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BJP get ready for Kurukshetra 2019 Here is your Chakravyuha and Brahmashirsha astras part 2

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Indian. Nationalist Living in USA Uttah since 2002. Single Mother. Engineering Electromechanical Consultant MC Engineering Company, Salt Lake City, Utah

BJP get ready for Kurukshetra 2019

Here Are Your Chakravyuha & Brahmashirsha Astras (Part II)


Having detailed what the BJP Party must do to secure victory in the 2019 election in the first part of this article,(you can read hereconsider now what the Government must do simultaneously:

  1. The current Government must set the agenda for the Media and Opposition to follow, not the other way around. The Government must work smarter, not just harder.
  2. The Government must provide daily, weekly and monthly media briefings, as informed earlier. If they lack the necessary talent, they must outsource it.
  3. It must convert monthly the Mann ki baat into a live interview program immediately. If leaders are worried, they must organize their own friendly reporters to ask suitable questions. No matter what, please interact with the media and deliver the interviews.
  4. Revive the ‘DD,’ the national government owned channel, and transform it into an international channel, following the standards of BBC and CNN. Only advertise in government-owned media and ensure that your party and ministers only provide exclusive interviews or perform debates in those government-owned channels. Also ensure that you send the best spokesperson only.
  5. Do not exaggerate achievements or make elaborate promises while in power. Tone down this rhetoric. We cannot afford another India Shining style exaggeration while the obvious reality is that it cannot improve while the Congress Eco system is determined to hinder development.
  6. Realize quickly that, with the Eco system of Bureaucracy and Judiciary, people will oppose them, whether they be media or many of the state governments. Delivering only 30% of its promises by 2019 will be a miracle. Hence, while the party focuses in states where it suffers from weak support and opposition rules, the government should focus on those locations where it enjoys power, advancing projects forward, bringing them into reality: smart cities, roadways, port and bullet trains.
  7. Install many better-performing ministers, like Piyush Goyal, Nittin Gadkari and Sushma Swaraj. If none are present within the party, hire some or outsource these roles. To deliver promises, better ministers must be providing leadership.
  8. New announcements will not provide future election victory, but implementing announcements will. For example, the government announced AIIMS and the new IIT two years ago, and not even the land has been identified for one to this very day. In a similar way, you must install a separate Ministry of Disinvestment, or outsource this role.
  9. The previous UPA Government destroyed the Indian education system in various ways, beyond their ill-conceived Right to Education Act. The government must ensure a successful revamp of the education system and syllabus to save our children.
  10. The Government Intelligence System, even after two years of power, appears to be infested with Congress Ecosystem sleeper cells. Why doesn’t the government have any information on the church attack in Delhi, price increases of food grain pulses, Rohit vermula or JNU? This must be resolved.
  11. Please move Mr. Arun Jatliey out of the Finance Ministry. The entire government and party will benefit from this necessary change.  You can read the reasons from here on Why Jatliey should be removed from the finance ministry. 
  12. More than 800 projects are currently stalled. If only 100 of them get started, major economists tell us that the economy will flourish. It is mandatory to commence those projects, or shift those projects to states that enjoy a friendly, business-oriented environment. For example Chandrababu Naidus Andhra Pradesh provide this opportunity.
  13. The government must realize that Hindus have voted this government into power, and they alone can return the government to power. It very sad for 80% of Hindus interests to be neglected, with no country to support them. Hindus have only one country – India. Hence, India must care for Hindus by ensuring that they have freedom to manage their religion and a culture they belong to.
  • The Government must introduce the bill for ‘no religious conversion,’ even if it may fail since it requires

    constitutional amendments and UPA will not support it. But, let the people understand that you are serious about protecting Hindus.

