Saturday, January 18, 2025


The Canada immigration racket and its human impact

There is no such thing as a “PR Visa”. Permanent residence cards are issued by Canadian government authorities only after two years of residence in the country, and the “PR Visa” that these consultants promise to secure for their clients is merely the acceptance of application through the Express Entry pool.

Challenging Hinduphobia: Unveiling the complex realities in India

As India approaches the 2024 general election, it is imperative to recognize that attacks on Sanatana Dharma, regardless of the terminology used, target Hindus as a whole. Hindus must unite in the face of divisive forces and misinformation, armed with a clear understanding of their faith's core principles. Additionally, dispelling misconceptions about caste dynamics within Hinduism is essential to rectify the global misconception that synonymizes Hinduism with casteism, as Hinduism's beliefs and practices extend far beyond this stereotype.

MK Gandhi, an extremist of non-violence

Gandhi’s non-violence was of extreme (Charam-panthee) type and anything extreme is unsuitable for human society specifically when it was applicable only on Hindus of British India, who were followers of the Indian National Congress.

IIT Bombay food row: How fringe elements set narrative inside India’s higher institutions

Arrangement of separate sitting space and round plates which the APPSC members accused of promoting caste-based discrimination, especially against SC/ST students, is in fact the arrangement to segregate vegetarians and non-vegetarians. They alleged that this practice fosters division and symbolizes Brahmanism.

Poor Muslim representation in Indian politics

Since the past some years a question crops up in the social media off and on, about the poor representation of Indian Muslims in the country’s politics. Raising such a issue after seven decades of independence is grossly baseless.

Trudeau’s Hobson’s choice – Canada India relations

If Canada or any other country would choose to do business with India in its old-fashioned ways, there will certainly be a “global response to global terror”. Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau has a Hobson’s choice on his hand.

When Dr Shashi Tharoor lies in lucid English

Dr Tharoor made a narrative that was full of blatant lies and unsubstantiated bla..bla..bla.

How do Abduls set narrative of India?

Today Abduls (and Ayeshas) are trying to set NARRATIVE about India across the country and the world with direct support from Congress, Communists, and so-called regional secular parties

‘West Bengal Day’ & minority appeasement

Hindu Bengali’s becoming secular does not make Muslim Bengali secular. Let West Bengal come to its sense and decide on 20 June as the “West Bengal Day” without any self-loathing.

Dara Shukoh – An apostle of Hindu Muslim unity

Dara shukoh was ‘murdered‘ twice ; first in the hand of barbaric and monster Aurangzeb and later in the hands of narrow minded historians who intentionally omitted Dara Shukoh while documenting Indian history.

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