Sunday, September 8, 2024



Latest Jihad in France

The root cause of violence in France rests with the Islam itself.

“The First Muslim”: A book review

A large section of Islamists today claims that Islam is the oldest religion and Adam was the first Muslim. Lesley Hazleton, however, puts an end to that propaganda by referring to the Quran, where it says multiple times that Muhammad was the first Muslim.

Islamist sectarian violence in the United States of America

Besides Shia-Sunni, there are many other sects of Islam the orthodox Sunnis are against. Their violent skirmishes are sometimes witnessed in the Western countries as well.

Sharma and Rushdie and politics of appeasement

Time has now come to clearly and forthrightly renounce and condemn this practice of minority appeasement.

Pakistan’s global anti-India campaign: Are we letting them win the cyber war?

Indians like Mohammad Zubair and Rana Ayyub act as the tip of spear to instigate and initiate anti-India propaganda. Aided by Pakistan’s state support.

Orthodox love in progressive city: A case study of a Muslim-Hindu relationship

Myra Farooqi, a Pakistani Muslim girl fell in love with an Indian Hindu man in the USA. They had a romantic relationship for 9 months that included drinking, dancing, kissing, and more.

The resolution on Islamophobia adopted by the UN proposed by Pakistan is a mistake

Pakistan has been trying for years to divert attention from its misdeeds when it comes to guaranteeing religious freedom for its citizens by pretending in the United Nations that “Islamophobia” would be the big problem.

Making Hindutva a global ideology

Hindutva is an ethnic, cultural, and political identity which has assumed its current form as a result of thousands of years of evolutionary growth.

Dismantling global Islamic terrorism: Because terrorism does have a religion

Islam is not only a religion, but more of a violent socio-political encroaching system. So, there is an urgent need to dismantle global Islamic terrorism.

इस्लामोफ़ोबिया का झूठ और घरवापसी

एक लोकतांत्रिक राष्ट्र में अदालत द्वारा आरकियोलॉजिकल सर्वे ऑफ इंडिया (ASI) जैसे वैज्ञानिक संस्थानों के पेश किए गए सबूतों एवं तथ्यों के आधार पर एक स्थान को उसी राष्ट्र की सबसे बड़ी आबादी द्वारा पूजा जाने वाले देवता का जन्म स्थान घोषित करना किस तरह विदेशी आक्रांताओं द्वारा एक चर्च को मस्जिद में तब्दील कर देने से भिन्न है।

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