Muslim Appeasement
The hypocrisy of Indian Media- A Muslim man in Mumbai held a 27-year-old engineer girl captive and raped her for two-and-a-half months, forced her...
Such horror cases need to highlighted by the national media for what they are, not mere sex crimes, but crimes of religious fanatics in trying to convert Hindu girls to Islam. This is not an isolated incident.
The fraud of ‘Peaceful’ salutations
Vj -
Why is it OK for a Muslim to greet a fellow Muslim at work by saying ‘As-salamu alaykum’? If religiously tinted greetings are OK at work, then would he greet a Hindu colleague by saying ‘Jai Ram Ji Ki’? Have you heard of a Muslim doing that? Would he accept ‘Jai Ram Ji Ki’ in response to his ‘As-salamu alaykum’?
A pregnant woman was given death penalty by court in Sudan- for leaving Islam #ExMuslimLivesMatter
Arfa Khanum, Zainab Sikander and other camouflaged Islamic radicals have never condemned the death penalty to apostates and demanded that every Muslim should have full freedom to leave Islam. Let us dare Arfa Sherwani, Zainab Sikander and others to condemn the apostasy law in Islam.
Is it really Rahul Gandhi who’s ruining Congress?
For the disastrous performance in 2014, if anyone has to be blamed it’s Sonia Gandhi and Manmohan Singh.
‘लोकतंत्र’ कट्टर मुस्लिमों तथाकथित अल्पसंख्यकों के लिए एक अवसर
हमारे देश के अल्पसंख्यक कट्टर धार्मिक समूह ने धर्मनिरपेक्ष शब्द का अपने फायदे के लिए हमेशा गलत इस्तेमाल किया।वह चाहे शाहीन बाग हो या बाबरी मस्जिद। उनके इस कृत्य में हमारे देश के तथाकथित इतिहासकार और वामपंथी समूह ने बराबर साथ दिया।
पालघर हत्या या द्वेष?
अख़लाक़ खान, पहलू खान कोई भी हो सबके लिए देशव्यापी रोष था, हैशटैग चले थे, सारी पार्टीयों में जैसे गुस्से का तूफान आ गया था, लेकिन साधुओं की हत्या पे चुप्पी बहोत कुछ बोलती है, भइया ये लोकतंत है और हम जनता है हम "भूलते" नही।
जिहादी सोच वही, अंदाज़ नया
ankur99 -
अभी के कोरोना संकट में जो तब्लीगी जमात ने किया वो फिर से इस बात की पुष्टि करता है की मुस्लमान परिवार सहित मरने को तैयार है लेकिन भारत के कानून को नहीं मानेगा।
Hindus are always soft target
Akshit -
Just to please one and appease other, 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act 1976 was brought into force where a new term was coined into the preamble i.e., S.E.C.U.L.A.R.
This changed the dynamics of Hindus residents of India.
The Islamic fundamentalism on a rise in India and its solution
Not a word of condemnation or even advice to Tablighis to abide by govt rules, can be heard from the lips of ‘secular’ mediapersons, leaders and activists.
Fake patriotism: Lessons from Jinnah’s life
We see stark parallels of Jinnah in today's India. From the leaders of rabidly communal AIMIM to many Muslim leaders of other parties, from the firebrand Maulanas to the Jihadi army in social media, from certain 'journalists' to unrepentant Jamatis one can see the same pattern repeat again.