogi Ramdev

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Rakesh Kumar Pandey
Rakesh Kumar Pandey
Professor in Physics at Kirori Mal College. Teaching in a DU college since 1989. Academic Council member in Delhi University from 1994 to 1998. Activist associated with NDTF activities in Delhi University. Former President of NDTF.

Thanks to our modern studies that makes us lesser humane, most of the businessmen of India has got contaminated by the modern ‘culture of capitalism’. Their vulgar expenditure on buying modern luxuries and vulgar lifestyles are blatant evidences of this ‘culture’. No wonder, we have developed a hate towards all those who are into business these days.

Ancient India, when we used to dominate the business of the world with almost one-third share in the GDP, was fortunately having full of ‘businessmen’ who were not ‘capitalists’. In that era, instead of only the government (or King), these ‘dharmik’ businessmen were known for giving a substantial part of their earnings back to the society by building ‘schools’, ‘Dharamshala’ and ‘Community halls’ etc. Schools were run by selfless donations from businessmen and was not controlled by the Kings as they never required support from the taxes collected by the Kings for defence and other purposes.

But in the modern crowd of businessmen, a few still reminds me that our ancient generation of businessmen are still alive. While TATA had been majorly representing this breed, recently Ramdev has added a new dimension to it. He is a yogi businessmen with a sense of giving everything back to the society, keeps nothing for himself. One who works 24 hours for making lives of Indian better. Who has almost single-handedly popularized Yog and Ayurveda as it was never before in the past few centuries. This ancient knowledge was on decline before he arrived. He has made us aware of so many alternate and effective ways of curing us and keeping us healthy using yog and plant extracts. Without Ramdev, it would not have been this easy to get such information that are hardly a part of any of our modern syllabus or readings. In addition, he has undoubtedly threatened to expose the modern pharma mafia that has been using medicines and vaccines primarily to make profits. Over the years, this mafia has made the modern treatments out of the financial reach for the common patients. This mafia has successfully established the modern treatment as the only sensible treatment and have started exploiting the needy patients thereon.

Yes, I had expected a better restraint from Ramdev than from those who keep on abusing him and keep demeaning his efforts, but still I respect Ramdev for his detached sense of doing business. I see a selfless businessman in him, who uses modern luxuries only to keep alive his mission of passing on the benefits of his business to the society.

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Rakesh Kumar Pandey
Rakesh Kumar Pandey
Professor in Physics at Kirori Mal College. Teaching in a DU college since 1989. Academic Council member in Delhi University from 1994 to 1998. Activist associated with NDTF activities in Delhi University. Former President of NDTF.
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