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HomeOpinionsFactual rebuttal to the baseless & unsubstantiated arguments of Hamid Ansari

Factual rebuttal to the baseless & unsubstantiated arguments of Hamid Ansari

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Instrumentation Engineer - NIT DGP. Business | Football fan | Arsenal Bhakt Communal bigoted Bengali Hindu .  

The idea of Muslim appeasement and romantic fascination with Islamists is not new to Indians nor is the peculiar obnoxious behaviour of secularists to portray the majority Hindu community as the villain. What is new in the recent malicious campaign is the use of constitutional position to become the messiah for one section of community while rejecting and degrading the other.

From the day, PM Modi govt took oath, the liberals have systematically targeted and created a false narrative that this govt is only for Hindus. Without any evidence and facts they have tried to demonize them and malign their overall outlook.

In the garb of secularism these torch bearers of democracy have used constitutional position with the support of the elite liberalities to propagate their agenda and narrative of pseudo-secularism. Yes I m talking about our ex Vice President Dr. Hamid Ansari. I would here like to qoute M.C.Chagla our education minister when Pandit Nehru was PM. In his autobiography ‘Roses in December’ he says and I qoute him

‘I m Hindu by culture, Muslim by birth and Englishman by education’.

Compare that to our ex VP Hamid Ansari. He has reduced himself to be an out and out Muslim fundamentalist whether by culture or education. Recently in one his interviews to Rajya Sabha as outgoing Vice President he made some sensational, eye grabbing but prejudiced biased and baseless remarks. It took social media by storm. There were arguments and counter arguments on it.

Let us analyse it point by point and give a rebuttal on why his views are not only baseless but just a mischievous propaganda. But unlike Mr. Ansari’s, my arguments are based purely on facts.

1: No Mr Hamid Amsari our Prime Minister is serious about law and order and have condemned vigilantism: – In reality it is Ansari’s religious bias that has clouded his thought process.

Ansari said that he has had numerous conversations with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his cabinet regarding the increasing incidents of violence but also indicated a lack of seriousness on the part of the prime minister and his cabinet to control the volatile situation at hand. “Well, there is always an explanation and there is always a reason. Now it is a matter of judgement, whether you accept the explanation, you accept the reasoning and its rationale,” said Ansari.

These words shows the narrow mindedness and prejudiced thinking of our ex Vice President. Just like liberal propaganda factories masquerading as champions of Human Rights Ansari’s narrative is fixed. Modi has always condemned such incidents. In fact I would say PM went a step ahead and stressed extensively that cow protection is important but not vigilantism in the name of it. Not once or twice but many times. One such example is while delivering a speech to mark the centenary of the Sabarmati ashram in Ahmedabad. The prime minister said unleashing violence against others went against the ideals of the Father of the Nation.

“Killing people in the name of ‘gau bhakti’ is not acceptable. This is not something Mahatma Gandhi would approve,” he said. “Let’s all work together. Let’s create the India of Mahatma Gandhi’s dreams. Let’s create an India our freedom fighters would be proud of,” said Modi. “No person in this nation has the right to take the law in his or her own hands.”

In fact recently in the Supreme Court, the government officially stated that it does not support cow vigilantism and it was for the states to crack down on such self-styled groups. Solicitor general Ranjit Kumar, appearing for the Centre, said law and order was a state subject and it was up to them to curb such incidents. Whether it is vigilantism in Rajasthan or Haryana the BJP ruled states have taken necessary and immediate action and respective arrests have been made. If one gets data on vigilantism pre 2014 it was still a problem then. In fact if you go back to the Aklaq case UP was still under Akhilesh rule. It was Samajwadi Party that failed on law and order. But Mr Ansari’s secular credentials will be damaged if he criticizes an ‘alleged’ secular party. He further said the conditions in North India were worse as compared to South. Now doesn’t that reflects his original motive which is not stressing on vigilantism but Modi bashing. He indirectly wants to say that as most North Indian states are under BJP govt, violence is increasing but he doesn’t utter a word on horrific killings of RSS workers in southern states of Kerala and Karnataka under left and congress rule.

2. Muslims are safest in India and there is no threat to them:

In the interview Mr. Ansari goes on to say that Muslims are feeling threatened under the current establishment.
No Mr. Ansari, minorities are safest and most secure in India and who else other than you who have served as Ambassadors to countries like UAE, Iran and Saudi Arab before becoming Vice President would know. Tell me Sir, does any of these countries give their due rights to minorities? A Hindu minority is not allowed to do Sankranti Puja or even keep a photo of a Hindu God in their pocket? While being an ambassador to these countries have you ever helped or bailed them out? Is there any such restrictions in India on our Minorities? But that does not imply one should propagate hatred in these religious institutions. Various intelligence reports have stated that Mosques and Madrassas are being used to radicalize Muslim youth . As an eminent Muslim scholar how many times you have raised your voice against it Mr Ansari?

How many times you have applied yourself to de-radicalize Muslim youths and bring them back in mainstream. On one hand you link vigilantism to Hindu religion and demean Hinduism on the other hand you maintain a stoic silence on growing influence of radical Islamists in our country be it Kashmir, Kerala or West Bengal. As a Vice President you have constantly tried to link vigilantism and intolerance with the majority community whether it was Dadri incident or now, but not once you have spoken on the Islamists who are creating havoc in Kashmir and not even sparing Kashmiri police officers. Not once you have spoken when innocent school children of Bengal in Tehatta was stopped by Islamic fanatics to celebrate Saraswati Puja. Now as you have retired as VP, I hope you will speak up on such issues or will your conscience go to sleep and churn up only at selective times?

