Sunday, September 8, 2024


Hindu terror lie

Is Hindutva the same as Hinduism?

The word Hindutva therefore, applies to any Hindu who thinks of and stands for being Hindu, whether or not one uses that word for oneself. In fact it is not applied to individuals in any case.

When will the ‘right’ rise against bloodshed?

A number of slain bodies found this month, were hacked to death for expressing a political opinion that is detested by the left-centric parties.

Imran Khan explained precisely why Islamophobia is necessary in 21st century

A person like Imran Khan, who comes from an affluent family, is a Pakistani elite from whichever standard you look, says he would have picked up a gun if he were in Kashmir.

हिंदू आतंक को साबित करने का नया अड्डा नेटफ्लिक्स

किसी ने कहा है कि फिल्में (साहित्य) समाज का दर्पण होती है। अगर यह नॉरेटिव आज सेट हो गया तो आगे आने वाली पीढ़ी हमें सिर्फ हिंदू आतंकवादी के नाम से जानेगी।

Modi and Pragya: Will the two roads diverge?

Hope Sadhvi Pragya Thakur doesn't gets blinded by power, as we have seen in many leaders, even of BJP, in the past. Hope, she gets the definition of 'Sadhvi' to next level, just like 'Yogi' defined by Yogi Adityanath.

नाथूराम गोड़से- देशभक्त या हत्यारा

सिर्फ़ भारत का विभाजन करने के लिए गाँधीजी की हत्या नहीं की गयी थी, बात उससे भी काफ़ी आगे बढ़ने वाली थी जो की हमारा अस्तित्व मिटा देती!

It is good Sadhvi Pragya apologised

Sadhvi Pragya calling Godse a patriot: he was, is and will remain as a patriot and Kamal Hassan (actor, politician and head of a political party) calling Godse, a Hindu terrorist - both are reprehensible.

Naturam Godse – Not our weight to carry

We have been breaking our backs with the burden of Godse’s actions but it was never our weight to carry.

The saga of Terrorism, world politics and ‘left-liberal’ ecosystem

Kamal Hassan's recent statement on Nathuram Godse being the first terrorist of Independent India who was a Hindu, is a reflection of the mindset that prevailed till a few years back.

How did Hindutva become dangerous?

They're are afraid because they could successfully wipe out all other civilisations and cultures without any problem but Hindutva survived the onslaught of torture, rapes and even mass murders for a thousand years

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