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HomeOpinionsImran Khan explained precisely why Islamophobia is necessary in 21st century

Imran Khan explained precisely why Islamophobia is necessary in 21st century

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Anant Chetan
Anant Chetan
An aficionado blogger and an engineer by profession. By qualifications, a Masters in Embedded System Design.

Although, Pakistan’s prime minister Mr. Imran Khan Niazi did not respect the UNGA guideline and spoke for three times more than the stipulated time, but he managed to raise a couple of very interesting questions during his speech at the UN General Assembly. “Why Islamophobia? and Why Radical Islam?” The irony was that he himself provided the audience with the best possible answer to these two questions.

It is a fact that evil minds and souls can be found anywhere irrespective of the religion, caste, creed or gender. No doubts about that. But then why target only Islam? He gave examples of LTTE (Liberation of Tamil Tiger Elam) and Japanese suicide bombers. Barring a few congress leaders in India, the world does not question or point fingers at Hinduism or Christianity or any other religion or India or any other country. Why? This does not seem fair. Does it?

This singling out one religion would start looking absolutely fair as soon as you start looking at how other communities  react to the evil actions of these evil souls in comparison to how Muslim community reacts to the evil actions of these evil souls. How did India and Hindus react to LTTE suicide bombers? If I remember the history correctly India lost one of its prime ministers trying to crush LTTE. Mr. Rajeev Gandhi was assassinated only because he sent IPKF (Indian Peace Keeping Forces) to Sri Lanka to take care of LTTE. A civil war in Sri Lanka costed us our prime minister. India and Hindus openly raised their voices against LTTE bombings. Moreover, the LTTE bombings were strictly constrained to Tamil region plus Sri Lanka, rest of the India and the world never had to fear LTTE. They did not blow up trains, buses and cars in Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore or Pune. They did not blow up twin towers in the US just to prove a point. Mr. Imran Khan compared apples with oranges.

Hitler was an evil soul, massacred many but Germany is never called out. Why? Visit Germany and try to praise Hitler and you will know why.

Now, what happens when a Burhan Wani is killed or an Afzal Guru is hanged? Forget raising the voice against their evil actions, lakhs of Muslims march on streets in their support. If you support the evil, you are the evil too. If you remain mum at the wrong doings, you are a part of the evil. You have to raise your voices against the evil, no matter what the costs are. This is simple binary, 0 or 1; either you are against them or you are with them. That’s all! Unfortunately PM Khan sees binaries every where – rich vs poor, developed vs developing, Muslims vs non-Muslims but not this. This is the only reason why Muslim community is feared, the “peaceful majority” either believes in what these terrorists do and choose to remain quite or are still figuring out their stances.

We don’t even have to go far in the history, we could look at the very same speech. A person like Imran Khan, who comes from an affluent family, is a Pakistani elite from whichever standard you look, says he would have picked up a gun if he were in Kashmir. In addition to this, how can he be so confident about a blood bath in Kashmir as soon as Curfew is lifted or a Pulwama like incident? Do you see the problem here? There has to be something wrong with the way he and others like him were/are raised. Sane people don’t think this way. Do you think this way?

I am a little surprised as to why no body charged him with “aiding and abetting”. He spoke on the similar lines that fugitive Zakir Naik an Islamic Preacher who inspired terrorists by the means of his speeches. What more could a person at his designation say after saying “there would be reactions if you make fun of Prophet“? Do you now see what leads to Islamophobia?

Imran Khan’s Pakistan is trying to garner support and be a leader of Muslim Ummah by citing Islamophobia and radical Islam. Imran Khan tried to emotionally blackmail the other Muslim majority countries. But the fact is that Pakistan has killed more number of Muslims in the world than any other person, party or state; be it Millions killed in Bangladesh or millions in Afghanistan or a lot in Yemen or many in Kashmir. Pakistan is a bigger threat to the Muslims than anyone else.

Leaving aside a few out of the 56 Muslim majority countries none are called “Terroristan“, not even Bangladesh. The same Bangladesh who was Pakistan before 1971. Why? Fortunately, he himself gave the answer to this question as well.

He himself claimed that Pakistan Army trained Al Qaeda. 

He put the entire blame at the United States of America. He very cleverly jumped from the late eighties to 9/11. He didn’t tell as to what Pakistan did with those  trained Mujahidin after Americans left. Pakistan simply transported those battle hardened militants from the country’s North West border with Afghanistan to their Eastern border with India. Gave them a different name and dumped them in the buffer state i.e. Kashmir. Militancy in Kashmir reached its peak just after 1989, Kashmiri Hindu massacre happened right then.

Was it a one time thing? No, not by any chance! Pakistan still does the same thing. The only difference is that instead of Americans, it is Chinese this time. Why do you think China uses its vito to stop UN from declaring Masood Azher as a global terrorist? Simply because Masood Azher and his terror outfit Jaish-e-Mohammed is being used to provide security to the CPEC projects from the smaller terror outfits along with Baloch and Pashtun rebels. Exactly like good Taliban and bad Taliban.

Both the countries, India and Pakistan offer something or the other to the world. India offered IT enabled services in the past and still does. In fact during the UNGA meet PM Modi offered humongous(size matters here) tried and tested systems like Bio-metric system or healthcare system. Invited countries to benefit from the initiatives India took like International Solar Alliance or Coalition of Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI). Pakistan on the other hand  does not have a lot to offer to the world other then terror. This has been an ugly and harsh reality  of Pakistan for decades now. The country generates revenue by exporting terror. Different clients/countries transfer funds to get their dirty work done. 

Imran Khan quoted LTTE and the joke is on him. LTTE was one of the 37 similar militant organizations but the only one that had a front office in Karachi and had deep ties with Harkat-al-mujahideen, a Pakistan based terror outfit having affiliations with Al Qaeda. Someone might ask, Sinhalese and Tamils were waging a war against each other in Sri Lanka, what had Pakistan to do with that? How did Pakistan get involved? There are many more instances. What did Pakistan had to do with Mizo rebellion or Naga crisis? Nothing! but still militants were getting their required training in Chittagong Hill Tracts in East Pakistan, which some how were shut down after Bangladesh came in existence in 1971. The generous Pakistan was sharing with the world what it had in abundance.

Imran Khan claimed that Pakistan has lost 70,000 lives to terrorism. I would like to ask him only one question: “If terrorism is your country’s business model, then who should pay for the collateral damage?” India would not pay for it any more. Revoking article 370 just made it difficult for Pakistan to get rid of its unemployed trained Mujahideen. That’s why the cry!

Nothing has changed and nothing is going to change. Twenty years down the line, there would be a similar Prime Minister claiming that Chinese funded us to train Mujahideen to protect the road, and one fine day they packed their bags and left, what do we do with the mujahideens we trained? Dump them in the buffer state of J&K? No not this time; Indian Army is ready this time and has got full authority to send them to “Dozakh” right away, no questions asked.

Thanks for Reading.

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Anant Chetan
Anant Chetan
An aficionado blogger and an engineer by profession. By qualifications, a Masters in Embedded System Design.
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