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Nitish Kumar accession to throne: Opportunism or prudence


On 26th July, 2017, the Bihar Chief Minister resigned from his post or in his words he listened to the “call of his conscience”. He broke the grand alliance that comprised RJD, JD(U) and Congress. It seems that it had been difficult for Nitish Kumar ji to decide between Dharma to do honest politics and Karma to keep the alliance intact. Even though the clear signals were given to RJD yet it was bent upon saving the Deputy Chief Minister post of Tejaswi Yadav. I think resigning from the post of Chief Minister was the right decision taken by him. It was also prudent of him joining the hands with his erstwhile partner, BJP, as he has not faced this sort of trouble with that alliance. Today Nitish Kumar proved the majority with 131 MLAs on his side whereas RJD plus got the support of 108 MLAs.

The relationship within grand alliance got bitter as the raids on the companies associated with Lalu Prasad Yadav were started. The raids were conducted, first by Income Tax Department and then CBI, for the allegation of Benami land deals during Lalu ji’s tenure as the Central Railway Minister. The alleged Benami property was worth Rs 1,000/- crore and the raids were carried out in Delhi and Gurgaon, in this connection. Also, the son of Lalu Prasad Yadav and the Deputy CM of Bihar was under the scanner of CBI. In one of the articles published in Indian Express it was mentioned that Hema Yadav, another daughter of Lalu Prasad, had the Benami land plot in Patna, which worth Rs 62 Lakh. This plot was gifted by one Lalan Chaudhary, who was the resident of Siwan and also a BPL cardholder.

Apart from this, the Enforcement Directorate also conducted raids on three Delhi farmed houses, which were owned by Lalu’s daughter and Rajya Sabha MP Misa Bharti and her husband, in a money laundering case, worth 8,000 crore. Now, the ED has registered a case against the Lalu Prasad Yadav and his family members in money laundering case. The only shield that RJD is using is making hue and cry about the political vendetta, by the right wing RSS and BJP, to silence the voice of Lalu Prasad, in which Congress has also joined him. Though I do feel that it might have been so but such tactics have been played by every political party against the other.

Also, there must have been some truth in it that allowed the law enforcement agencies to close it on RJD Chief and his family. But this event has also brought to the forth the most unfortunate part that the law enforcement agencies are not empowered or dare to take action against the incumbent government. This helplessness of theirs is quite visible in many cases and only such political vendetta, quote unquote, disclose the corruption that has been done during the tenure of the politicians in power.

The second issue that has been doing the round again is about the BJP and RSS saffronisation agenda. I feel all the other political party wanted to show up that they here to save the nation’s secular fabric. They are even showing people that their coalition is largely forged to desist the communal forces, which is largely the BJP and RSS, in the country. But it is important to mention here that though there are a good number of regional parties like SP, BSP, RJD, TMC etc. and national party like Congress, who have been using religion and caste to get the votes in their favour yet their secularist credentials are unquestionable.

Therefore, I believe that all the political parties are having their hidden agendas and creating differences between the communities would not be a problem for them, if it serves their purpose. I also feel that people are now voting for two reasons- first, they have lost confidence in an old political party like congress, who has still been depending on one dynasty and the second is that they have had shown trust in the incumbent Prime Minister Shri Narender Modi. People have been voting the parties to the power in clear majority and if any party is unable to perform, its doomsday is near. I do believe that the present government would meet the same fate, if it doesn’t deliver on its promises.

Coming back to the political turmoil in Bihar I must say that the decision of Nitish Kumar has sent ripples in the political circles across the country but I believe that going with BJP was the right step taken by the CM of Bihar. The grand alliance was formed to counter the increasing strength of the BJP, or in more precise sense the rise of Shri Narender Modi, as one of the biggest political parties that is experiencing the winning streak in most of the elections across the country, since 2014.

Though alliance was forged for stopping BJP yet it was aptly clear that the governance should run on the basis of freedom from corruption and nepotism. It was surprising how two heavyweights, Nitish Kumar and Lalu Prasad Yadav, of Bihar politics, who are very different from each in their political approach, have come to the common table. Going along with RJD was a bold step for JD(U). It seems that the alliance was forged due to personal disliking of Nitish Kumar towards the Prime Minister yet continuing with RJD had definitely been a bitter experience for him. The present break in the alliance is the direct consequence of the accommodative politics adopted in Bihar.

Now, Nitish Kumar ji has once again been coronated to the throne of the Bihar CM in less than 24 hours. Though some dissenting voices came from his own party, in Bihar as well as the Kerala unit of JD (U), for his decision to forge an alliance with BJP yet he has comfortably sailed through it. He has faced the litmus test and shown the majority in the Bihar Assembly. Although many people, in political circles, are calling him an opportunist but I consider him a man with integrity and the one who thinks for people first. I consider him one of the most respectable CMs and man of words. He has shown his political maturity and prudence by joining the hands with BJP for the development of Bihar. I believe that his new allying partner will toe the same lines on which he is going ahead. Also, he will definitely take a stand, if such corrupt practices come to his notice in future.

In defense of the Military Tank display at JNU


JNU is back in the news again, this time for a positive reason though. The JNU VC M. Jagadesh Kumar has made a request to the Centre for a static display of a military tank in the campus, which he believes “will remind thousands of students about the great sacrifices and valour of our Indian Army”.

Of course, there has been cheers, with many pointing out various static display of aircraft and tanks dotting the country, be it at universities such the Jamia Millia or even schools such as the Lawrence School, Lovedale.

But as expected, there has been opposition from some quarters, with one article making a comparison of this proposed display to the usage of tanks in China’s Tianamen Square. Some have expressed a fear that the static display may lead to jingoism, and such a display also symbolically tramples free speech and dissent.

Is the exhibition of a tank or any military equipment the harbinger of a military, jingoistic state? Is it a weapon of intimidation of young minds? The following arguments debunk that military symbols and civil society values are incompatible, especially in India.

Our Defense Services, be it the Army, the Air Force or the Navy are volunteer based, unlike at China, where military service is compulsory by law, or at North Korea where there is no escape from conscription. Our Services have a perennial shortage of officers and personnel in the other ranks. The latest figures show a shortage of 9000 officers and 45,000 personnel in other ranks. The national security scenario is not exactly rosy, and the nature of warfare is changing. The Services need the best talent to secure our borders and national interest. An exhibition of a tank, a submarine or an aircraft in a university will drive that zeal to volunteer.

Military has historically driven innovation, research and development. While it can be argued that the offshoot has been weapons for destruction, the other side of the coin is collateral benefits of such research. The German V2 rockets which rained over London during the WW2 also laid the foundations of future space programs. The ARPANET, which was a US Department of Defense project flowered into the Internet. Military armament and equipment therefore are a product of the best technologies at the time of their design. Exhibiting such equipment gives a glimpse of the technology of the present or past, and inspires young minds to drive it further. Even an exhibition of the 1960s vintage HF-24 Marut, India’s first indigenously developed fighter aircraft will inspire young students to build something better.

Training in the services is tough, and pushes young men and women to their physical and emotional limits. Successfully completing this training, arms a young person with remarkable confidence, which will stand with him or her, in peace and in war. Piloting an aircraft, navigating a submarine, or handling a tank require skill, courage, equanimity and above all discipline. The armament displays symbolize these finest qualities of a soldier, and are apt displays to enthuse young minds to take up the challenge to inculcate those qualities.

