Thursday, October 24, 2024



परिवार पहचान पत्र योजना, CAA, NRC और NPR से कहीं ज्यादा अचूक और कारगर

ये जो परिवार पहचान पत्र योजना (PPP) अन्य सभी योजनाओं से अत्यधिक कारगर और विश्वस्नीय, जिसकी आप कल्पना भी नहीं कर सकते। ये एक ऐसी योजना है जिससे सरकार कि कई मुश्किलें चुटकियों में दूर हो जाएँगी और ये योजना NRC और NPR से कहीं ज्यादा कारगर साबित होने वाली है।

CAA, NJAC & Farm Laws; India needs to introduce referendum system for making big reforms

Referendum can act as a channel between protestors, Government and people of India. It will also help in stopping a precedent that if a no of people sit on road; it will ultimately bring down the government to accept their demand.

Review of two research papers on CAA: Busting their lies and propaganda about CAA, Muslims & BJP

The authors try to find an anti-Muslim angle in everything and try to project them as the innocent peace loving victims.

National Register of Citizens (NRC): Tool for protecting the borders of Bharat (India)

National Security is a wide and broader issue for every country. India is just accomplishing a long pending legal task that is practiced by every countries across the world.

The slippery slope

Exploiting the rights guaranteed to them by virtue of India being a functional democracy - freedom of expression, right to protest - abusing them to actively undermine democracy itself.

These hypocrites disregarding constitution and misguiding people are to blame for Delhi riots

Would things would have come to this brutal stage if the hypocritic lobby of opposition political parties, media and Bollywood have said truths to the protesters about the constitutionality of CAA and NRC?

Is Delhi the new Kashmir of India?

It is not about CAA, but about the sheer hate India’s Muslims have deep in their heart against 'Kaafirs', aka Hindus.

How Sadhguru made me a true Hindu!

When Sadhguru nullifies all 'Convent beliefs' immersed in me for about 12 years! Thats the power of Hinduism.

NRC the need of the day.. implement or perish

NRC is the need of the day in present situation wherein lot of illegal migrants have entered the country and its time to a keep a check for this. NPR, census and maintenance of register is required to be done and upgraded regularly.

The nation and its fragments

The new Law drives India in majoritarian terms, far from anything that the founders of the democracy could have imagined.

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