No, patriotism isn’t the last refuge of scoundrels. Nor is, having patriotic feelings embedded in you make you jnujingoistic, irrational and a war mongeror.
The left liberal academia has often borrowed quotes of past to prove their miserable point that: anti-nationalism, anti-patriotism and pro-separatism is the way forward for a democratic country. For them loyalty to secularism first, liberalism second and then if some inch of loyalty is left, that is for the country. Whereas for ideal citizen it should be ‘Loyalty to country always’. The latest fiasco in JNU regarding celebration of first Kargil Diwas inside the campus and subsequent request of Vice chancellor of getting decommissioned war tank inside the campus has created a new debate about patriotism and need of instillation of patriotic nationalistic feelings inside the hearts and minds of youth of this country. But it simply can’t be done with decommissioned tank piece in the premises or hoisting Indian flag at the top of schools and universities.
More rigorous, detailed and systematic process is required to eradicate the infection of this anti-state, anti-armed forces lobby. Let us analyze it point by point and at each stages:
1: Influence on teenagers and re-structuring primary education: How often have we seen an outrage on social media about the nonsensical directionless and completely absurd historical syllabus which are forced upon our school going kids? And when current political establishment took small steps in rectifying it they were caught on backfoot with opposition, media and educationist coming together to call it ‘Saffronization’ or ‘Bhagwakaran’ of Indian history. Debates in parliament and prime time news quarrels completely caught them in a loop and ultimately the process vaporized like dry ice. This is were centre needs to be clever and change its tactics at various level:
A) On the modern technical front: Our politicians in the current govt needs to open up another dimension to outfox the opposition. There will be severe critics if one chapter of Mughal dynasty is removed and in that place more details about Subhash Chandra Bose and INA are included. But what if a section is included on the various modern day missiles that India has acquired with their details such as: cost of manufacturing, date of first use and place, time period required to set up and launch the missile? The interest and passion would be much more to know about their types-whether ballistic or cruise, whether surface to surface, surface to air or air to air or under water to surface. When is one used and in what conditions. Now link it to to our history. For example a comparison between the infantry weapons used by INA and now used by Indian army. How modernization has changed the equipments. Slowly try to build a connection with our freedom fighters and our modern day Indian army heroes.
B) Linking it to scientific know how: The mathematics and the physics involved in the use of a device creates more intense passion to know about the details of it rather than a page containing historical aspect of it. It makes the subject more relevant and something quantifiable which the students can relate to. Why not study the physics behind an equipment? Its working principle. For example, say the Bofors gun. As we are studying thrust and projectile motion why not study it in details taking this as an example. The mathematics behind the projectile motion, the range and the thrust of the gun. Mechanisms to increase the range and vary the projectile path, the recoil theory inside it and other various aspects.
C) Focus on Mordern Day Heroes of Independent India: For too long we have studied about Mughal dynasty and their aristocratic living, their favourite singers in their courtyards. Far too long we have focused on foreign war history. Its time to replace them with real Indian heroes who took bullets for this motherland. They, unlike the pre historic Shahazadas who came here to loot India, have died for one cause and one cause only- to protect integrity of Bharat Mata.
The left liberal academia will find difficult to object it. Because their usual narrative of Saffronization will not hold. They will find it uncomfortable to link it with say X or Y organisation. Its time that our teenagers know the battles of Kargil and the heroic sacrifice of our Armed forces to keep our land safe. We should know how Indian army captured back Tiger Hill even when Pakistani troops were occupying high altitude position. We should let our kids know about sacrifices of Saurabh Kalia and the ‘Dil mange more’ attitude of Vikram Batra for the capture of Point NJ 4875, a point of strategic importance which India could win at the behest of his sacrifice.
Trips and small tours should be organised to various War Memorials to make them realize the battle scenarios, arms & ammunition used by our Army during the battle.
