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HomeReportsMajor achievements of Narendra Modi led BJP Govt in 4.5 years

Major achievements of Narendra Modi led BJP Govt in 4.5 years

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This is meant to be a comprehensive list of all the major achievements achieved by Modi govt so far. The aim  is for this list to be substantial and as concise as possible, so marginal improvements or regular achievements has not been included.

I will divide the achievements based on various categories of governance.


1. Inflation: has been successfully tamed in the last 4 years. Both CPI and WPI never went above 5%, which is within the range prescribed by MPC. This is a far cry compared to UPA era when inflation was in double digits for 6 consecutive years.

2. Share in World GDP: Increase of India’s share in World GDP is 26.75% in 4 years, compared to compared to 47.56% in last 9 years

3. Fiscal deficit has fallen from 4.5% in 2014 to 3.5% now

4. Foreign reserve: Comfy at around $400B.

5. Investment on Infra: highest ever. Highway building,new Railway tracks, electrification is going on at rapid speed.

6. Jan Dhan game changer as far as financial inclusion is concerned. Now 99% of Indian households have at least one bank account. The savings is also healthy at ~₹80kCrore.

7. Ujjwala has provided a clean and safe kitchen to more than 5 crore households,

8. DBT: again poorest of poor has been the biggest beneficiary. DBT has plugged the leakages of leaky socialist schemes, and made them more efficient. Plus, they have reduced corruption and removed middlemen. The savings are estimated to be 81k crores

9. LED distribution: again significant contribution from energy savings to cost cut.

10. MUDRA: Women have been biggest gainer here with small loans. Another step towards financial inclusion and entrepreneurship. Encouraging MSME’s and entrepreneuership. Around 12 crore people have been helped by Mudra, and an amount of 5.28 lakh crore has been distributed to entrepreneurs.

11. IBC: probably the biggest reform bar GST. Initial cases has already proved it’s robustness. The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code has begun to transform the Indian NPA resolution process and its credit culture.

12. RERA again benefiting the consumers who were earlier victims of builders lobby.

13. GSTLong due GST implementation by the incumbent government has not only lessen the corruption but also given relief from multiple taxation to country people.

14. Ease of doing business: Made big jump from 142 to 100 in 4 years.

15. Increased formalisation and taxation base of the economy. Due to GST and Demo, Tax-to-GDP ratio has improved remarkably. Household savings has increased to many folds.

16. Record inflow of FDI, Ratings upgrade by Moody’s

17. Increased push for Digitalisation

18. Mission Indradhanush: Immunising around 2.55 crore children from 12 deadly diseases,in a highly successful mission that has greatly increased the immunisation levels by targeting people facing the most inaccessiblities. It has been lauded by even International organisations. Mission Indradhanush upped vaccine coverage growth rate from 1% a year to 6.7%, a rare success for health

19. Under the Jan Aushadhi scheme, 3700 Jan Aushadhi Kendras that sell medicines at affordable and cheap prices have been setup, and around 800 medical items have been added to existing list of medicines available. The Jan Aushadi Scheme saw only 80 stores till March 31, 2014, and only 100 medical items were added between 2008-14.Plus, prices of stents have been capped to prevent extortion from patients

20. Reforming agricultural markets by starting E-NAM which introduces transparency and competition to agricultural market, removing the middlemen from the process

The difference between UPA-I and NDA-II are quite a few:

1. UPA benefited from robust global growth and housing boom for the first term. NDA doesn’t have that luxury.

2. First two years of NDA were hampered by drought.

3. NPA problem: NDA inherited the massive choke on Indian economy called NPA. Whereas UPA got Vajpayee era infrainvestment-led Keynesian growth.

4. Any balanced analysis has to mention that back in 2013 India was one of the fragile five economies. Now it is the fastest growing major economy in the world. That’s quite a leap.

5. NDA benefited from a drastic fall in crude prices, which was used to primarily reduce the Deficit and control the Rupee. It had a side-effect of reducing mineral exports though.

Infrastructure: This is an area where there has been a lot of work.The efficiency and speed has increased dramatically

1. There has been a huge turnaround in the power sector. Coal imports have reduced and domestic coal production has increased. Discom health is improved thanks to UDAY scheme, solar power is now almost 25 GW from ~2  GW, deficit between peak capacity and peak supply has reduced quite a lot, from 4.3% to 0.7%.

2. Increased sanitation coverage from 37% to 95%.

3. Electrification of 1730 kms Railways done in the last year is a huge jump over 2009-14 annual average of 1184 kms. A more than 50% increase in commissioning of broad gauge lines.

4. The construction of 10,000 km of national highways last year compares with 8,231 km in FY17 and 4,260 km (11 km per day) in FY14, the last year of the UPA government. Overall there has been a 73% increase in construction of highways.

5. Providing electricity to the farthest, most isolated areas and villages.

6. Under the BharatNet programme, as of 22 April 2018, the government had ensured broadband connectivity to 108,019 GPs, (excluding data from Andhra Pradesh) with the central government contributing over Rs 11,000 crore towards the scheme in phase one. Although as part of the UPA’s plan 300,000 km of optical fibre network was to be laid until 2014, only a dismal 350 km could be laid.

7. Doubling the number of houses built for poor in 2 years, enabling the Construction of around 70 lakh houses in just the last 2 years.

