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HomeOpinionsSoros, Jairam Ramesh and his ‘Nehruvian Legacy’: Part-II

Soros, Jairam Ramesh and his ‘Nehruvian Legacy’: Part-II

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When Ford Foundation had got into trouble with newly elected Modi govt. in the center, American deep state sent an operative named John Podesta to troubleshoot the ‘problems in Indian democracy.’

John Podesta was – and is – an arch left-liberal manipulator from American Military-Political-Industrial-Intelligence Complex. He’d worked top jobs all the way back in Bill-Clinton administration. He worked in Obama administration and when it came to a close, he’d gone back to work for Clintons, but this time, for Hillary Clinton’s presidential run.

So we know where he stands.

John Podesta, ultimately helped deliver the not-so-subtle barrage of threats from American State Department to an India finally deciding to run according to Indians’ will and democratic mandate.

1st was their US Ambassador to India, ironically a traitorous Hindu named Richard Verma, who warned his fellow Hindus on 5th May 2015, “I read with some concern the recent press reports on challenges faced by NGOs operating in India… Because a vibrant civil society is so important to both of our democratic traditions, I do worry about the potentially chilling effects of these regulatory steps focused on NGOs.”

Perhaps strategic deployment of a Hindu against a Hindu was deliberate because in April, US State Department spokesperson Marie Harf had bluntly said: that the US remained “concerned about the difficulties caused to civil society organisations” after suspension of Greenpeace and restrictions on Ford Foundation.

The Indian reaction to those threats were along the predictable lines. Not just in govt. but even the desi media sensed it. Even CIA pet Ford Foundation itself understood the blunder its masters had made. An Email containing notes prepared by FF on these developments was shared with Podesta, which said: “It is very possible that the interventions by the USG [US government] did not go down well at all, especially those carried out in public,” it said. “Lack of subtlety and nuance—or at least none perceived,” was the denouncement from Ford Foundation, according to Business Standard

The US’s public statements were criticized in the foundation’s background notes as being rather tone-deaf. “It was all delivered as very general concern, tied to respecting civil society and the usual American narrative about threats to democracy in other countries and how other governments should behave, not “we understand and respect your concerns about Ford, but it would be great to resolve this in ways that serve all our interests”.

Biggest of all was this which was filed under “talking points” handed over to Podesta by Ford Foundation to “convey” them over to Indian government:

The Ford Foundation wanted Podesta to convey to Indian interlocutors that a “long and rudderless process driven only by the bureaucracy won’t play out well”. The message was clear: “Your Home Affairs Ministry has made it all but impossible for Ford to operate although senior officials – including the PM’s Principal Secretary – have assured the foundation’s president and Narayana Murthy that India wants Ford to continue to operate in India”.

The line to be pursued by Podesta was that an over-eager bureaucracy should not push India into joining the international community’s rogues’ gallery. “If that’s indeed to case, I have to say, unintended bureaucratic snarls could lead this to spiral in a direction that’s very difficult to walk back. It would be a shame if India ended up in the tiny ‘club’ of nations that have forced the Ford Foundation to depart – Mugabe’s Zimbabwe, Pinochet’s Chile, Nigeria under military dictatorship,” said the section under ‘talking points’.

Anyway, since we know western Deep State is rarely defeated due to lack of subtlety when it’s on a threat-mongering spree against its own ‘democratic allies’, the situation, somehow “magically” resolved itself, by the “magic touch” of John Podesta. And Ford Foundation board trustee Thurgood Marshall Junior profusely thanked  Podesta for his ‘magical’ intervention, via an email which reads thus:

“I learned from Foundation President Darren Walker during a sidebar discussion of your pivotal assistance with the Indian Prime Minister. Remarkable – You never cease to amaze. Thanks – I remain a loyal member of the Podesta Fan Club and in your debt for being one of my best bosses and colleagues,” the e-mail reads.

“I am only too happy to have avoided the nitty gritty on the India issue but I was relieved and pleasantly surprised by the swift positive turn of events — hence my recent conversation on the topic with Darren who identified you as a primary reason for the positive turn. Hes been a fabulous colleague — a law school classmate of Begala, by the way,” Marshall further added.

As part of this ‘Podesta magic touch’, the solution suggested a ‘face-saving exit’ for Indian government from this controversy. Which meant Ford Foundation finally registering itself under FEMA act. As if it was not mandatory but ‘charity’ – pun definitely intended.

A couple more painful and unresolved mysteries from that explosive revelation remain to this day. Like: when Ford Foundation was put on a Watch-List, it appears that it was a deliberate govt. move to not communicate to them their changed status back to earth from santwa aasman accorded to them by congress government. But, it was a ‘Journalist’ which tipped Ford Foundation off about it, thus enabling them to change their strategy and harming Indian national interest.

Who was that traitor ‘Journalist’?

Nobody knows.

Another issue was Ford Foundation’s insider info that was mentioned in the email: “It was apparently the Intelligence Bureau’s evaluation which stopped Modi from following through on his initial instincts to “send us (foundation) packing”. “IIB (Indian Intelligence Bureau) warned that it did not have strong enough evidence to justify that,” the background note says. Modi’s political advisers also tallied up the “risks, of say, an embarrassing defeat for the government in court”

Thus the decision to place us on a watch list, a relatively standard move related to the treatment of Greenpeace and others,” it said, referring to the suspension of FCRA license and the freezing of the bank accounts of the environmental NGO.n court”.

So the most damning question is: How did Ford Foundation ended up knowing what was very likely a top secret confidential assessment of our Internal security apparatus regarding this American Deep State arm?

But anyway, these are the un-answered questions.

What is, however, a clearly answered question nobody bothered to ask since last 60+ years regarding the “Nehruvian Legacy” mentioned by Jairam Ramesh concerning foreign NGOs, was what Xav Briggs, Ford Foundation Vice President in Delhi wrote in an email to John Podesta:

“We see scrutiny and compliance as legitimate and important everywhere we work. We look forward to working things out constructively. I briefly explained our long-standing exceptional status vs the recent steps Gates took to register in India — merely as an example. And Modi is no fan of Nehru. Invoking that personal invite long ago is not our best card to play.

“Acting privileged is not our approach to this,” he said in the email.

This, my friends, is what “Nehruvian Legacy” is all about when it comes to NGOs/Foreign spies. “Personally inviting” and “privileging” foreign western/ American Deep State to run amok outside publicly mandated government checks and balances, giving them a free run to wage war against Hindus inside what they were foolishly led to believe was end of white western colonialism in their newly born country with Nehru’s tryst of destiny speech.

And that legacy continued, even after Nehru’s death.

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