generation or two, Bharatiyas have resisted, sacrificed and survived one invasion after another. The reclaiming of this ancient site and building a grand temple is a civilization accepting the challenge of the competing invasive cultures and declaring in one voice that we are here to stay.
यह महज एक हिंदू-मुस्लिम दंगा नहीं अपितु नियोजित सोद्देश्य हिंसा थी उन लोगो ने देखते ही देखते मोपला के 20 हजार से भी ज्यादा हिन्दूओ को काट दिया। जिसमें अनगिनत हिंदू जख्मी हुए और हजारो का धर्म-परिवर्तन हुआ।
Unfortunately, the average Hindu finds little presence in the academia and intelligentsia, which has ever trivialized the sufferings of the Hindus. The world knows of the injustices perpetrated upon the Jews and rightfully acknowledges them, but it knows not of the injustices perpetrated upon the Hindus
her dead body was found roadside in an extremely horrible condition, the post-mortem reported that she was brutally gang-raped, sodomized, horribly tortured and cut into two halves using a mechanical saw while she was still alive.
It is time that history books reevaluate the acts of these so called great Muslim rulers. The lie that bigotry and communalism in India started only after 1857 needs to be dispelled.
विधवा विवाह और सती प्रथा दो विपरीत प्रथाएँ हैं जिनका सह-अस्तित्व कभी भी संभव नहीं। अर्थात अगर विधवा विवाह प्रचलित है तो सती प्रथा का कोई औचित्य ही नहीं है। निस्संदेह सती प्रथा मूल हिंदू धर्म का कोई अंग नहीं था। फिर यह कुरीति समाज में कैसे शुरू हुई?
We may doubt and debate if Gandhi understood meaning of taqiyya and kitman. But his commentaries, observations and reactions during this period do indicate that he practiced these to perfection.
जाति की राजनीति करने वाले सभी नेता ब्राह्मणवाद विचारधारा से ग्रसित हैं, क्योंकि वह समाज में एकीकृत भाव का निर्माण होने ही नहीं देना चाहते। बाकि समझ अपनी-अपनी।