Saturday, July 27, 2024



भारत एक सनातन राष्ट्र

धर्मनिरपेक्षता भारत का कोढ़ है तथा यह देश के उत्थान में एक कंटक है। इसे सनातन राष्ट्र घोषित करना आवश्यक है तथा इसमें विलम्व अत्यंत घातक हो सकता है। सत्य तो यह है कि यह एक नीति राष्ट्र के अनेकों समस्याओं का निराकरण स्वतः ही कर देगी।

Religious secularism

With the hypocritical standards which are followed in this country, a person is looked down upon to celebrate an historical moment in his religion.

अतार्किक होते हुए भी क्यों प्रचलित है जातिवाद

इस समाज को यदि जातिवाद के जाल से निकलना है तो, इतिहास को सही परिप्रेक्ष्य मे पढ़ाना होगा, सभी जन मानस को समान समझना होगा और पुत्र मोह को त्यागना होगा, तभी हम एक सभ्य समाज कि रचना कर सकते है जिसकी कल्पना हमारे पूर्वजों ने की थी।

The left eco system across the world becoming more powerful, and that is what every country should be worried about

There is a nexus between corrupt in both private and public sector across the globe in almost all line of businesses operating in finance, land and media.

First Kumbh Mela, then Holi – Sell your tea and detergent, HUL, quit virtue signaling

HUL goofed up miserably, because this is the second time in less than a week that they have exposed their Hindu-phobia.

The Left should leave: Read why

It’s a hobby for the Left liberal to defend the human rights of those who annihilate the human rights of others.

Follow the given teachings and become Darling of Indian Liberals

Follow this principles and be a darling of 'emminent' 'seculars'.

Pakistan’s Panama Verdict and Mental Constipation of India’s ‘Intellectuals’

The 'intellectuals' exposed themselves by praising Pakistan's system without knowing the facts

Karan Thapar: A gentleman with jaundiced eyes

According to Mr. Thapar, "Freedom of speech is non-negotiable whilst respect for the flag is important” (read negotiable).

Anti-Nationals masquerading as journalists

Why we need to be cautious when we read and check the credibility of the writer before sharing any article on social media.

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