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HomeReportsThese hypocrites disregarding constitution and misguiding people are to blame for Delhi riots

These hypocrites disregarding constitution and misguiding people are to blame for Delhi riots

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State Executive Committee Member, State Media Panelist , State In-Charge for Policy & Research ,Mahila Morcha BJP Andhra Pradesh

There is a Hindi phrase -“Ulta Chor Kowtwal ko Daante”. It means “The thief blames and abuses police on getting caught”. Those hypocrites who directly or indirectly responsible for Delhi riots are blaming Police and Center. This hypocritic lobby time and again disrespected constitution, disregarded law, spread lies, misguided people, selectively targeted a party or faith and hence responsible for the present scenario directly and indirectly. Even now these hypocrites are blaming selectively one party and faith spreading lies and fear. The lobby includes some media, journalists, politicians, movie stars and social activists.

Disrespect of Constitution and law. Misguiding people.

Constitution gives parliament to regulate citizenship by article 11. Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) was passed in both houses of parliament with good majority. Citizenship is a matter of central government, is in the Union list and states cannot reject it. National Population Register (NPR) was a old exercise of maintaining a census of Indian residents which was started by UPA in 2011. Our democracy is vibrant and has one of independent judiciary which can be approached in any discrepancies. Accordingly, Supreme court took up the matter of deciding the constitutional validity of CAA, but refused to stay the implementation of CAA and NPR.

Taking oath in the name of constitution, knowing these facts chief ministers of opposition parties of different states like Mamata Benarjee, Pinarayi Vijayan, Amarender Singh, K.Chandrashekar Rao, Aravind Kejriwal, Ashok Gehlot, Kamalnath, etc., immediately spoke that CAA was against Indian constitution. Some assemblies passed resolution against CAA. Then, they behaved in a similar way about implementing NPR. By doing so, they disrespected constitution, law of the land and judiciary. These actions by state heads gave many people the impression that CAA and NPR were against constitution. Some media, journalists , movie stars also started speaking in a similar way further enhancing the false impression. Similarly, in Jamia violence and JNU violence, the court said “Being students does not mean you can burn properties. What option do police have when rioters hold sticks and attack police?”.

But, the lobby went and stood with the protesters. Court also said regarding Shaheen bagh protests that “In the name of protest roads cannot be blocked”. Still, the lobby supported them. Some like Mamata Benarjee, Kamalnath, Ashok Gehlot, Amarender Singh, Owaisi, openly conducted and lead rallies against CAA and did not take any action against rioters who damaged properties worth crores. All these actions resulted in confidence in rioters that the inconvenience, destruction and riots caused by them in name of CAA are justified.

Hypocrisy and selective targeting

Bollywood celebrities like Deepika Padukone, Swara Bhaskar, Anurag Kashyap, etc and politicians like Priyanka Gandhi, Kannaiah, etc.. and a section of media went and stood in support with the leftist student leader of JNU, Aishi who instigated violence. Lobby stood with the rioters of Jamia violence and did not condemn AAP leader Amanathulla Khan who made provocative speeches and mobilized crowd in Jamia violence. Congress leaders like Mani Shankar Ayyar, Shashi Tharoor, AAP leaders like Manish Sisodia, Amanathulla Khan openly supported Shaheen Bagh protesters who were blocking roads causing inconvenience to a lot of people. They are not cared about the people who died or injured or who lost their properties or the damage of properties caused by arson.

They remained silent on provocative speeches of Sharjeel Imam, one of the master minds of Shaheen Bagh, asking Shaheen Bagh protesters to cut off North East from India or Waris Pathan in front of Akbaruddin Owaisi that 15 crores are enough to take care of 100 crores. They remained silent when AAP member Kapil Gujjar fired a gun in Shaheen Bagh. None of them condemned when provocative slogans like “Free Kashmir” or “Jinnah wali Azadi” or “Hinduon se Azadi” or religious slogans raised in these protests. Some of them like Priyanka Gandhi went to the houses of rioters. But, none cared about the victims or injured or destruction. Such selectivity and hypocrisy gave confidence to the rioters that the lobby will back them under any circumstance in spite of destruction of lives and properties.


