Saturday, July 27, 2024


Muslim groups spreading violence against CAA

These hypocrites disregarding constitution and misguiding people are to blame for Delhi riots

Would things would have come to this brutal stage if the hypocritic lobby of opposition political parties, media and Bollywood have said truths to the protesters about the constitutionality of CAA and NRC?

The bleeding heart of a Dilli Wala

Ground Reports gathered from different cities on a personal level confirm the fact that Shaheen Bagh protests and the daily updates were being relayed across the country and Muslims across the country were made to believe that the CAA was totally Anti-Muslim and all of them would be forced to leave the country.

Is Delhi the new Kashmir of India?

It is not about CAA, but about the sheer hate India’s Muslims have deep in their heart against 'Kaafirs', aka Hindus.

Delhi violence is no longer a protest but sheer terrorism

Delhi is burning. Muslim mob have turned violent and have started to terrorize everyone who supports CAA.

How Muslim population is gradually becoming a threat to constitutional rights

AIMPLB opposed the prevention of child marriage act, Right of children for free and compulsory education act, criminalization of Triple Talaq Law and has declared a fight against vedic culture and Hindu religion.

The masters of SELECTIVE outrage, who maintain pin drop silence on other issues

Dissent is a part of democracy, destruction is not.

Dear Muslim sisters, why should I believe you?

Looking at the bigger picture in India’s context related to Muslims, I found the community actually never cared about themselves and their rights.

Why I am scared as a Hindu amidst the anti-CAA protests

Will I as a Hindu be allowed to follow my religion without being abused, without being lured or threatened to convert?


What is being displayed by these protests is just pure Hinduphobia. Let us call it for what it is.

Justice delayed, ‘not denied’: CAB fulfills historic promise

For decades minorities in Pakistan and Bangladesh were denied the justice promised. Here, lies an opportunity to give their rights back to them. Justice delayed is justice denied.

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