If the premise is that anything related to the military is bad, and if there is a contemptuous allusion to bullying free speech and civil society, then the argument holds no weight. For long, from 1948, we have the National Cadet Corps (NCC), again a purely voluntary corps, at schools and colleges. Generations of cadets of have been trained in small firearms, drill, gliding, basic seamanship etc. More importantly, they have been imbibed with leadership skills, and the spirit of national integration. There is absolutely no evidence of any detrimental effect on free speech, dissent and all the nice sounding things being fought for by the left at institutions such as the JNU, due to the NCC. Clearly the NCC has contributed to creating a set of disciplined and adventurous youth with the spirit of patriotism, rather than creating a set of society misfits masquerading as radical student leaders.

Display of military armament reminds us of all those who to use the cliché “who gave their today, for our today”. Woe betide a nation that does not remember its heroes and their sacrifice. As much as we remember our freedom fighters, we ought to remember the sentinels of our borders and their deeds. It is not statistics, it is not dry news reports which convey the message, it is their stories retold a countless time and their symbols which will remain etched in the collective national memory. That is the least we can do. And having these symbols at institutions of learning is the apt thing we can do, to teach our next generation.

Prostitution: The dark side of our ‘developing’ society


7 years back. Those were the times when I did not prefer commuting or visiting places in the city on my own, unless it was the familiar (and regular) meditation center or the book store or my aunt’s home. And like most occasions, I was making Maa come along with me (or rather, going along with her) to a particular shopping complex where I thought I would find some chargeable cells for my digicam.

There were two or three or maybe more routes to reach that place and we accurately knew only one of them. The local bus plied this route; and I hated travelling by local buses back then, so I coaxed my mother to hire a rickshaw instead, which she did. But the rickshaw puller took a shorter route, which we were not completely familiar with. My only encounter with some part of that route had been when my college bus passed from there, and I started tracing those known landmarks so that I knew where I was. And then we came to an abrupt halt; it was the ‘Painth (पैंठ) day‘ of that particular area, a day when the local market would spread over those already narrow lanes and people would flock to buy vegetables, clothes, accessories and other goods at a cheaper rate.

Well, it must certainly be a useful day for people of that area but surely not for commuters like us. So our rickshaw puller steered the rickshaw through a maze of really narrow lanes to circumvent the hindrance. Now, neither my mom nor I had been in these lanes ever, so we were alert, but since it was a sunny early-spring noon, we were not scared. It was at the next turn that I sighted that; I cannot forget it even now, maybe, I shall never forget it my entire life. There were a series of adjacent buildings; like a residential complex; but as dirty, dingy and uninhabitable as possible, and those buildings had equally small, dark windows that only reflected gloom and misfortune. Out of those dreadful windows peeped women; frail and sad, with cheap clothes that barely covered their parts; an intentional endeavor to attract vile men. It was early spring but it was still chilly; I saw a woman in a spaghetti-top; that emaciated waif holding a baby. She was so frail that I was almost sure that she would not last long, and that baby, I hoped, should not have been a girl. I cannot forget their eyes. They were deserted of any hope or joy and those lightless pairs had a vast sea of emptiness in which you can expect only pain, only melancholy.

Of course, I had never seen a brothel or red light area before but I knew that it existed and whenever I traveled across the city on my own or with a girl-companion, I knew that I had to be wary of venturing there. So it did not take long for me to figure out where I was. I nudged my mom and pointed above. “Maa, it seems to be those women” She was as crestfallen. She had never been exposed to these lanes or these women as well. “Are we safe to be here”, I asked, almost readying myself to jump out of the rickshaw. She looked around. The special bazaar, the Painth, was running a few yards across the lane and there were housewives buying stuff. She pointed to them and indicated that it was safe. I think the total time we spent in that lane was only half a minute, but my eyes scanned those quarters curiously in that little time.

I remember seeing a dozen women behind each window and there were a lot of windows. How and where did they sleep? Did they even get space to sleep? Were they even allowed to sleep? Clearly, they did not look as if they got enough to eat. And even if they did, they were for sure not healthy. How could they be? The air, the dinginess, the molds on the paintless, ashen, crumpling walls; seasons of abuse and abundance of apathy, loveless existence; are they not catalysts powerful enough to suck up a human life; the life of a woman. A woman sold off by traffickers, probably lured by prospects of a job. A woman, perhaps, cheated by her lover or by someone she placed her trust in. A woman; perhaps, trying to pay off her family’s debt. Or a woman perhaps kidnapped, blackmailed, threatened.

I try to think how she must feel like and I am reminded of the time I got suddenly smacked on my back by a stranger on the road, and I am reminded of how it felt to be stalked once all the way from school to home when I had just turned 16, and I am reminded of every time I have been ogled and passed comments at. Thinking of all that makes me sick. How should that woman feel like who has to bear the touch of unknown, disgusting men? How does she live with that physical and mental pain? She must be dying every moment.

When I think about those women whom we call sluts, and the women we commonly abuse by calling sluts or whores, I think about the men who brought them here. It is in fashion to call a woman a slut on the basis of a wide range of parameters; ranging from her dressing-sense, her personal relationships and even her opinions or out of sheer jealousy, but I’d like to know what you would like to say about the men who carry out this activity. I think about those men who might come in the cloak of darkness, ravish these hapless creatures and christen them as women of ill-repute and come out unscathed, reputed and unsullied. They by all means lead a normal life. Born out of, of course a woman; they have wives, sons, sisters and daughters. Probably, they care about them too.

I try to imagine what they think about these women and I try to imagine why no man is taunted using a male-counterpart abuse for a slut. But then after all, reputation is the sole responsibility of a woman in our society and no matter how many precautions she takes, if she is stripped of this virtue, she is done for life. From Tess of the d’Urbervilles to Lucretia of Rome, an undone woman usually pays with her life. You fight for your religions. Do you realize how people of every religion have violated and exploited her? Of your Devdasis, of your nuns and sisters molested in Churches. What about the men or women responsible for her undoing? Why should they hypocritically don the cloak of purity? And how and why do we allow this to happen.

I do not understand why these women must continue to wriggle in pain. We raise our voices about a whole lot of things; although sometimes we hardly go beyond just voicing our opinions. Can we do something about these women? Well, logically if men can lead a normal life after doing whatever they want to these women, why should these women be tortured and killed day-in, day-out like that? What are these women paying for; Eve’s biting the apple or karma’s of past birth? If we can have a quota for backward class, a quota for SC/ST, probably another one for minorities; ask me and I will give up another one if you can take these women out of that hell and just let them live. Now, I know you will say that most of them are untrained. But I am sure brighter ones like you must have better ideas.

When you stand up for a cause next time; which is of course a commendable gesture, think about these women as well; these women who could as well have been our sisters, daughters, mothers or wives. And think twice before you call a woman a slut; after all who knows how Karma actually works.

Forget tanks on campus, here is how patriotism can be instilled in youth


No, patriotism isn’t the last refuge of scoundrels. Nor is, having patriotic feelings embedded in you make you jnujingoistic, irrational and a war mongeror.

