Monday, September 16, 2024


Radical Islam

How Allah disowns the non-Arab Muslims

A convert's worldview alters. His holy places are in Arab lands; his sacred language is Arabic. His idea of history alters. He rejects his own; he becomes, whether he likes it or not, a part of the Arab story.

Mim Razakar @AIMIM political party

Today, common Muslims in Bharat and especially Hyderabad Muslims should understand properly about AIMIM party and how they (Muslims) got cheated using religion card and nothing good happened to Muslims by AIMIM.

Why the unfair scholarships for Muslims will lead to more terrorism

he majority community is at the receiving end of stone-pelting by the Muslim minority. Reason? Apparently, the majority community irked the minority by taking religious processions through its neighborhoods.

Understanding Kashmir as it was

The presence of Kashmir is traced back to the Mahabharata where it was identified as a great republic. Kashmir was prospering until the 13th Century under benevolent Hindu rulers.

India! Why so hate?

Hindus don't hate Muslims, they hate the ideologies which harm them, to assure peace, communities have to come together and talk, there must be compromises, from both sides, and Hindus are majority should be understood and some respect not all, but some should be given to the people.

Imprisoned in the veil of rigidity

To what extent dress in schools and colleges can be a personal choice? And why should there be uniformity among the students?


I think Islamo-Leftism is a coalition of the radical left and the radical right. It’s a relationship of convenience. It’s only the radical people that want the government to intervene in the minute of things.

Boldest pushback to radical Islam is coming from the most unexpected quarters: Saudi Arabia

However Saudi Arabia, under its ruling dispensation, took a conscious turn towards "Wahhabism" some time in the second half of the nineteenth century.

So, how do we tackle radical Islamist terror?

Now no one is claiming that these killings of non-Muslims could be linked to unemployment, exploitation, dispossession… of anyone in Kashmir – explanations once bandied to justify the expulsion of lakhs of Kashmiri Pandits in 1990.

The myth of moderate Muslim: 95% v 5%?

It is not the 1% which is defaming Islam but perhaps the 95% which is defaming the 5% for not falling in line with the rest of Islamic Ummat.

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