8. Under UDAN, connecting 70 distant and forgotten airports and operationalising them. Number of functional airports has increased from 75 to 100.

9. Under Saubhagya Scheme, more than 1.8 crore houses have received an electricity connection in  a year.


1. Transparency in govt tendering with GeM

2. Huge increase in action by ED and Income Tax against black money

3. Treaties with multiple foreign nations for black money, double taxation etc to stop tax havens from being tax havens

4. Amending and notifying Benami Act and passing  Black Money Act.

5. Removal of Interviews in hiring of Class C and D Central govt employees

5. Multiple ongoing investigations by Govt agencies against the “big fish”

Internal Security:

1. Drastic reduction in no of terrorist incidents in India, esp outside J&K.

2. Huge increase in the number of naxals killed or surrendered. Decrease in incidents of violence by LWE (Left-wing extremism), no of security personnel killed or injured, and the area affected by LWE.

3. Huge attack on the terrorist organisation in J&K. Multiple top terrorist commanders have been killed. Separatist funding to stone pelters and terrorists is being investigated by NIA, and many Hurriyat members are in jail.

4. Stark reduction in violence in North-east. 60% fall in incidents of violence and civilian casualties since 2013. AFSPA removed from Meghalaya and Tripura

Geopolitical/Foreign policy achievements:

1. Successfully stared down the Chinese at Doklam. So much so, that India’s response is being seen as a template for future responses to Chinese aggression.

2. Standing up against China’s OBOR: India has placed a very principled and consistent stand against OBOR, for it’s neo-colonialist, financially untenable and expansionist tendencies. Also of course for violating India’s sovereignty claims.

This is not just empty rhetoric. India is working on it’s on own separate connectivity programs. This includes the highly vital and strategic Chabahar Port which is already operational and is part of the large initiative of INSTC, IMT HIghway, Asia-Africa Growth corridor etc

3. A successful “neighborhood first” policy which strengthens India’s strategic and geopolitical position in South Asia.

4. A beginning of a new partnership with Israel, that delineates India’s stand on the Palestine conflict and relations with Israel, with Modi making a historic, well publicized trip to Israel, first ever by any Indian PM

5. Increasing Indian Navy’s reach in the Indian Ocean by signing multiple agreements ensuring docking rights for the Indian Navy in Oman, French Bases, Singapore, Indonesia and American bases.

6. Int’l isolation of Pakistan, and the waning support for Kashmir insurgency in Global quarters

7. Japan Nuclear Deal, and overall much closer relations with Japan than perhaps ever before

8. A hard fought and historic victory in the ICJ elections

9. Entry to MTRC, Australia group and Wassenaar Arrangement. Just now India was given the highest export control status, STA-1 by the US Govt

10. Signing of the COMCASA, which enables a much closer Strategic and Defense partnership with the United states. It also enables closer military ties with many other nations which use US equipment, like Japan, South Korea etc

11. Closer relations with Vietnam.

12. Bangladesh land agreement.

13. Spearheading the International Solar Alliance (ISA).


1. Tejas

2. Improving the tardy and sub-optimal supply and maintenance condition of the armed forces by procuring ammo, spares, MRO, etc.

3. The issue of new helmets & BPJ’s was stuck longer than the issue of sport shoes . MKU was supplying BPJ’s to more than 100 countries while our own army had a shortage of BPJ. This govt took the power of such decisions from defence ministry babus & OFB unions & gave it to army & allowing private players to supply. Hence problem solved.

4. Finalising and Concluding Important and vital Defense deals like Rafale Deal, M777 deal, K-9 Vajra deal etc

5. Defense Manufacturing has been given a real push. Systems like Akash have been given a boost by cancelling imports of other Sam systems.

6. S-400 Deal: S-400 is widely regarded as the best Air Defense System in the world, and will provide an overwhelming strategic edge against India’s neighbours

Everything that i have listed till now can,or rather, should be considered an achievement regardless of your ideological inclinations.Now for achievements specific to a more Right-leaning perspective

What has been done on Hindutva:

1. Abolish Hajj Subsidy, effectively removing Govt subsidy for Hajj

2. Ban Triple Talaq (It was a court verdict, but the govt argued for abolishing it and provided political support to the cause.Plus, they have passed a bill criminalizing it through an Ordinance)

3. Some strictness in FCRA, affecting cash-for-conversion maifas

4. Acting against extremists like Zakir Naik, PFI etc. PFI has been linked from stuff like love jihad and indoctrination to actual terrorism. PFI has also been banned by Jharkhand state govt.

5. Promoting Indian heritage and culture through World Yoga day,promoting and institutionalising Ayurveda, focusing on bringing back stolen temple loot.

7. Introducing Citizenship Amendment Bill and passing Enemy Property Bill

8. Slowly cleaning up the institutions controlled by Marxists,like JNU, ICCR, FTII, ICHR and NCERT by placing the “right” people in charge

Now’s the time for some Right-wing Economic policies:

  1. Opening up Coal Sector to Private Industry.

2) Easing FDI norms across sectors

3) Passing laws like the Companies Amendment Bill, which simplifies many corporate norms and Commercial Courts Amendment, all of which combine to cut red tape and improve improve Ease of Doing Business(as detailed above)

4)Introducing Fixed-Term Employment for all sectors, making it easy for big companies to hire workers for seasonal and temporary jobs

Credit to /u/roytrivia_93, /u/rajarajac for some portions.

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