The left liberal academia has often borrowed quotes of past to prove their miserable point that: anti-nationalism, anti-patriotism and pro-separatism is the way forward for a democratic country. For them loyalty to secularism first, liberalism second and then if some inch of loyalty is left, that is for the country. Whereas for ideal citizen it should be ‘Loyalty to country always’. The latest fiasco in JNU regarding celebration of first Kargil Diwas inside the campus and subsequent request of Vice chancellor of getting decommissioned war tank inside the campus has created a new debate about patriotism and need of instillation of patriotic nationalistic feelings inside the hearts and minds of youth of this country. But it simply can’t be done with decommissioned tank piece in the premises or hoisting Indian flag at the top of schools and universities.

More rigorous, detailed and systematic process is required to eradicate the infection of this anti-state, anti-armed forces lobby. Let us analyze it point by point and at each stages:

1: Influence on teenagers and re-structuring primary education: How often have we seen an outrage on social media about the nonsensical directionless and completely absurd historical syllabus which are forced upon our school going kids? And when current political establishment took small steps in rectifying it they were caught on backfoot with opposition, media and educationist coming together to call it ‘Saffronization’ or ‘Bhagwakaran’ of Indian history. Debates in parliament and prime time news quarrels completely caught them in a loop and ultimately the process vaporized like dry ice. This is  were centre needs to be clever and change its tactics at various level:

A) On the modern technical front: Our politicians in the current govt needs to open up another dimension to outfox the opposition. There will be severe critics if one chapter of Mughal dynasty is removed and in that place more details about Subhash Chandra Bose and INA are included. But what if a section is included on the various modern day missiles that India has acquired with their details such as: cost of manufacturing, date of first use and place, time period required to set up and launch the missile? The interest and passion would be much more to know about their types-whether ballistic or cruise, whether surface to surface, surface to air or air to air or under water to surface. When is one used and in what conditions. Now link it to to our history. For example a comparison between the infantry weapons used by INA and now used by Indian army. How modernization has changed the equipments. Slowly try to build a connection with our freedom fighters and our modern day Indian army heroes.
B) Linking it to scientific know how: The mathematics and the physics involved in the use of a device creates more intense passion to know about the details of it rather than a page containing historical aspect of it. It makes the subject more relevant and something quantifiable which the students can relate to. Why not study the physics behind an equipment? Its working principle. For example, say the Bofors gun. As we are studying thrust and  projectile motion why not study it in details taking this as an example. The mathematics behind the projectile motion, the range and the thrust of the gun. Mechanisms to increase the range and vary the projectile path, the recoil theory inside it and other various aspects.
C) Focus on Mordern Day Heroes of Independent India: For too long we have studied about Mughal dynasty and their aristocratic living, their favourite singers in their courtyards. Far too long we have focused on foreign war history. Its time to replace them with real Indian heroes who took bullets for this motherland. They, unlike the pre historic Shahazadas who came here to loot India, have died for one cause and one cause only- to protect integrity of Bharat Mata.

The left liberal academia will find difficult to object it. Because their usual narrative of Saffronization will not hold. They will find it uncomfortable to link it with say X or Y organisation. Its time that our teenagers know the battles of Kargil and the heroic sacrifice of our Armed forces to keep our land safe. We should know how Indian army captured back Tiger Hill even when Pakistani troops were occupying high altitude position. We should let our kids know about sacrifices of Saurabh Kalia and the ‘Dil mange more’ attitude of Vikram Batra for the capture of Point NJ 4875, a point of strategic importance which India could win at the behest of his sacrifice.

Trips and small tours should be organised to various War Memorials to make them realize the battle scenarios, arms & ammunition used by our Army during the battle.

2. Restructuring and gradual change in discourse in Universities and colleges: This should follow only after the systematic changes in the primary education sector take place, as mentioned above. Not before that. It is in the universities and colleges that leftist professors brainwash and sow seeds of Jihad & urban Naxalism in the minds of the youth. If one has a strong knowledge of our armed forces and know how of valour of our Indian army in details, from tender age they may be able to come out of this trap unfazed. That is why deep rooted connection with our army from school days is important. In addition to it, to prevent more Kanhaiyas and Shehlas the measures to be undertaken at this stage are:

A) Mandatory National services and civic engagement- CONSCRIPTION: Can you guess which country is second only to the United States in the number of companies it has on the NASDAQ? The answer is Israel. Nowhere else in the world do people who work in a center of technology innovation have to do national service. National service gives the young Israelis problem-solving skills, interaction with a broad range of people, and an invaluable network. After their military service, many of these young people go to college and graduate school with a better perspective on what they want to do and the leadership skills and life experience essential in starting and building a company. It would not only save our youths in colleges from taking part in petty low level political fights but also it will aid boost their morale and knowledge about their own country. Instead of trying to hog limelight by shouting ‘Azaadi’ slogans, their idle mind will get a direction. National service in this regard can be categorized into following:
i) For humanity and commerce section: The communist Azaadi brigade are most dominant in this group. The Umar Khalids and Kanhaiyas feel India is illegally occupying Kashmir and brand army personnels as rapist. They feel army is damaging the human rights. So much empathy but I can bet none of them even knows all the districts of J&k nor do they have knowledge about Operation Sadhbhavna which is conducted on a massive scale by the Army. If they have so much concern for average Kashmiri; why don’t they volunteer to take part in relief programs undertaken by the army?

The govt colleges & universities should make it mandatory for students in the humanities section to take part in at least 2 such goodwill programs under the guidance of Indian army. It can be in J&K valley, in the NE borders or in the Maoist inflicted areas. Professors should also be made a part of this joint internship/ vocational training program. It would help them not only to know the humane side of our Indian army but would they also be able to find the adverse condition in which they function. It will make them realize how in reality urban Naxals like Nandini Sundar and Bela Bhatia masquerading as activists are Naxal sympathizer and spreading falsehood against Army. In addition to this, it will help them acquiring knowledge as to how to deal with  practical and real life crisis and chalk out solutions.

ii) For science and technocrat section: Our budding scientist and young future engineers are the technical power and energy of India. But sadly their lack of interest in affairs of our country is astonishing. Recently HRD minister announced all engineers should undertake at least 3 internship programs. Make one of them mandatory in defense sector. Whether it is communication, electrical, mechanical or instrumentation engineering branch. Let ordnance factories open up for internship and vocational training for such students. Research programs regarding the use of various sensors and control units in our defense mechanism should be made a part of the syllabus. Students should be encouraged to make their final year project based on it.

iii) For teachers and professors: The lectures teachings and their guidance have a far fetching effects on the minds of our youth. So until their own infection is cured, how can you expect them to help groom students who will be useful for nation building? As a part of UGC B.Ed course the govt should make a provision for them to take part in ‘Teach for India’. It should be particularly focused on 2 aspects:
– To teach and educate children who are living in disturbed areas. For example in Bastar or villages in Odisha. Along with CRPF they can jointly carry out this program.
– As a part of internship it will be their duty to provide free education for a particular duration for kids and children of our Martyrs.

B) Inclusion of Atrocity Literature : The concept of atrocity literature is used by America to make a culture or country look bad and inferior. I m not urging Indian state to do that. But it is important for our students to know in details about the atrocities and crime committed by Pakistan and its rogue army on Balochistan. Comparative study would make us realize that our Indian army is a moral army and above anything else. We should know how Pakistani army raped tortured and butchered Bengalis in Bangladesh when they refused to bow down to their Punjabi dominance. It was India who gave them shelter and ultimately liberated Bangladesh.