On February 22nd a mob of anti CAA protesters sat in Jaffarabad, blocking metro and roads. Locals there requested them to not block roads and metro. US president Donald Trump was to arrive to Delhi on 24 February evening and to return to America on February 25. Police was mainly focusing on Trump’s visit. This was the time exactly when the rioters started clashes, on February 24 evening. Clashes became very violent and continued on February 25. The way riots happened suggests they were pre planned and orchestrated in a brutal manner. Nearly 500 rounds were fired by rioters on police. Rioters wore helmets. They had native guns, rods, sticks and assaulted police and innocent people on roads.

Picture of young rioter Sharukh pointing a native pistol on the face of a constable with Lathi, Deepak Dalhia summarizes the harsh reality. Petrol bombs and acid pouches were thrown at people and police. Police and CRPF Jawans had acid burns. Shops, Houses, Petrol bunk and school were set on fire by rioters. Rioters entered houses, assaulted people and set houses on fire. Many people fearing arson and assault jumped from houses and got injured fatally. Nearly 42 people died and 200 injured were admitted in hospital.

Spreading lies

They continued this usual habit of spreading lies. They unilaterally declared Police was absent or remained silent. But, Police constable Ratan lal was died due to native gun shot by a rioter. Many police and CRPF jawans had gun shot and acid injuries. Two police stations ran out of cartridges combating these armed rioters. Some media like NDTV and journalists ran false stories like creating a false story of “ Sharukh was actually Anurag Mishra and deliberately posed as Sharukh”. In reality, Sharukh is Sharukh only and projected gun at point blank range on a police man. They decided in few hours without any evidence that BJP leaders were responsible for riots. Later, the evidence showed involvement of AAP leader, Councillor Tahir Hussain. Several videos show Tahir Hussain holding stick, mobilizing rioters and orchestrating riots.

Evidence and videos of building of Tahir Hussain in Chandbagh showed sacks of stones, bricks, sticks, rods, inflammable liquids, explosives, catapults, slings, petrol bombs and acid pouches. Witnesses claim from the top of this building stones, acid pouches and petrol bombs were hurled. Murdered Intelligence officer Ankit Sharma’s family claimed that Tahir Hussain and his gang dragged Ankit and brutally murdered. The worst lies spread by media is Hindus doing genocide on Muslims, which is absolutely false. NDTV, wire and other media selectively photoshopped photos giving false impression. NDTV allegedly photoshopped a drone photo to hide photos on mosque. Wire, Rana Ayyub and other liberals circulate false news about mosque vandalized in Ashok vihar, Delhi.

The bitter truths

The truth is these riots were pre planned and orchestrated in the name of anti CAA protests to malign Indian government. The timing coinciding with arrival of US president is in reality not a coincidence, but a deliberate attempt to defame Indian government globally and create communal tension. 42 people died, 200 hospitalized, 50 had native gunshot wounds and crores of properties vandalized by these rioters in the name of CAA. Alleged reports suggest involvement of terror organizations like ISI as a part of bigger conspiracy beyond CAA protests.

The true brutalities which took place

  • IB officer Ankit sharma was brutally stabbed 400 times over 4 to 6 hours, after death also and thrown into gutter. AAP leader Tahir Hussain is allegedly involved in this murder.
  • Vinod kumar was stoned to death in front of his son Monu
  • 19-year-old Vivek’s head was drilled by drill machine in his own shop

And here is the reaction from:

  • No Bollywood star or liberal person went to visit the victims
  • No media published the news about AAP leader Tahir Hussain involvement in bold letters in main paper
  • Both Tahir Hussain and Sharukh are absconding
  • Still no one from the liberal lobby says blocking roads or Vandalizing properties or killing people in the name of CAA protests is wrong.

Would things would have come to this brutal stage if the hypocritic lobby of opposition political parties, media and Bollywood have said truths to the protesters that

  • CAA is a law passed by both houses of Parliament
  • CAA has nothing to do with any Indian citizen irrespective of religion.
  • If still any citizen has any apprehensions any one can approach court.
  • Court has taken up the petition regarding the validity of CAA and refused to stay implementation of CAA or NPR.
  • When the matter is already in court blocking roads or vandalizing properties or killing people in name of CAA protests are not acceptable.
  • Dissent is a part of democracy, but destruction is not.

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State Executive Committee Member, State Media Panelist , State In-Charge for Policy & Research ,Mahila Morcha BJP Andhra Pradesh
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