3. Singing the national anthem or national song is not aggresive nationalism but a hallmark of patriotism and an essence of our Nationalism:

How does singing our National anthem or our National Song Vande Mataram leads to insecurity among Muslims?
The word ‘national’ before it means our forefathers have created it for all of us irrespective of our culture caste and religion.

In reply to a question on his views on singing of national anthem and national song Mr Ansari in his interview stated: “This propensity to be able to assert your nationalism day in and day out is unnecessary”. He went on to state that such things could cause oppression to the Muslim community. Can anyone exactly point out how Jana Gana Mana oppresses Muslims? Are we asking them to chant Slokas from Bhagwad Gita? Or for that matter chant Sloka X or Y from the Vedas? Does he mean to say that now singing the Jana Gana Mana in cinema halls make us communal? Or is he just like an Assaduddin Owaisi and other Muslim fanatics who feel Vande Mataram is unislamic and against sharia.

On One hand he behaves as the guardian of our democracy while on the other hand he behaves like a spokesperson of All India Imam Council who bats for implementation of rules that are not against ‘core values’ of Islam. This duplicity of his holistic liberal and democratic culture is laughable. Or is he trying to take a sly at Justice Dipak Misra who gave the landmark judgement on National Anthem who now will go on to become our next chief justice?

Ansari went on to term it as ‘illiberal nationalism’. Countering him I would like to state his illiberal ‘secularism’ principle which is reverberate in is his uncanny silence when Bharat Ki Barbadi slogans were being chanted in JNU. What really illiberal is when his Alma Mater Aligarh Muslim University made students from other community fast during Ramzan. What really is illiberal and murder of democracy is his lay-back and lackadaisical approach to unearth the Rajya Sabha TV scam of Rs. 1700 crore under his watch. Or is there some hidden motive behind it? Is this recent rant a secular way of covering up his crimes so that when the investigation and due process of law finally catches up one can hide under the umbrella of vendetta politics and play the as usual victim card.

No one is testing any Indian’s nationalism and patriotism but if one has his/her mind fixed to destroy the institutions of this country that should be countered. If one tries to portray our Jawans serving in Kashmir as rapists that should be countered and subdued. Its like a gangrene which if not treated will destroy other parts of our country. And Yes assertion of our Nationalism and display of patriotism day in and day out reflects the healthy and rapidly changing mindset of our common people which elites like Ansaris are finding difficult to digest.

I wouldn’t be surprised if in coming days he expresses concern on ‘Jai Hind’. Who knows, he may feel that Jai Hind is Jai to only Hindus thus neglecting other religions.

4. No Kashmir Problem is not a political one. It is a problem of Radical Islamists trying to establish a Caliphate:

In the interview Ansari said Kashmir problem is and has always been primarily a political problem. And it has to be addressed politically. He added that his impression is that politicians today are ducking the actual issues. Mr. Ansari like other liberal champions tries to hide the radical Islamic terror under the canvas of ‘political problem’ and ‘political solution’. What amazes me is that it comes after the NIA has established a connection between the separatists’ organisation Hurriyat and their paymasters sitting in Pakistan -ISI and Hafiz Sayeed.

How does one justify the violent attacks on our security forces by saying it as a political problem? Or does his condemnation of violence and lynching comes with ‘terms and conditions’? Or does he like comrades believe in a ‘Referendum’. Surely not much difference with Dr. Farooq Abdullah who termed stone pelters as Nationalist fighting for Kashmir Resolution. He comes from the same school of left liberal intelligentsia who hugs and sips tea with these moderate terrorists. He represents the same set of people who has a laugh when the butchers of Kashmiri Pandits and mock Indian democracy in front of them. Indirectly, he expressed his displeasure at the strong military actions being undertaken to neutralize the Jihadi elements from valley under Modi Govt. Does he have a soft corner for armed ‘militants’ who may be only just misguided youths according to him?

5. In a true liberal democracy rules should be same for everyone Mr. Ansari:

Ansari in the interview said that judicial intervening in the matter of Triple Talaq was unnecessary and that reform should come from within the community.

Another example of his biased and unbalanced view of liberalism comes to fore. The Supreme Court intervening in the matter of Triple Talaq is not right according to Mr. Hamid Ansari. This coming from an outgoing Vice President truly reflects that he has merely reduced himself as a spokesman for Muslim. Nearly 30 years have passed since the historic Shah Bano judgement. But where are reforms from within? Will the Maulanas and Imams allow and treat the Muslim women in a dignified way without the intervention of Judiciary? If Muslims in other countries have rejected Triple Talaq under due process of law of that respective country; how does Indian Govt acting strongly against it makes them oppressor of Islam? This country isn’t going to be governed on Islamic rules and Shariat surely. I will not be surprised if in future he says playing chess or singing is originally un-Islamic but one has to reform from within to adapt with the mordern world.

To sum it up I would like qoute our Prime Minister’s sarcastic jibe while adressing the Rajya Sabha. He said ‘You have held responsibilities and been associated with a certain ‘circle’ because of which you have certain opinions and perception’.

Make no mistake this was an intentional, direct and a razor sharp taunt by PM Modi to Ansari’s flawed model of secularism and his constrained thoughts. As a previous chairperson of Minority commission, Ansari’s views and objectives have always revolved around Muslim appeasement. Never did he bothered to care about other minorities of India such as Jews and Parsis.

Hamid Ansari actually represents the infectious old school thought of ‘Secular democracy’ which no longer appeals to the masses. Their hypocrisy has now reached the saturation level and is visible from a distance. Liberals have created, and the minority leadership has exploited, a community of dependent people, unaware of the true route to prosperity and happiness: self-reliance and self-investment.

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