Along with this, the atrocities committed by Naxals, Maoists and Kashmiri Separitists should be highlighted through various seminars and debates. Chapters on the sufferings of Kashmiri Pundits should be a compulsory reading in universities.

Time has come to recognize our real heroes. Good governance & developmental politics is a necessary condition for goodwill of any country but surely not the sufficient condition. Patriotism and Nationalism are the essential components of Nation building. It is not some ill trait as liberals make it out to be.

कश्मीर में शान्ति बहाली ही शहीदों को सच्ची श्रधांजलि होगी

कश्मीर में शान्ति बहाली ही शहीदों को सच्ची श्रधांजलि होगी
26 जुलाई 2017, 18 वाँ कारगिल विजय दिवस
वो विजय जिसका मूल्य वीरों के रक्त से चुकाया गया,
वो दिवस जिसमें देश के हर नागरिक की आँखें विजय की खुशी से अधिक हमारे सैनिकों की शहादत के लिए सम्मान में नम होती हैं।

1999 के बाद से भारतीय इतिहास में जुलाई का महीना हम भारतीयों के लिए कभी भी केवल एक महीना नहीं रहा और इस महीने की 26 ता० कभी अकेली नहीं आई।

26 जुलाई की तारीख़ अपने साथ हमेशा भावनाओं का सैलाब लेकर आती है।

गर्व का भाव उस विजय पर जो हमारी सेनाओं ने हासिल की थी
श्रद्धा का भाव उन अमर शहीदों के लिए जिन्होंने तिरंगे की शान में हँसते हँसते अपने प्राणों की आहुति दे दी
आक्रोश का भाव उस दुश्मन के लिए जो अनेकों समझौतों के बावजूद 1947 से आज तक तीन बार हमारी पीठ में छुरा घोंप चुका है।

क्रोध का भाव उस स्वार्थी राजनीति, सत्ता और सिस्टम के लिए जिसका खून अपने ही देश के जवान बेटों की बली के बावजूद नहीं खौलता कि इस समस्या का कोई ठोस हल नहीं निकाल सकें।

बेबसी का भाव उस अनेक अनुत्तरित प्रश्नों से मचलते ह्रदय के लिए कि क्यों आज तक हम अपनी सीमाओं और अपने सैनिकों की रक्षा करने में सक्षम नहीं हो पाए?
उस माँ के सामने असहाय होने का भाव जिसने अपने जवान बेटे को तिरंगे में देख कर भी आँसू रोक लिए क्योंकि उसे अपने बेटे पर अभिमान था कि वह अमर हो गया
उस पिता के लिए निशब्दता और निर्वात का भाव जो अपने भीतर के खालीपन को लगातार देशाभिमान और गर्व से भरने की कोशिश करता है।

उस पत्नी से क्षमा का भाव जिसके घूँघट में छिपी आँसुओं से भीगी आँखों से आँख मिलाने की हिम्मत आज किसी भी वीर में नहीं।
26 जुलाई अपने साथ यादें लेकर आती है टाइगर हिल, तोलोलिंग, पिम्पल काम्पलेक्स जैसी पहाड़ियों की।

कानों में गूँजते हैं कैप्टन सौरभ कालिया, विक्रम बत्रा,मनोज पाण्डे,संजय कुमार जैसे नाम जिनके बलिदान के आगे नतमस्तक है यह देश।
12 मई 1999 को एक बार फिर वो हुआ जिसकी अपेक्षा नहीं थी
दुनिया के सबसे ऊंचे युद्ध क्षेत्रों में लड़ी गई थी वो जंग
160 किमी के कारगिल क्षेत्र एलओसी पर चला था वो युद्ध
30000 भारतीय सैनिकों ने दुश्मन से लोहा लिया
527 सैनिक व सैन्य अधिकारी शहीद हुए
1363 से अधिक घायल हुए
18000 ऊँची पहाड़ी पर 76 दिनों तक चलने वाला यह युद्ध भले ही 26 जुलाई 1999 को भारत की विजय की घोषणा के साथ समाप्त हो गया लेकिन पूरा देश उन वीर सपूतों का ॠणी हो गया जिनमें से अधिकतर 30 वर्ष के भी नहीं थे।

“मैं या तो विजय के बाद भारत का तिरंगा लहरा के आऊँगा या फिर उसी तिरंगे में लिपटा
आऊँगा ” शहीद कैप्टन विक्रम बत्रा के यह शब्द इस देश के हर युवा के लिए प्रेरणा स्रोत हैं।
कारगिल का पाइन्ट 4875 अब विक्रम बत्रा टाप नाम से जाना जाता है जो कि उनकी वीरता की कहानी कहता है।
और 76 दिन के संघर्ष के बाद जो तिरंगा कारगिल की सबसे ऊँची चोटी पर फहराया गया था वो ऐसे ही अनेक नामों की विजय गाथा है।
स्वतंत्रता का जश्न वो पल लेकर आता है जिसमें कुछ पाने की खुशी से अधिक बहुत कुछ खो देने से उपजे खालीपन का एहसास भी होता है।
लेकिन इस विजय के 18 सालों बाद आज फिर कश्मीर सुलग रहा है।
आज भी कभी हमारे सैनिक सीमा रेखा पर तो कभी कश्मीर की वादियों में दुश्मन की ज्यादतियों के शिकार हो रहे हैं।
युद्ध में देश की आन बान और शान के लिए वीरगति को प्राप्त होना एक सैनिक के लिए गर्व का विषय है लेकिन बिना युद्ध के कभी सोते हुए सैनिकों के कैंप पर हमला तो कभी आतंकवादियों से मुठभेड़ के दौरान अपने ही देशवासियों के हाथों पत्थरबाजी का शिकार होना कहाँ तक उचित है?

अभी हाल ही के ताजा घटनाक्रम में जम्मू कश्मीर पुलिस के डीएसपी मोहम्मद अयूब पंडित को शब ए कद्र के जुलूस के दौरान भीड़ ने पीट पीट कर मार डाला।

इससे पहले 10 मई 2017 को मात्र 23 वर्ष के आर्मी लेफ्टिनेन्ट उमर फैयाज़ की शोपियाँ में आतंकवादियों द्वारा हत्या कर दी गई थी जब वे छुट्टियों में अपने घर आए थे, अभी छ महीने पहले ही वे सेना में भर्ती हुए थे। इस प्रकार की घटनाओं से पूरे देश में आक्रोश है। हमारे देश की सीमाओं की सुरक्षा की जिम्मेदारी हमारे सैनिकों की है जिसे वे बखूबी निभाते भी हैं लेकिन हमारे सैनिकों की सुरक्षा की जिम्मेदारी हमारी सरकार की है।

हमारी सरकारें चाहे केंद्र की हो चाहे राज्य की , क्या वे अपनी जिम्मेदारी निभा रही हैं?
अगर हाँ तो हमारे सैनिक देश की सीमाओं के भीतर ही वीरगति को क्यों प्राप्त हो रहे हैं?
क्या सरकार की जिम्मेदारी खेद व्यक्त कर देने और पीड़ित परिवार को मुआवजा देने भर से समाप्त हो जाती है?