  • When minorities manage their Religious and Cultural affairs, Hindu temples become mismanaged and looted by the government for selfish gain, in the name of government management. Hindus should immediately receive the right to manage their temples and cultural affairs freely, without government interference. Begin this at least in the BJP-ruled states.
  • When government-funded or government-aided minority educational institutions do not have any reservations through the Right to Education Act, it is very sad that the Hindus-owned educational institutions do not receive any government aid whatsoever, being forced to provide reservations. The government should provide a right to education by itself. If not, then law must be applied to the minority institutions as well, whether aided by the government or not – similar to Hindu Education Institutions.
  • Ram Mandir has been the notorious promise which birthed the BJP. Yet years have passed without this important issue receiving serious attention. Be sure to pray at the Ram Mandir before you are file for the next election, or release your election manifesto from Ram Mandir.
  1. If you were told that you could win a Noble prize by being friendly to the Congress Ecosystem and to those who were abusing you since 2002, you are hearing an outright lie. Be assured that you will not receive a Nobel prize. People who voted for you are patriots, yet their families are suffering for a generation as a result of the Congress misruling and appeasing the powerful mafia and eco system. I have already decoded the media intention here that shies away in addressing you as the Prime Minister Hence: .
    • Destroy the eco system.
    • Hire a better law minister and Attorney General. Ensure the punishment of all 2G, 3G, CWG and others scammers before 2019. Be sure to imprison the Lalu Prasad kind of convicted persons, rather than letting them manage the country.
    • You have done your bidding both in Pakistan and Kashmir. Now turn from this and refuse any further misadventures. Instead, consider the possibility of going to war with Pakistan, better to accept the truth it is inevitable one day if not today
  2. Countries progress only when the Judiciary works promptly and efficiently. While you may be limited in your authority over the Judiciary, it is heavily infested by the Congress eco system. Why not provide them with sufficient Judges and facilities? Why not force the Supreme Court to open branches in every state? They may not comply, but the people will notice your intentions and appreciate them.

Brahmashirsha Astra

imagesOnce your chakrvuyha is ready, it is the time to use the Brahmashirsha Astra. Brahmashirsha Astra is four times more powerful than the Brahma-astra, used on a situational basis during the final leg of Kurserthra war:

  1. Reservation in the Private sector: Since you must recover the SC and ST from the grip of Congress, having been fooled by Congress for decades, propose an Equality Act. This will ensure that all private organizations who avail any form of government subsidy, either through tax, rebate or free land or power, must be forced to reserve 15% to SC & ST, while 10% to the Poor, irrespective of caste. This will yield a 25% overall reservation. Require that either the corporate meets the 25% reservation, or they forgo the rebate or incentives they would receive. Corporate must assume some social responsibility, though the caste-based reservation system is an Indian phenomenon. All other countries, from the UK to Brazil to Japan and the most prominent throughout the Middle East, have a reservation system, ranging between 30% to 100% from sector to sector for their nationals. This Equality Act should be over above the government job reservation in government organization. Since they complain that government institution jobs are shrinking, this will really offset the concern.
  2. Loan waiver for the farmers: Ask Arun Jatliey, or whomever will be the next Finance Minister, to reserve RS. 1.50 lac crore. Yes, 1.5 lac crore, when the government can write off 1.5 lac crore loans given to corporates because of crony capitalism, should be able to set aside another 1.5 lac crore, or more, to be used as the Agriculture Debt and Farm Loan Waiver scheme. This restored UPA back into power in 2009. At that time, Chidambaram gave over 54,000 crore; but then again, it was 10 years ago. By 2018, you will need least 1.5 lakh crore for this scheme.
  3. Final Brahmashirsha Astra: The Middle class, which voted for you significantly, is disappointed over the Income Tax. The key factor for the average India citizen is personal income tax, not corporate. Therefore, the BJP endeavor to totally abolish this tax. This will energize the middle class and correct the economy. This will not impact the budget in a significant way. Mr. Jaganathan has provided a detailed analysis of this here.

If we consider all the subsidies and benefits given annually, Indian agriculture receives benefits in excess of Rs 3,00,000 crore every year, between center and states and bankers. If Rs 3 lakh crore annually is inadequate to make farming viable for the majority of India’s farmers, the remedy cannot be to subsidize them more in the same way. Be realistic. You cannot solve in five years all the problems that Congress created in 60 years. Therefore, it is mandatory for you to continue in power, which makes another 1.5 crore reasonable.

Many rightwing friends may disagree with my support for these Brahmashirsha Astra. But returning to power for another two terms is absolutely vital. Otherwise, India will never see Achhe Din again. You are fighting an ecosystem, which resembles a termite-infested nation. The only way to regain power is by doing exactly what I have asked of you, and by doing it for Amit Shah.

Since NDA is not expected to receive even a working majority in Rajya Saba until 2019, your only hope in the present is to pass as many as bills as possible in the current session in Lok Shaba. Then, wait for six months, and by December call a joint session for parliament to pass all the bills at once!

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Indian. Nationalist Living in USA Uttah since 2002. Single Mother. Engineering Electromechanical Consultant MC Engineering Company, Salt Lake City, Utah
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