2. Restructuring and gradual change in discourse in Universities and colleges: This should follow only after the systematic changes in the primary education sector take place, as mentioned above. Not before that. It is in the universities and colleges that leftist professors brainwash and sow seeds of Jihad & urban Naxalism in the minds of the youth. If one has a strong knowledge of our armed forces and know how of valour of our Indian army in details, from tender age they may be able to come out of this trap unfazed. That is why deep rooted connection with our army from school days is important. In addition to it, to prevent more Kanhaiyas and Shehlas the measures to be undertaken at this stage are:
A) Mandatory National services and civic engagement- CONSCRIPTION: Can you guess which country is second only to the United States in the number of companies it has on the NASDAQ? The answer is Israel. Nowhere else in the world do people who work in a center of technology innovation have to do national service. National service gives the young Israelis problem-solving skills, interaction with a broad range of people, and an invaluable network. After their military service, many of these young people go to college and graduate school with a better perspective on what they want to do and the leadership skills and life experience essential in starting and building a company. It would not only save our youths in colleges from taking part in petty low level political fights but also it will aid boost their morale and knowledge about their own country. Instead of trying to hog limelight by shouting ‘Azaadi’ slogans, their idle mind will get a direction. National service in this regard can be categorized into following:
i) For humanity and commerce section: The communist Azaadi brigade are most dominant in this group. The Umar Khalids and Kanhaiyas feel India is illegally occupying Kashmir and brand army personnels as rapist. They feel army is damaging the human rights. So much empathy but I can bet none of them even knows all the districts of J&k nor do they have knowledge about Operation Sadhbhavna which is conducted on a massive scale by the Army. If they have so much concern for average Kashmiri; why don’t they volunteer to take part in relief programs undertaken by the army?
The govt colleges & universities should make it mandatory for students in the humanities section to take part in at least 2 such goodwill programs under the guidance of Indian army. It can be in J&K valley, in the NE borders or in the Maoist inflicted areas. Professors should also be made a part of this joint internship/ vocational training program. It would help them not only to know the humane side of our Indian army but would they also be able to find the adverse condition in which they function. It will make them realize how in reality urban Naxals like Nandini Sundar and Bela Bhatia masquerading as activists are Naxal sympathizer and spreading falsehood against Army. In addition to this, it will help them acquiring knowledge as to how to deal with practical and real life crisis and chalk out solutions.
ii) For science and technocrat section: Our budding scientist and young future engineers are the technical power and energy of India. But sadly their lack of interest in affairs of our country is astonishing. Recently HRD minister announced all engineers should undertake at least 3 internship programs. Make one of them mandatory in defense sector. Whether it is communication, electrical, mechanical or instrumentation engineering branch. Let ordnance factories open up for internship and vocational training for such students. Research programs regarding the use of various sensors and control units in our defense mechanism should be made a part of the syllabus. Students should be encouraged to make their final year project based on it.
iii) For teachers and professors: The lectures teachings and their guidance have a far fetching effects on the minds of our youth. So until their own infection is cured, how can you expect them to help groom students who will be useful for nation building? As a part of UGC B.Ed course the govt should make a provision for them to take part in ‘Teach for India’. It should be particularly focused on 2 aspects:
– To teach and educate children who are living in disturbed areas. For example in Bastar or villages in Odisha. Along with CRPF they can jointly carry out this program.
– As a part of internship it will be their duty to provide free education for a particular duration for kids and children of our Martyrs.
B) Inclusion of Atrocity Literature : The concept of atrocity literature is used by America to make a culture or country look bad and inferior. I m not urging Indian state to do that. But it is important for our students to know in details about the atrocities and crime committed by Pakistan and its rogue army on Balochistan. Comparative study would make us realize that our Indian army is a moral army and above anything else. We should know how Pakistani army raped tortured and butchered Bengalis in Bangladesh when they refused to bow down to their Punjabi dominance. It was India who gave them shelter and ultimately liberated Bangladesh.
Along with this, the atrocities committed by Naxals, Maoists and Kashmiri Separitists should be highlighted through various seminars and debates. Chapters on the sufferings of Kashmiri Pundits should be a compulsory reading in universities.
Time has come to recognize our real heroes. Good governance & developmental politics is a necessary condition for goodwill of any country but surely not the sufficient condition. Patriotism and Nationalism are the essential components of Nation building. It is not some ill trait as liberals make it out to be.