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HomeOpinionsComplicit silence in the 1990s: How 'The Kashmir Files' exposed the sold-out media

Complicit silence in the 1990s: How ‘The Kashmir Files’ exposed the sold-out media

One wonders in what way, regular calls from Muslim mosques over loudspeakers to incite local Muslims to drive away Hindus or convert them to Islam or kill them on their refusal to convert can pass off as the Kashmir population’s will to seek independence.

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I am recently retired technocrat , who has taken interest in to National politics since 2013 as a participant in support Modi  mass movement . I write  counter blogs mainly to  pick holes in the malicious campaigns by   the notorious anti modi  lobby .

When there was a small incident on a train in post-2014 India and in a scuffle between two individuals a Muslim boy got seriously injured, then when in a village due to misunderstanding that a missing cow-calf was stolen from the neighbourhood by a Muslim the villagers ended up killing the Muslim in a fight and very recently when in a village called Hatras a Dalit girl was allegedly raped and done to death – We witnessed the country‘s  Mainstream Print media as well as TV channels and the self-acclaimed liberals in social media and news columns making so much of ruckus over the atrocities meted out to minority and Dalit community. They were fervently vying for the attention of the outside world and the govt.  

In the Dadri episode, the Mafia of celebrity intellectuals in order to get the attention of the world and the central govt (even though the state govt of  UP was under different party rule ) renounced their prestigious National awards to indict the Modi govt. In the case of Hathras, the entire who is who of TV channels made it to Hatras to report the plight of a hapless Dalit girl. Some discarded journalists from Mainstream media running their own rag-tag YouTube channels set up their news coverage centre in the nearby sugar cane fields, to draw the attention of the world. The media had gathered in Hatras in all readiness as if they had prescient knowledge about the event to unfold.

In the backdrop of the above event juxtaposed with the events of the Kashmir which everyone is shocked to learn from the Kashmir files movie – one wonders, what was the role of the media then? Who controlled the media? The very fact that the majority of the population who were adults then during the 1980-90 period but still were unaware of the gory human massacre till recently, points to this conclusion that more than the politicians and the political parties, the Media failed the Kashmiri Hindus. Was it the case of Indian prime Media having been bought over by Pak ISI which was printing Indian currency in Pakistan or was it the threat to life from the militants, perceived by the so-called brave journalists that they failed to bring out the truth about Kashmir genocide? In fact, on the contrary, they tried to establish an alternate narrative that Kashmir was boiling with the freedom movement of the locals. Freedom from Indian oppression and freedom to seek their own identity.

One wonders in what way, regular calls from Muslim mosques over loudspeakers to incite local Muslims to drive away Hindus or convert them to Islam or kill them on their refusal to convert can pass off as the Kashmir population’s will to seek independence. A religious radicalization was mischievously being labelled as Kashmir’s independence movement. The ultra anti-India authors from anti-Hindu syndicates write, “The case for Kashmir’s freedom“ book to push the agenda of their paymasters. This gang of fake narrative peddlers have convinced the outside world that the Indian security forces, which sacrificed so much to fight the insurgency in Kashmir, mercilessly ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­engaged in ­­­­­­­­rape and killing of Kashmiris and that the atrocities of Indian security forces have further consolidated the resolve of innocent rifle-wielding and grenade throwing Kashmiri youth to separate from India.

Today if you refer to Wikipedia on Kashmir militancy, you will find the mention of atrocities of Indian security forces. This traitorous and treacherous gang of crooks calling themselves Liberals presented an unreal picture of Kashmir to the outside world and the rest of India.  ­­­­­How can these crooks of media masquerading as Liberals and champions of human rights could be at peace with their conscience and snatch a good night’s sleep?  Many of us who have seen the movie are unable to get sleep and are guilt-ridden that we could do nothing to our hapless brothers who suffered so much at the hands of jihadists.

Now, these obnoxious media personalities are up in arms against Vivek Agnihotri and his team, because their bluff has been called off. Their fake narratives have begun to peel off. One good thing done by Vivek Agnihotri was that pending opening up of theatres in India they decided to take the screening to foreign soil. The crooked agenda drivers of the sold media were caught unaware. The western Nation’s politicians and diplomats who had been brainwashed with the fake narrative on Kashmir are realizing the entire folly behind the so-called Kashmir freedom movement trying to camouflage the religious radicalization.

Entire India remains in gratitude to this brave filmmaker, who has posed so many questions to this Media mafia and exposed their unscrupulous agenda. Even now these Media mercenaries are fighting tooth and nail to challenge the film and its authenticity with countercharges that it is propaganda material in the direction of wresting advantage for 2024 polls. Try as they may the Hindu consolidation juggernaut has started moving and it would become unstoppable. Even If they buy out movie theatres Nationalist OTT platforms like Zee5 and scores of other channels, however, would ensure that every Indian sees it and every westerner would set aside his prejudiced and preconceived ideas about the Indian government’s initiatives in Kashmir.

Fortunately, post-2014 few media channels with Nationalistic values have sprung up and are challenging and exposing the dubious narratives of this unscrupulous anti-Hindu media coterie, but for which the spine chilling and gruesome facets of atrocities perpetrated by the Islamic bigots could have been hushed up by them permanently.        

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I am recently retired technocrat , who has taken interest in to National politics since 2013 as a participant in support Modi  mass movement . I write  counter blogs mainly to  pick holes in the malicious campaigns by   the notorious anti modi  lobby .
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