कब तक बेकसूर लोगों की बली ली जाती रहेगी?
समय आ गया है कि कश्मीर में चल रहे इस छद्म युद्ध का पटाक्षेप हो।
सालों से सुलगते कश्मीर को अब एक स्थायी हल के द्वारा शांति की तलाश है।

जिस दिन कश्मीर की वादियाँ फिर से केसर की खेती से लहलहाते हुए खेतों से खिलखिलाएँगी, जिस दिन कश्मीर के बच्चों के हाथों में पत्थर नहीं लैपटॉप होंगे और कश्मीर का युवा वहाँ के पर्यटन उद्योग की नींव मजबूत करने में अपना योगदान देकर स्वयं को देश की मुख्य धारा से जोड़ेगा उस दिन कारगिल शहीदों को हमारे देश की ओर से सच्ची श्रद्धांजलि होगी।

Hindu Pilgrims & ancient holy Yatras- The new target of liberal intellectual mafias


Liberals only have empathy for the exact same victims- always the ones that are represented by powerful liberal interest groups but apathy and contemptuousness for the other group which they call the ‘majority’.

Their scornful and disrespectful attitude towards them is not due to Majoritarianism but because it doesn’t create and arouse that same romantic fascination for them. The reason is, it suits their agenda of ‘Hindu Bashing’.

Any broad minded truly liberal or for that matter any individual should have their facts first and then try to build the narrative around it. But for our modern day liberals, they have their narrative fixed first and then they create & experiment with facts around it. Their narrative is plain and simple which is Hinduphobhic to the core.

In my previous article Sadistic pleasures of Liberals I mention how the liberal intellectuals find joy in mocking Hinduism and its traditions. But of late there is a new aspect seemingly becoming more prominent and pre-dominant in the Liberal discourse. Lately there has been a concentrated and a deliberate attempt and an effort in politicizing our Yatras and pilgrimage by painting them communal and thereby demeaning them. They intentionally want to link the Yatras which have been going on from centuries into some event of regressive unsocial activity, thereby linking it to ‘ultranationalism’ and ‘jingoisim’.

Such is the nature of their evil that they create and propagate fake news to give the holy and sacred Yatras a political colour. They want to portray our religion in a certain way and this is exactly why they are systematically targeting our roots.

Kanwar Yatra is an auspicious pilgrimage observed by Lord Shiva’s devotees every year, in which they undertake Yatra to Hindu pilgrimage centers to collect Ganga water, and then offer the ‘Ganga Jal’ in the local Shiva temples. Hence, these Shiv devotees are popularly referred as “Kanwars” or “Kanwariyas” and the entire pilgrimage is referred as “Kanwar Yatra”.

The peaceful Kanwaris go about their journey chanting ‘BAM BHOLE’ with a smile on their face and a lifted spirit. But somehow the Kanwaris carrying Jhoola, Khadi, Baithi & Dak (means to carry Ganga water) are now being projected as elements of great danger to the society. The Sadhus are now a threat to ‘secular’ India for our intellectuals and as if instead of Jhoola and Baithi they were carrying with them life threatening instruments which can disrupt the peace. The Kanwar Yatris are now some kind of ‘uncivilized’ antisocial elements.

There exists an elitist’s regressive mentality- which makes our liberal feels that the cities are for them only. One shouldn’t dare to enter their beautiful city to pollute them. It is the sole task of our liberal elites. Our ‘beautiful’ city’s swachata can be compromised for a certain ‘Global citizen concert’ or for that matter by Justin Bieber’s fan boys/girls.

It is important you know. It is important as it gives a message ‘Art has no boundaries, music has no boundaries’ . Such deep messaging is required for world peace. Isn’t it ?

Our city’s pollution control is not more important than illegal slaughter houses which causes menace and as terrible as the wastewater problems from slaughterhouses may be, their greenhouse gas emissions are equally frightening. It should be allowed to function because it has a ‘secular’ certificate from liberal brigade. Without Tunday Kababs our life would come to halt.

But Kanwariya’s should be taught basic manners and civility because they are not qualified enough to use the Highways and roads. They are not ‘civilized enough’ for our liberals. Yes that is the exact thought process of our elites. This liberal hypocrisy is just baffling. And so what if Muslim mob attacks when they pass through ‘Muslim’ area. For them it is the Kanwariyas responsible for destroying communal harmony, not Muslim mobs who attack them because it is ‘their’ area.

Telepathically all of our elites are now focused about the traffic problem suddenly as if one has to submit a research paper to their masters tomorrow and in conclusion they have decided to blame the ‘uncivilized’ Kanwariyas for it.

‘Prominent’  journalists tweeting, writing op-eds and articles how Kanwariyas are messing their city prop up like wild grass.

I am not objecting to their suddenly found interest in solving traffic problems. I am objecting to their selective amnesia and cherry picking of occasions. I just hope that their new found zeal in traffic solution is maintained through out the year and in every day of a week from Monday to ‘Friday’. I hope they will write in future how peaceful prayers are held even on rail track and stations. Here the UP govt has issued advisories to carry their ID card to avoid entry of any mischievous elements anf the routes of Kanwariyas have been fixed.

The most  prominent reason for such a campaign against Hindu pilgrims and Yatras is their effort to paint India ‘secular’ in which there is no place for Saffron. The holy saffron color is now a pain in the eyes for our intellectual mafias. In the garb of opposition to the ruling party BJP they are now opposing and becoming a Hindrance to the cultural identity. Articles are written on portals regarding how there is new ‘nationalistic’ wave behind the Yatra and which is dangerous for the ‘secular’ fabric of this country.

According to left liberals, carrying our National flag during Yatras is ultra patriotism and effect of Hindutva. It seems it is a crime nowadays to carry our Indian flag though I still don’t know which section of IPC can be applied on it. If according to our liberals, carrying our National flag represents one particular community or one particular political party, aren’t they indirectly conceding their lack of respect for our Indian flag? Aren’t they unknowingly acknowledging the fact that they can’t associate Indian flag with one particular community? Who is being communal and bigot in such case? Who is painting the whole community in one color in such case? No answers.

It is not just limited to Kanwar Yatra. Kashmiri journalists feel that Hindu pilgrims of Amarnath Yatra are polluting the scenic beauty of their state. They don’t have problems with their innocent radicalized youths polluting Kashmir when they pick up guns or pelt stones at security forces.For some of them carrying national flag is dangerous and a political signal and ‘patriotism on your sleeve can backfire’. It may cost your life. But the very same people feel waving Pakistani flag after Friday Jumma Namaz is a part of ‘Kashmiriyat’ and anger of misguided youths. I would not be surprised if future attacks on Amarnath Yatris are linked with nationalism and to this issue. They can stoop to any level. Nothing is impossible for them.

Fake news are being created to show the Kanwariyas in a bad light. In a systematic way the liberal establishment tried to propagate the news of shutting down of non veg shops around Noida. This veg non veg angle is increasingly becoming a new tool for the liberal brigade. Some even went on to say that the Kanwariyas themselves forced the non veg shops to be shut down and Local SHO was transferred forcefully by the UP Govt.

The Noida police was quick to react and they clearly and boldly clarified that there is no such dictate or circular from state govt. But who cares. As I said before liberals don’t believe in facts and figures. They are innovative and make up their own facts. Even after Noida police issued a clarification, news portals went on with their usual propaganda.

