क्या आप कल्पना कर सकते हैं कि एक १२ वर्ष का बच्चा जो शायद ८ वी कछा का छात्र होगा, वो अपने हांथो में भयानक हथियार लेकर एक गाँव में घुसे और अपने समान जीवित लोगों पर गोलीयाँ बरसाते हुए मारने लगे। उस बच्चे कि मानसिक स्थिति क्या होगी?
Let us pledge today and discuss more about those violent days of Middle east so that people will get sense of what has happened and happening in the name of Islam.
US President Donald Trump had announced to the world on Sunday, that the leader of ISIS (can't expand to preserve secular fabric) Abu Bakr al Baghdadi has killed himself by detonating his suicide vest.
This election is a clash between the views that "India was born in 1947" while on the other side we have the view that "India is a 5000 old civilization that got self-rule in 1947".