BJP candidate from Bhopal loksabha constituency was always in controversy, ever since she was nominated as candidate from the old bastion of the saffron party. Pragya sparked row whenever she spoke, whether it was Karkare or the most recent, Godse. Godse remark was so strong, that even their own leader openly opposed her .Since then, there were speculations, what will happen if Pragya wins elections, will PM Modi ignore her, will he keep his promise of “never forgiving” for her Godse remarks? These speculations were fueled by the recent NDA parliamentary meet, where Modi was seen distancing himself from the Bhopal MP.
Alternately, this incident can be seen as Modi has to meet all 352 MP elect plus other party dignitaries, over to 600+ people within a span of say twenty minutes, so he didn’t have time to warmly greet Sadhvi. But it gave spices for further cooking of opinions to mainstream media, which has preyed like vultures to find anything which can defame her and question Modi. Let’s say, PM Modi tries to extend this distance for next five years,where will this lead?
Yes, elections were fought on just one name,”Modi” since 2013, many were won, some were lost by the ruling party. Yes,the bumper majority of 303, was a result of Modi facet. But, was this the only reason? No. Had this been the only reason, BJP would alone have secured more than 50% vote share across the country, and may even have won every seat it contested. The people’s verdict, was not only for Modi, but also for the candidate. And hence, if Modi tries to cold shoulder the MP of Bhopal, he would disrespecting over 8lakh voters who chose her as their representative (considering, Pragya doesn’t do anti-party or anti-people activities).
Sidelining Pragya would also mean a blot on PM’s saying at the parliamentary meet, “to work for every citizen, who supported or opposed them”. Analyzing neutrally, Pragya’s most controversial statements on Karkare and Godse, we can say the former was inspired by the personal feud. Its a popular opinion and mostly true, she was framed of the terror charges in order to prove the myth of “Hindu terror”. The hand behind this was of course of Mr. Karkare, an Ashok Chakra awardee, who laid his life in the Mumbai terror attacks. Yes, a coin has two faces, and it would’ve been clear, if he had been alive, keeping in mind even Major Gogoi was brought to justice. Pragya while retracting from her statements on Karkare, had clarified she is taking back her statements because it was being utilized by anti-national elements, this was of course not highlighted by MSM.
On the second remark, “Godse was a patriot” had nothing to do with disrespecting Gandhi, as contrary to popular opinion formed after the PM’s statement of “never forgiving”. She didn’t utter a single word about Gandhi. Yes, Gandhi did many great things for the nation, but it also doesn’t mean a coin can have only one face! In a nation,where freedom of speech can be used to disrespect Bharat Mata, Bhagwan Ram, Maa Durga, where sedition charges on publicly calling for breaking India is considered wrong,and the ‘tukde tukde gang’ receives popular support from certain sections,the president of oldest political party disrespects Veer Savarkar in parliament,and when it all comes to discussing dark side of Gandhi,everything becomes taboo.Not to forget,the sentencing of ‘popular terrorists’ is criticized at the home page of websites of government funded ‘minority’ institutes,the gathering at their funerals doesn’t invites criticism or sedition charges,but speaking on Godse does.
In the end, we can only hope Sadhvi Pragya Thakur doesn’t gets blinded by power, as we have seen in many leaders, even of BJP, in the past. We can only hope, she gets the definition of ‘Sadhvi’ to next level, just like ‘Yogi’ defined by Yogi Adityanath.