Their hidden agenda is to target the newly elected UP govt which some people think, is headed by a ‘Miltant Hindutva’ leader. Even when the new Yogi govt in UP has taken all measures to ensure smooth traffic control, making it sure that Yatra is completely peaceful.

If we further minutely analyse their discourse we will see a pattern- a pattern which tries to link the peaceful Yatras to the violence of another ‘peaceful’ religion. This is not monkey-balancing. It is a deliberate attempt of liberals to make us feel dejected about our own culture. They want to use this as brownie points to settle the scores. They want to indirectly justify the violence of Kashmiri radicalized youths by painting them as victims in the hands of Hindu pilgrims. It is a part of their ‘Abhrahamic Hindutva’ project. It is part of establishing the connection that ‘minorities’ is the sole proprietor of Victimhood’.

Is Hindu a victim? Yes. A victim of evil malicious designs of intellectual mafias. It is a victim of vicious false campaigns arising from their subconscious. It is difficult to change their mentality which is now confined within its narrow boundaries. Stupidity is a luxury. You will find time and time again that those who are overwhelmingly on the left are those who can afford to be so. What we need is to call out their bluff and expose their mental bias.

In their haste to be nobler and appear more secular than others, the anointed ones are destroying our cultural identity and that should be stopped with all force and at all cost. If we keep silence and try to ignore their ignorance we will find ourselves at the receiving end very frequently. If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. So it is time to unite and defend our culture otherwise it may face a threat of non existence and exponential decay.

‘Do not go gentle into that dark liberal trap, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of our culture.’

Peaceful co-existence is a mirage, Jihad is the reality


On 10th July, the first Shravan Somvaar, pilgrims aboard the bus to begin their Amarnath Yatra. Little did they know that an ambush was waiting for them, their vehicle was attacked by terrorists, taking lives of 7 pilgrims and injuring many.

Terrorist attacks- Before and After

Amarnath was one of the many attacks planned in Pakistan, aided by locals and orchestrated by terrorists. There was never any doubt over the support terrorists get from Kashmiri Muslims, but that the Indian government would gloss over it was utterly disappointing to say the least. Like all previous attacks, immediate response of the government after Amarnath attack too was to issue ‘Kadi Ninda’ – strongly condemn the incident with a vow to take revenge, but not without serving needless platitudes like ‘Kashmiriyat’.

Location, mode and the number of casualties may differ, but there’s a common pattern which cannot go unnoticed in every terrorist attack. It starts with, the radical Jihadi ideology which makes the attack happen, continues in the aftermath with media/liberals who try to deviate attention, de-link any connection of Islam with the attack by bringing terms like ‘Terrorism has no religion’ or the perpetrators of the ghastly act were ‘Misguided Youths’ and finally ends with intellectuals/activists masquerading as peaceniks who shift the focus to totally unrelated events from the American invasion to demolition of Babri Masjid to justify and make the event disappear from the public memory.

Questionable role of Media and Liberals

”It’s easier to deal with a wolf in wolf’s clothing, challenge lies in dealing with the ones dressed up as sheep”.

The above quote relates to all those who are part of the Jihadi syndicate, former are terrorists with guns, latter the ones with pens, mikes and cameras who set the ground for jihad by camouflaging themselves as media or liberals.

Role played by media in the syndicate is to downplay and totally discard the threat by fabricating theories of utopian concepts like peaceful co existence, so that gullible Hindus can latch on and romanticize with it, while radical Islamists can continue with their agenda. Take a look at reporting of Amarnath Attack for instance, what media went overboard with was that the driver named ‘Salim’ prevented more casualties. There is nothing wrong in praising him, but his name and religion was brought up only to tom-tom ‘Islam is a Religion of Peace’ theory, unsurprisingly  pilgrims were victim of Islamic Jihad in the first place was conveniently ignored.

Media and liberals love for Islamists is not a recent phenomenon. It all started long ago with liberals who doubled up as historians and pushed for a pro Islamist narrative through history books. From over the top glorification of Akbar to whitewashing crimes of cruel Aurangzeb and Tipu Sultan by passing off their rare act of donations to temples under compulsion, as a proof of their support for coexistence, while totally downplaying Jaziya imposed on infidels and forceful circumcision and conversions done by them.

Jihad- A threat India needs to be wary of

Threat we face as Indians is in multifold, as elucidated by Army Chief few days ago when he reassured about India’s preparedness for ‘Two and a Half wars’. However, that was oversimplifying the problem, for the half war (might of the enemies within) was underestimated, they are in fact the facilitator of the biggest challenge that we must brace ourselves with in the coming years-Islamic Jihad.

What is Jihad, if I may ask? Many think of it as violent form of conquest on the infidels-non believers of Islam. While that’s the most apt description, what many fail to recognize is that there are many subtle forms of Jihad, like Population Jihad, Love Jihad, Land Jihad, Business Jihad, Education Jihad are all different means to the same end.

As the violent form is direct, it gets noticed and there is at least an acceptance and some sort of resolve to fight it. However, latter ones are so subtle that they go unnoticed until they subsume us completely. The Jihadi syndicate has altered its strategy and hence discreet forms are more rampant now.

Kind of like changing the approach, from ‘putting frog in the boiling water to make it jump off’, to ‘putting frog in a warm water and slowly increasing the temperature to acclimatize and eventually burn it to death’.

What India is currently dealing with is the subtle form of Jihad, let’s explore them one by one

Population Jihad– It simply means growth by producing more kids than other religions to surpass them in few decades, this is being pursued ward by ward, city by city and state by state. While Hindus between 20-35 age are busy wondering whether John Snow will be dead or alive in the next season of Game of Thrones or fighting over who’s superior between Real Madrid or Barcelona, or busy trying out every new pub in the town, thinking that marriage is some primitive concept which ought to be delayed as much as possible, their Muslim colleagues in the same age group have 2-3 kids. There are some constitutional privileges too that Muslims enjoy like polygamy making their job easier.

Love Jihad– It is a subset of population Jihad, this includes inorganic growth. This happens when a Muslim boy fakes his identity and makes a Hindu girl fall in love with him, to the extent that she is ready to elope. In 90% of such cases girl comes to know about the real identity of the boy only after eloping with him and is left with no option but be allowed herself to be exploited. This is also happening across India, however high incidence is reported in UP and Kerala.

Land Jihad– We are seeing visible signs of this through changing demographics in most Indian cities and states. Modus operandi is simple, migrate to a predominantly non-Muslim territory, establish ghettos near strategic locations like Bus stop, Railway stations, expand further and encircle Hindu areas, making it difficult for them to continue living there, threaten and create a ground for their exodus, take over Hindu properties legally (through distress sales) or encroach them after exodus.

Another way in which land jihad begins is by encroaching government or private land by converting them into graveyards, local authorities do not act due to fear psychosis of Muslims and soon non-muslims stop going around that area, land prices in the nearby areas crash due to low demand making ground for Muslim buyers to pounce on it, with this a foothold is established in the region, from there on the expansion begins.

Business Jihad– It entails taking over local businesses, to grow financial clout, fund political parties and control running of the local government. Later on it results in business firms only for Muslims, creation of halal zones and ban on things not in consonance with Sharia. Example a small town called Melvisharam in Vellore District near Arcot. More shocking example is illegal Bangladeshi immigrants who came as cheap labour, later on they started growing financial muscle in parts of Assam and WB and what followed was Land Jihad. This form is prominent in Kerala as well, Wahhabis from Saudi have invested a lot of money in local businesses and many poor hapless Hindus who are employed by them are sitting ducks for subjugation.

