Tuesday, November 5, 2024


Muslim Appeasement

Muslim-centric regional political parties of India

The cacophony created by the Indian Muslims and Left-Liberal cabal on the assassination of Atique Ahmed, a politician cum hardcore criminal gang-star for forty years and having connection with ISI and Jihadi organizations of Pakistan, indicates the deep level of penetration of Islamism in India's socio-political dynamics.

An appeal to progressive Muslims of India

There are many Muslims in India who have made India proud, and many more continue to do so.

Monotheism: Muhammad Vs Musaylimah

Prophet of Islam, Muhammad, spent a restless and chaotically violent life with different types of challenges during his last 10 years of prophethood in Medina.

Uncompromising and confused Islam

The question is how the Quran should be read and understood today? Literally or metaphorically? The Muslim community across the world is not sure.

Secularism and Islamic fundamentalism: A comparative truth untold

This article will elaborate the situation of secularism in some part of this global village

Muslim colonialism in India- A concealed topic

In this colonial narrative, we also unconsciously accept that about 550 years of foreign-Muslim rule in India was very benign, unifying, inclusive and pro-Hindus. Such acceptance is furthest from the truth.

Who created the fault lines in independent India?

Muslims of independent India started playing ‘Muslim victim card’ from the very beginning. In the Constituent Assembly the Muslim League members, who did not go to Pakistan, played the ‘Muslim victim card’ and got their Muslim Personal Law to continue.

M-factor and Uttar Pradesh election 2022

The UP election results 2022 has proved that if Hindu votes get consolidated in favor of BJP, then with all Muslim votes no other political party can come to power in the state.

हिजाब, विवाद और क्रिकेट

कुछ वर्षों पहले क्रिकेट जगत में ऑस्ट्रेलिया ने एक रणनीति खूब अपनाई, जिसे अंग्रेजी में 'स्लेजिंग' कहते हैं। ठीक उसी रणनीति पर कुछ ताकतें चल रही हैैं। भारतीय धर्म और संस्कृति पर निरंतर प्रहार हो रहे हैं।

God save the Hindus: The need for a constitutional amendment

Hijab supporters have taken their grievance out of the courtroom, and it has now become a multi-pronged battle for the protection of religious rights of minorities.

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