Similarly, many Muslim cattle mafias have come up in UP, Bihar, Jharkhand and WB. They steal cattle from the villages in the dark mostly by force and smuggle it across the international border, farmer who’s only source of income is taken away becomes sitting duck for subjugation by Muslim mafia. Any attempt to organize and thwart or push back cattle smugglers is reported by media as attack on minority for beef (read here).

Education Jihad– Wahhabis have invested millions to establish Islamic institutes in predominantly Hindu regions, under the pretext of giving education to poor Muslims. They are furthering their agenda by facilitating Business and Land Jihad. Erstwhile, Congress Government in Andhra had approved an Islamic University to be set up in Tirupati, due to public pressure they were forced to push it on the back burner and now the matter is in court, but it keeps coming up from time to time.

Now that we have understood various types of Jihad unleashed upon India, its clear to see the impending danger. What’s a possibility in India is almost certain to happen in Western Europe, in a matter of two decades France and UK will turn Islamic majority; all thanks to appeasement politics in the name of secularism.

Need of the hour

It is imperative to sensitize Hindus about this impending danger of Islamic Jihad and to expose the role of Media in the whole conspiracy. Following  steps must be taken to ward off any threat before it’s too late

-Improve dialogue  with all sections of Hindus, highlight more on common threads than difference and get organized as a community.

-Participate in joint community based efforts to educate more people about the looming threat and agenda against them.

-Be watchful of changes taking place around, be it a new Masjid, Madrassa or graveyard coming up.

-Forge consensus in you locality against renting out houses or office premises to any unknown person without doing adequate background check or against giving employment to illegal Bangladeshis Immigrants (in fact the police and all relevant authorities should be informed, this would create a proof and ground for their deportation)

-Whenever you see a new Muslim Ghetto getting established in your locality, bring it to the notice of local authorities to check for encroachment.

-And lastly, stay united as Hindus (brushing aside ego, caste and regional differences) and regularly make representation to the local governments for issues concerning Hindus. Keep in mind that no political party ever takes a casual and an unorganized voter group seriously. So be organised to be counted.

Always remember, the other side can only push you to the wall if you allow them to, so be aware, organised and develop the strength to push back. It’s still not too late.

Shimla Rape Case: Why people failed to believe SIT and State Government?


“I always suggested my daughter to be careful from wild animals. I could be good if I suggested him to be careful from human”, this pain was expressed by father of High school girl named as Gudia. Gudia (name changed) was gang raped and murdered in Shimla.

On 4th July, 2017; there was a sports’ day in school (located in Mahasu, 6km away from Gudia’s home in Shirgali village of Kotkhai area), in which Gudia’s brother participated. Like any other usual day, her brother and she were travelling alone from home to school then school to home. The route between her home and school consisted of Halila forest area.

On that day (4th July), both had told their parents that they would stay at their relative’s home after the sports function ended. But, as Gudia didn’t participate, she decided to return home. At 4 o’clock, function ended and she left for home while her brother decided to stay at relative’s home. On the way to home, she was travelling alone through forest area. She didn’t reach home. After two days, Her body was found naked in Halila forest. Deputy Superintendent of police (DSP) Theog Manoj Joshi reached the spot and sent the body for postmortem. “We are not ruling out the possibility of rape of the minor,” he said.

Story by police, “She left school around 4 o’clock, but his brother stayed at a relative’s home. They both convinced their parents that they would stay, but she decided to come home. She alone left the school. On the way, Raju (the van driver) asked her for lift near Halila forest area. When she refused, he pulled her in the van and drove to deep forest area. All six along with Raju were drunk, they brutally gang raped her then murdered her to hide her identity.”

Story by Suraj (One of the accused), “She was walking alone and we were drunk. Raju suddenly planned to pull her in the van and he raped her. While he was planning to kill her, she begged all to leave her. She also begged that if we wanted, we could do whatever we wanted but leave her because she wanted to live. She was also begging by giving assurance that she would not tell anyone about this incidence. But, Raju was in a mental state to kill her. According to Raju, if she would be alive, we would have to be ashamed publicly.”

What people say, “We are confirmed about the fact that the police and government are hiding real culprits. These six are prey in this case. Real culprit has not been arrested yet”.

Why people’s point makes sense?

  • The girl was missing on 4th July, her parents started search and also informed Kotkhai police, but police did not register the FIR.
  • After 2 days, On 8th July, a body was found in Halil forest. People informed police.
  • Police were late to reach at the spot. They reached 5 hours late after the information was conveyed by the people. Meanwhile, people gathered at the spot from where body was recovered.
  • After 120 hours, Police had no clue about unidentified accused.
  • People came on road to demand for justice.
  • Police said that they gang raped her and killed her. After the crime, they flew from the spot. Police wiped out the fact and was not able to clarify that how shocks of decreased found in Ashish’s house.
  • Ashish is the son of a big apple traders of the area. According to the locals, Police was trying to put a curtain on him. His father paid huge bribe to spare his son. Kotkhai police role should be under observation.
  • State Government formed SIT to get a break down in this case.
  • Hindustan Times reports, “On July 13, police had claimed a breakthrough in the rape and murder of a minor school girl whose naked body was found in isolated woods in Kotkhai Tehsil’s Halaila village. The six accused were identified as Ashish Chauhan (29), Rajinder Singh (32) of Sharaal village, Subash Singh Bisht (42) of Pauri Garhwal, Suraj Singh (29) of Nepal, Lok Jan (19) of Nepal and Deepak (38) of Garhwal. Bisht is a priest in a temple at Pauri Garhwal. They were produced before a court in Theog and sent to seven-day police remand. All the six arrested were kept in police custody in Kotkhai. The police is tight-lipped over the matter but sources have confirmed to Hindustan Times that Singh, a Nepalese national, died due to “strangulation”. His body was brought to IGMC, Shimla, for postmortem”.

“Suraj Singh has died”, confirmed Shimla superintendent of police (SP) DW Negi.

  • On 18th July, Suraj was killed by another accused Raju in suspicious conditions. Police is not able to clarify that why they had put all accused in one cell only.
  • Subsequently, entire staff of Kotkhai was transferred by state government!
  • If her body was there in the forest after rape, how is it possible that wild animals did not harm?
  • Police theory says, her clothes were near her body. There was raining from the day she was missing, why her clothes did not have a single mud spot?
  • There were two or three families residing in range of 200 meters, from where body was recovered. As per police theory, she was raped at the place where her body was recovered. But how is it possible that no one heard her voice?
  • CM Facebook page, released a message of arrest, then why same was deleted?

The big question is: To whom police and state government is protecting? After wiping out the evidence, state government transferred the case from SIT to CBI on Friday 21st July.

The whole story by police seems to be doubtful. Is the outrage of locals true? So, where is the main accused? Will justice be served to Gudia?

Who cries when a Hindu dies?


Last week, when a bus full of Amarnath Yatris were attacked by militants in Kashmir, there was a huge outpour of emotions from people across the country. This tragic incident which left 7 dead and more than 20 people injured, again showed the dark face of terrorism. People are angry with this dastardly attack and rightly so. This anger builds up when they get to listen to statements like “Terrorism has no religion”. The so called seculars keep harping on this point.

But their rant does no good because even if terrorism has no religion, the fact is that terrorists do. It is in the name of religion only, that these brainwashed Jihadi-Wahabi-Salafi groups operate upon. One could have understood the point made by secularists that terrorism has no religion if these cases have been like a one-off incident. But in 9 out of 10 cases of terrorism, one finds out that a Muslim is behind such an activity. This is not just the case in India, the phenomenon is true globally.

Yes, it is agreed that an entire religion is not bad and all religions give the message of spreading peace and harmony. But one can’t turn their face away from the harsh realities just because it puts a question mark on people following a particular religion. For centuries, there has been a lot of violence in the name of Jihad. The religion got spread throughout the world through the use of force, bloodshed and religious wars in the last millennium. Because there was no concept of nation-state then, these acts were just referred as ‘holy wars’ and were not seen through the prism of ‘terrorism’ as we see it today.

Many Islamic scholars, academicians, politicians have time and again said in their usual catchphrase that, “There is no place for terrorism in Islam”. The question is that why most of the terrorist organizations like ISIS, Al Qaeda, Lashkar-e-taiba have been indulging in terrorism in the name of their religion? In Islam, people following other Abrahamic religions like Judaism and Christianity are called ‘Dhimmi’, while people having non-Abrahamic faith have been called ‘Kafir’, which is used as an abuse by people following Islam.

This framework puts all the Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains and Parsis under the ‘Kafir’ category, because none of these religions are of Abrahamic faiths. Muslim rulers in India couldn’t put Hindus under ‘Kafir’ category simply because of the sheer size of Hindu population. Coming back to the present, Kashmir has again been the place of terrorist activity and it has been so since almost three decades now. Cross border terrorism along with home grown terrorism has made such a beautiful place a zone of violence. Both cross border and home grown anti-social elements are people with Islamic radical ideologies.

One point to be noted here is that, Kashmir is the only state in India with majority Muslim population where the minority Hindu population had to undergo mass exodus when Kashmiri Pandits were forced to leave the valley. Anyone who tries questioning the attacks on Hindus are comfortably labelled as a ‘Sanghi’ or a ‘Right Wing element’. Does the majority Hindu population have no rights? Are the human rights only for the minorities?

Last month, many people gathered at Jantar Mantar against the incidents of lynching. People were carrying banners and placards where it was written ‘Not in my Name’. This type of event not only happened in Delhi but in many cities. These groups are trying to showcase that the majority Hindu population have become radicalized and anti-Muslim. Why didn’t this brigade carry out the same hue and cry when the Amarnath Yatris were killed? Weren’t they innocent people?

Everytime a Muslim is killed, beaten or harmed in anyway, some people always try to make it a point that it was because the person was Muslim, which is why he got in the harm’s way. Mostly, the reasons come out to be quite different from what is popularized as propaganda. This propaganda is then internationalized by feeding stories to the international media. This brings bad name to the country. One thing that can’t be understood about the liberal’s logic is that whenever Hindus retaliate against the harm done towards them, it is seen as completely unacceptable by secular groups.

The hypocrisy of these groups is evident with the fact that when someone makes cartoons or says something disrespectful against Hindu gods and goddesses, these groups don’t shed a tear and take it very casual. While, if someone makes slanderous remarks on Prophet Mohammed or the Holy Quran, these groups gather together to condemn these acts. Yes, these acts should be condemned but why not condemn when the same thing is done against Hindu deities?

A Hindu’s faith is often not respected in this very country, where they are in majority. The murky politics of beef eating is going on since long. When people know that it hurts the Hindu sentiments if someone eats beef and cows are slaughtered, why then the other communities are hell bent to hurt the sentiments of the majority Hindu community. For long, this thing has been going on where the sentiments of Hindus are hurt knowingly in the name of freedom to express and freedom to eat.

Politics of Muslim appeasement by petty politicians for gaining votes went on since decades, which gave an impetus for these groups to intentionally do things which are disrespectful to the Hindu community. All this is changing now, because the current government doesn’t believe in appeasing Muslims for vote-bank. This government believes in calling spade a spade, sooner or later, the pseudo-secular groups hypocrisy would be exposed to the masses.

Is Hindu a victim?


Election of Shri Narendra Modi as Prime Minister has sparked off an expected intolerance narrative among illiberal in lutyens media and their sympathizers across the border. Even a heinous act of brutal murder of pilgrims does not mellow their rhetoric. Recent blog, by one of ring leader of the lutyens gang, is provocative. The pivotal question the blog tries to answer “Is Hindu a victim?” but instead it is superficial attempt to peddle hackneyed narrative about Muslim victim hood.

From Bali to San Bernardino, most terror attacks in past 25 years have been carried out by the radical Islamists seeking world domination. After each attack victims and citizenry, showing exasperation at how the perpetrators were known to the community and how they had no reason to commit such heinous crimes, are branded Islamophobes or racists. Activists like Rana Ayyub or Linda Sarsour seem much more concerned at perceived Islamophobia than Islamists using their religion to commit heinous crimes. Then they declare terror has no religion and throw out statistics showing how Muslims are themselves victims of terror, forgetting that these are numbers coming from Islamic nations like Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya etc. There is no RSS in West Asia, Europe or Africa, one wonders what could be the reason for the mess?

Now flip the situation and bring a few Gau Rakshaks to the mix, the commentary turns polar opposite. Petty crimes like robbery, quarrel over seat all turn into “Saffron terror”, which is more dangerous to Idea of India than Radical Islamic terror (though it has taken 10000s of lives) as per a Princeling. And as per one US based commentator who is good at “mind reading” than journalism, “Hindus talking about ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ actually want to kick Muslims out of India”. As UPA era conspiracy to foist fake terror cases to implicate RSS tumble out, it’s becoming more clear the diabolical nightmarish scenario that the Lutyens media were weaving to scare people to vote a certain way.

From Kashmir to Kairana, increasingly trends show once Hindus have exodus an area as they became minority and got persecuted, they haven’t returned back. When they have been violently attacked be it Amarnath or Godhra, the illiberal commentators have been short of words or found conspiracy theories to create doubts to benefit the perpetrators. Fact is across India the Hindu experiences no fear from the Muslims, but is threatened by Islamists like Zakir Naik who want to complete the unfinished business. It took regime change to finally reveal the evil deeds of the hate monger, who till recently was cynosure of his community.

Hindus are governed by personal laws set by Parliament, places of worships managed by Babus and politicians, educational institutions buckling under Right to Education law to name a few. These rules are not applied to minorities despite being secular democracy, but Hindus have patiently lived through them without raising a voice or resorting to violence. Also Sachar Committee has revealed that despite of 60 years of rule by parties that believed in Muslims had first right to resources, the community has progressed very little. This phenomenon is not localized, even in the Western countries the community has not progressed as well as others, despite several affirmative government programs.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, set to overtake Christianity in few decades, and it is easy to see that higher birth rates has been fueling this rapid growth. But Indian commentators chose to ignore the fact that world today is global village, and information is on the finger tips of citizenry. The hegemony on the narrative which until recently was preserve of few has ended with advent of Social media. Fake news has very short lifespan, as truth comes out faster than ever, unlike in the past when cobwebs would get formed around the truth.